Tag Archive | Ace Attorney

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

Time to share thoughts, this time on a pair of books… the first and second in a series of manga I had heard about from time to time vaguely but had never gotten my hands on. You definitely have to be interested in criminal process and murder mysteries. This is listed as for ages 13 and older and while it is not horribly graphic the murders are shown and not in a comical way. The main reoccurring characters – Phoenix Wright and his assistant Maya are entertaining and the mysteries did require some thought to figure out.

While originally a series of games this series is now in manga format as well. There are some of these available in English which has me interested… I may just have to try and get my hands on one for my DS in the near future! If i could just find my charger cord for the darn thing!!! 

I am going to head back to the library and see if there are more on the shelves. I do find manga to be a quick read so purchasing a lot of them is not in the cards for me but I still prefer the paper version to a digital copy. Sadly more and more of the publishing companies for these are closing, going out of business or going digital. 

Anyway, if you like murder mysteries and some courtroom antics along with some comedy… definitely a good one to give a try!