
What an end to a way too busy week or two – 3 kids sick as well as myself. This morning Zander and Gavin each threw up, Emanuel has the runs and I feel like I have been hit by a mac truck. UGH… So no walking to the bank for this crew. I guess I will just have to keep fingers crossed it is a brief bug and go tomorrow. Gavin is feverish (Zander was yesterday) and rather lethargic… Emanuel though up by 6 am went back to bed after 7 and Zander… well he is the only one who wants to run around and be active. So far we have breakfasted on soda crackers and water. I am trying to avoid the idea of milk all together.
We have had a busy long weekend – Saturday morning we took the kids to the splash park – they had a blast. This time with buckets… Sunday was Canada Day – we spent half the afternoon at the local museum. There was a train ride (the twins went on it, cried at first but had fun towards the end), games, music (we heard a neat African drumming group), cotton candy, and the museum. Karyn came into town to hang out with us, my mom came along and did most of the work with the twins and Sharon Bleau brought her two kids (Amanda Davey and her kids couldn’t make it since the hubbies are gone to Montreal and they took the carseats with them OOPS!). We tried to go to Subway after but the one downtown was closed so we made do at Wendy’s/Tim Hortons. Monday was another busy day – another morning at the splash park (we find if we go in the morning there is next to no one there – it is after 11 people start coming), then lunch at Subway, off to the city and some shopping – Micheals and Toys R Us – we got Emanuel a Pocoyo dolly! Stopping in to visit Karyn at her apartment and then an informal celebration of Isabella’s 2nd birthday – more a playdate. By the time we got home we were all feeling more than a little out of it. I have decided that next weekend the only real event we are doing is Karyn’s cardparty – that is for me, the boys and Ken will probably go to Alan and Xinny’s for a visit or go to a splash park or something. Then on Sunday back to the splash park – but that is no stress just FUN! The boys are finally going through the fountains a bit and Gavin and I even splashed each other with our buckets.
Ugh I hate feeling ill… and I have to cope with all 3 sickies on my own. We so need to move!!! I really wanted to do this standing on our own two feet and yet at this point it just does not seem posible! We have done so well being independant that accepting help from anyone as well meaning at is it is and as great a help as it is it is hard to deal with. We really just wanted a rental for a year until we could find a place or watch the market… but who knows right?
So basically life has not slowed down – thankfully this week is relatively quiet and our speech assessment is not until the 10th but at 9am ACK. I am thinking we are housebound today – I do not want to risk accidents and Gavin is passed out on the floor.
This entry was posted on 03/07/2007, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment

One thought on “Sickies

  1. Your little Emanuel is growing so fast!  He is huge!   Oh, I have been meaning to ask you, when Gavin and Zander were born did someone give you the 2004 Baby gift set coins?  If not, would you like to have our extra ones (as both my officemates and my mother in law gave them so we have four of them)?  Let me know so I may mail them to you.
    Is it the twins who are undergoing the speech assessment?  Kieran have had that too – in fact he did his second one recently.  Though there is a regular home visit (twice a month) from a local support group, she does games, speech practice, and the like.  At the end of each visit, we get progress report.  Kyle has no speaking problem; just Kieran, although I have noticed that since he had all his 20 teeth completed, he started communicating more.  He now uses proper sentences!  I think I have talked too much, got to go. 

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