Monday Musings

This must be our week of good news. First Ken got his night job and now the speech therapist is very happy with the twins’ progression. Not only are they saying the odd word but they are now concistently signing "more" when they want things… I am working on "please" and "milk". The therapist thinks that one of the reasons words just seem to slip out is that the boys are shy… they talk when they feel secure. What a wonderful way to start the week – with the knowledge that your kids are doing well.
Emanuel, on the other hand, is not doing so hot. Last night he had a horrible time falling asleeo and today he seem to have a cold. Hopefully he will sleep better tonight. We made up some baby food tonight – pureed apples and carrots. Emanuel tried the apple today – I think I am going to have to mix it in with the oatmeal. We plan on doing potatoes after I get my mom’s strainer.
We also have to start making and chilling the dough for the cookies – I am planning on making 20 dozen minimum so we need to cook them over time. I also have to get food colouring and maybe some sprinkles. Ken and I are planning on doing them withOUT the help of the twins. Maybe next year they can help.
We are planning on putting up the twins’ paper chains tomorrow night, and I hope to coerce Ken into putting up the twinkle lights in the patio window in the livingroom this week. Time to take down the non-seasonal nicknacks to replace with the Christmas ones.
Well at the very least time for bed for me!

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