Condominiums, Townhouses – the Canadian Dream??

Ok so we are falling for what for us could be termed the "Canadian Dream"… the owning of property – but in our case an attatched building. Neither of us have ANY interest in exterior maintenance… Now comes a couple of problems: #1 – we don’t have a heck of alot of money – ok we have like NO money and 3 kids and debt… and #2 – we did see something we liked and when Ken called about it – even the ones barely framed are SOLD SOLD SOLD!! ACK… it is a seller’s market right now, but Ken figures it is best to get in on buying before the market really gets outrageous. That, and 5 people in a 2 bedroom apartment (I kid you not), even with the twins sharing a room (their lot in life I am afraid) is undeniably CRAZY so we need to find a bigger – thus more expensive – place anyway! The idea being that a mortgage payment would most likely be comparable to that of a bigger place. Why not right? However the agent Ken talked to said he didn’t have ANY condos or townhouses for sale – so Ken is going in tomorrow to chat with him and then check out the 5 other realtor places. So, who knows, maybe we will luck out sooner than later – course it DOES depend on financing (the big scarey unknown – you know??)…We MUST have no less than 3 bedrooms — ooh and a REAL kitchen – not just a hallway with a stove etc. — maybe even TWO bathrooms (oh the bliss). So right now it feels a little like a pipe dream… but I have faith in Ken – I know he will try hard to get the best for our family.
The twins had their second speech appointment which went better than last time. I really think we are on the right track.
Two weeks and 2 days and Emanuel and I are off to South Carolina and a REAL vacation!!! Can you feel the excitement??? hehe

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