What a Weekend!

Well lets see… teething kids (all 3 – the twins are getting in molars), Zander having a fever Saturday night (so we stayed home from church to be sure he was ok), groceries to pick up, a bed for the twins, Emanuel becoming less and less our wee baby… It is only today that I finally have the time and energy to write.
In fact Friday and Saturday I was in bed early, Ken let me sleep in a bit all weekend (sad that for us 9am is sleeping in!) but Emanuel is sleeping later now – 8/8:30 to as late as 6:30 and has taken to playing in the crib in the morning for a bit! He has also taken to napping longer in the afternoon and has become a bit more perky through out the day. He even surprised us and Saturday drank over an oz of his Vanilla Soy Milk!!! It is not concistant but he is more willing!
My poor back is screaming a bit today – Zander decided to thrash around a bit while being carried and twinged my lower back, I really need to get some new nursing bras, the ones I do have are losing their elasticity round the rib cage and are actually now a little big since Emanuel is only nursing 2-3 times a day. Next Month I should be able to go to Walmart and get something new – won’t fit perfectly since I am small around the ribcage and large in cup but it will life better and hopefully decreas my instances of back pain.
Well here it is night and I forgot I had saved this as a draft.. I will post and work on catching up tomorrow.. must rest back OW OW OW

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