Sunny Thursday… FINALLY

We got a lovely envelope in the mail today with a note and a cheque from Ken’s folks. Money for the twins’ and Emanuel’s birthdays! As well as a little belated Christmas cash. The timing is wonderful. I was able to pick up a nice tv table (like you see on tv – the Table-Mate) and we can buy the twins nice scooters or trikes when I was a little worried about us having the extra cash in May for them. So mommy and daddy got them the helmets and Nana and Baba the wheels! Not sure what we will get Emanuel.
The twins went to the dentist again today – this time she got a rather good look. Zander has a spot on one tooth that could be the beginnings of a cavity – it looks like it was with one of my back molars – it grew in weak. But if we brush it well with flouride toothpaste we should not need to take him in for a filling YAY. They need to go back on May for the actual cleaning, hopefully that will be the end of it.
Emanuel is basically walking around at times… he still prefers crawling though. He is clapping and waving and laughing and today made and almost "more" sign – more of a clap but copying what I was doing! He is so alert he was copying the reading lady today she was so impressed. Our last session is next week! Today she even brought paints and brushes though only Zander was willing to try Gavin just watched. We are really going to miss our boo time once a week. She is planning on us decorating eggs and her bringing some plastic ones to hide. Ken is planning on being here for that last session. Luckily our coming to the end of the program coincides with the weather perking right up. It was so cute when she waved her arms like a butterfly and Emanuel did too. Unlike the twins he LIKES playing patti cake. The other two are so stubborn and really not into that kind of play or pretending. Such different personalities.
We got some sad news this week – one of Karyn’s goldfish – Larry died! He was ANCIENT for a goldfish (I think she got him early in university) and got HUGE. So now it is just Bob swimming solo. I have debated getting some fish – maybe I will this summer, some neons or something to liven up the place. Man do I miss having a cat!!! I need to visit Christine and meet her newest edition… she now has FOUR!
Poor Emanuel, when the book lady was here she was blowing up balloons and letting them go to whiz around, Emanuel’s hand started to shake after the second time and the third he decided to cry!! Poor liitle man, though once she blew him up a little one to smack around he was ok. Just hates them whizzing around and that loud sound I think. She was so worried she had traumatized him. Though when one of the boys went to squish one I smacked my hands over my ears and turned away before I caught myself! I just HATE the popping of balloons!
It has been a wee bit of a stressful day, kids were grumpy and Ken and I have been discussing our plans in general. Money, family, problems amongst our friends…same old same old but still add to that teething Emanuel and we are tired. Hopefully some sleep tonight and a weekend with Ken and the boys will perk me up!
The sexiest thing in the world is to be totally naked with your wedding band on.
actress Debra Winger

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