Upcoming Birthday

Birthdays are such a tricky thing – I am sneaking up on my 27th birthday! Now what makes them tricky is the reaction the individual celebrating it has. For some each birthday marks a receeding youth, another reminder that you are not as young as you used to be or wish you were. For others it is a movement to maturity (generally that feeling stops when you hit legal drinking age – 18 here in Alberta LOL)… myself, it is a reminder of how blessed I am. For 27 years I have loved, learned, had moments of joy, moments of pride, moments of loving and being loved. Of course I have also felt disapointment, anger, sadness, loss, fear… but the good and the bad together – that is truly living.
In fact in the past 6/7 years I have fallen in love, got engaged, married, had 3 lovely boys… Friday we celebrated our 5th anniversary, the weekend before our third son was welcomed to the church…
Of course there has been plenty to NOT be happy about… my dad lives far away – where I know he is happy but I miss him dearly, my grandfathers both died the year before we got married… I was especially close to my dad’s dad. Days have been long, times have been tough but I have grown… I truly believe we are the product of our livesĀ – but WE have the ability to take those experiences both good AND bad and shape who we are… the question at the end of the day is whether or not we like the result – and if we do not the lovely thing about life is that we can make new deicisions and improve on the person we are.
In the meantime I just keep telling myself THEY WILL NOT BE TWO FOREVER LOL

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