Second Chance Match… a book review

Ok so I am two for two on difficult library reads… Second Chance Match by Arlene James (of the Chatam House series) was a well written Christian romance but I had a bit of a struggle to get through it. I am not sure if this is because it is one in what I assume is the middle of the series or just the content didn’t speak to me, but I honestly got this book way before Fresh-Start Ranch and had struggled to completely finish it. 

The main character is a single mom Jessa who has moved to a new town to start over with her young son. Sadly the home she has been promised has also been promised to Garrett. Both have a business plan for the old Victorian and are stubborn and strong people. Or at least they seem so on the surface. 

I found that the idea of their businesses complimenting each other (wee bit of a spoiler) came to me INSTANTLY. I was not overly fond of the way the characters were written, but that may have been because BOTH parties had LARGE secrets they were withholding from each other. The element of a child was not unwelcome and the people around the main characters were definitely unique. I think I would have enjoyed this one MORE if I had read a previous volume. 

There IS a strong faith element to the story and definitely multiple tense moments towards the end. So it does call to someone on the look out for these themes in a story. I just think this is NOT the story for me. But I did find some satisfaction out of the ending. If you DO read this story please let me know what you think, I am always curious to hear other opinions. 51lt3ZiSYwL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_

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