The lost commas in life

So we picked up our over 100 Christmas cards I ordered from Walmart and what do I see …. a MISSED comma! So no biggy, I sit down with my pen and put tiny ticks on each card.. but still is this some sort of metaphor for my life? A hint that perhaps perfection is either not that important or no longer in reach? I figure one missed comma is no biggy … spelling on of the kids’ names WRONG would be horrible! But a comma… oh well, perhaps people will get a bit of a snicker out of it.
Life is all over the place here, sick people so not getting much done cleaning or school wise, trying to get an answer out of the twins’ ped about the referal or taking on Trinity… I so do NOT want to go back to our ped who is so set on her being on formula… as of today she has gained another half pound in 2 weeks… so half as much as last time but for a baby her age (7 months old) quite the accomplishment… I just want a dr who makes me feel heard and accepts that I have 3 other kids I have not maimed or killed so I just MIGHT know what I am doing!!! According to some people here in the city, most people just take their infants to a GP so peds tend to look for things wrong? Weird that we are assigned a ped out of the hospital then, but I don’t have a GP here anyway so it is a non issue.
Trinty is definitely commando crawling EVERYWHERE and into whatever she can reach… Emanuel is still her biggest fan. We are no longer van-less and the final cost even came in UNDER quote! But with sickies we have not managed our trip to see Great Grandma and Grandpa Bill… hopefully next week. We are both quite aware that at the Reinsch Family Christmas we are not going to have a lot of time to socialize …. a lot of time to chase small boys and keep Trinity safe yes, chatting and RELAXING (what does THAT word mean?) not so much.
I got my hair cut this week… and realized I now need to invest in a straightner rod thing… so now to find one of THOSE… darn these wavy locks of mine! but it does look good and even with the waves passable!
Well, I just thought I would share my comma errer – Emanuel and Ken share a spot in the sentance I guess! Back to my kids and my mess….

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