
Ok so I got dates mixed up and thought my dr’s appt with the new physician was today when it was… yesterday! Now I call in a complete upset to find out that said dr is booked for NEW patient appts (longer than normal ones) until.. get this… END OF JANUARY!! ACK so I start to panic the receptionist is talking about my calling around offices to find a dr ACK ACK ACK until I ask is there ANYONE in the office who can take me – well a Dr. Brown who saw me twice last pregnancy – once in the evening the night before I had Emanuel and then the appt I had after as a follow up. He seemed really nice, so THURSDAY DECEMBER 6 at 2:45 PM I need to go in!!! So glad he had a cancellation… and you can BET I will be calling Monday morning to make sure the date and time! So upset at myself. I will be 19 weeks by then so no harm or anything – I don’t think I saw Dr. Wittner-Smith til 20 weeks the first time – when my referrral went through. But UGH Ken working late and Emanuel sick and the boys being so cranky has just got me all mixed up… so REMIND ME IF YOU SEE ME hehe

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