Hump Day

Ok we have hit midway through the week… only 2 more days until SOMEONE ELSE can take over the majority of the child care in this household. I must say I am tired… grumpy… frustated… worn out… oh the list goes on and on… not many positives right now. I think a full night’s sleep and optimism as well as laughter will return… I had really good intentions last night but once I got everything tidied up and ready for bed Zander had woken up and then last night I dreamed about my grandmother again? It was really weird… I had gone to her house and into the garage – the last place her stuff was stored before the siblings divided it and she was there and I KNEW she was dead… but still I was seeing her and talking to her… really odd!
My cousin Amber had her baby – another girl in the family. tentatively Madison Pearl (I think that was her paternal grandmother). Two new girls in the family this year and one the last… we seem to have the surplus on boys! So once I get the sampler done for the den Otters onto a little girl project! Who knows maybe all this work on girly stuff will rub off?
Tomorrow is the twins’ hearing testsĀ – finally after hounding everyone we are getting them in to find out if they need tubes or not! Fingers crossed they are fine! At least their speech has continued progressing nicely!
For the first time in a long time I had 3 unwilling participants in our walk down to the Co-Op. After all that heat in this nice weather all they want to do is.. stay home! I am thinking after nap I will just sit them down and let them watch tv. As it is I am hoping Emanuel passes out soon – for once he is my lone fighter as he had a 45 min nap earlier this morning. Mommy just needs some quiet time to sew and relax for a bit.
I think tomorrow I will reorganize my linen closet… see if there is anything I have that does not fit on beds or is wearing out… I am set on fixing up this place for as long as we need to stay! Wish me luck!

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