Season of Joy… a Book Review

Sometimes you just click a book because of its title… Season of Joy was one of those relatively lucky finds. I was hunting for Christmas and Christmas related books and DVDs for the kids and this popped up with its pretty winter cover. Season of Joy is another in the Love Inspired romances, this one is by Virginia Carmichael. 

Season of Joy centers around an inner city shelter in Denver run by Grant Monoham, unrecognized son of one of the wealthiest (and most unscrupulous) men in the state. Enter CEO and new Christian Calista Sheffield who is determined to make a difference where it counts in her life and recreate herself and her life. Her first choice in this venture – volunteering at the shelter. 

This light romance has a bit of a mystery around Grant’s father, the shelter and the future. Calista is at a crossroads and is managing her life as a CEO and as a volunteer. There are broken hearts, damaged spirits and lonely souls in this story. Faith is tested as is pride and personal strength. 

I did enjoy that in this story there was two strong independent souls both just trying to be better than they have been. Of course there is a definite fight against love and a fear of commitment on one side or another. It is seasonal of course… lovely Christmas spirit and the ending is equally sweet. 

So, a bit of a change from the single parent… baby dropped off.. etc story. There ARE children in the shelter’s daycare and amazing volunteers/staff to meet. I really did enjoy the location of this book (well the main location). I found the issues with the estranged father a little out of my taste for my light reading but it was nothing too extreme. All in all a good read. 51pO3or8KFL._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_

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