Aches, Pains and the Joys of Raising Boys

Today the twins went to their first dental appointment, because they were shy it was more of an orientation where they sat in Ken’s lap and the dentist talked to them, gave them stickers and new toothbrushes. So no pictures and another appointment scheduled for the 22nd of March. They were so impressed by their new brushes I had to let them nap with them. Until their next appointment we are supposed to lay them down once a day and take a damp toothbrush and brush their teeth like you are supposed to so they get used to the idea. It cost us $8.00 each and we do not have to pay again for the next appointment. I guess the dentist said the most times any kid has had to go back until they were comfortable enough to sit for the appointment is 5 times – generally it is no more than 2.
Tomorrow is our weekly shopping, after my big run on Saturday it should be nice and quick though we also have to go to Walmart. We have decided to have our special take out tomorrow night. We are also going to finally take down the decorations in the livingroom – the balloons are still surprisingly full but it is time. Ken also had to deflate Emanuel’s helium balloon for me to put in his memory box. The twins are still going to my mom’s so we are not going to make it to the scheduled twin group meeting. There has not been one in months but I think a couple of the moms are going to start trying to make it. Until Ken’s toe is healed we really cannot risk having him watch after the boys while they and other kids are running around, plus it is our only free night. I have to try and remember to go to the storage unit to get the Learning House and drop off more bottles. Man is Ken going to have his work cut out for him when his foot is healed.
This afternoon was a little rough. I waited too long to take Motrin for my cramped legs and side (monthly ugh). After supper Ken called my mom and had her come over and watch the kids while I napped and he did some work he had left over. It was really nice, then I was able to have a nice long soak.
I ordered the twins’ wallet pictures and the 8X10 to replace their 2yr old one on the wall. Next week I will order Emanuel’s and then all I have to do is type out my letter to go with them and wait on the reprint of Emanuel’s potrait package. I think I have a pretty good idea who all is getting which pictures.
I really need to get to the city to go to Michaels, there is only one place in town that sells DMC floss and it is almost 3 times more expensive… that and I need to get some scrapbooking supplies I cannot get here. I don’t think we have any plans to go though. Bah.
According to Ken that website I mentioned previously that we are going to use to sell pc parts (well Ken is doing basically all of it) should be up very soon. I will post a link when he gets it up. Hopefully it will help us out a little financially. His toe is also improving, once it stops throbbing when he does any extended walking around he is going to try going back to night shift.
Thursday we have the book lady coming again. That will be nice for the boys. Emanuel has been slowly trying the milk, still not happy with it but he takes a sip here and there. He does LOVE the cookies though. Hard to believe how fast our baby is growing up!

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