Tag Archive | cupcakes

Happy Birthday My 3 Sons

February is ALWAYS a crazy month for us. But never so crazy as it was in 2004 and 2006. It is hard to believe that 13yrs ago on the 5th of February Zander and Gavin were born… 10 weeks early and tiny little peanuts. Here we are, the parents of TEENAGERS! When did I blink and miss that one happening?20170205_114101

11yrs ago and at a much calmer pace we welcomed Emanuel into our family on February 3rd. He was my chubby eternally napping and happy baby. He still loves a good nap and has definitely thinned out! But still, where did the time go?IMG_20170203_091819

We have done the larger parties in the past, but this year we decided to go small. On the 3rd we had a mini celebration just for Emanuel. He got to open the small gifts from us, what Aunty Holly sent him from Canada, and any cards that came in the mail.20170203_164610

A bag for his fossil collection!

A bag for his fossil collection!

We had the dinner he requested – potato soup and dumplings, hung out together and had cupcakes for desert.20170203_204707

On the 5th we did the same for the twins. They chose sausage-strata. A breakfast casserole.20170205_114149

A bag for any metal detector finds (left Zander) and a holder for art supplies.

A bag for any metal detector finds (left Zander) and a holder for art supplies.

As an added gift we took the whole family to McDonald’s for breakfast after Sunday School. A very rare occurrence for this family of 7, eating out at a restaurant, fast food or no.20170205_104542

20170205_105529We also opened the bigger gifts which we the same for each of the boys.20170205_114528

Emanuel had an additional outing he requested – Aidan joined him and Ken to go see the new Lego Batman movie. And to go to McDonald’s for their appropriately themed Happy Meals. I am told it was all great amounts of fun.IMAG0616

IMAG0618IMAG0622image000000And then after when Darcy and Andy came to get him we had MORE presents (so sweet) and hung out for a while.20170211_215425

20170211_215314Nothing hugely fancy, but I think we really felt like we celebrated properly. I love these 3 so much, watching them grow and change has been a great privilege, even with all the ups and downs.20170205_113912


Happy America Day

That is what the kids all called July 4th this year after celebrating Canada Day, after all if it is called CANADA Day in Canada… then doesn’t it make perfect sense?IMG_20160704_125240

We didn’t try nearly so hard with this national holiday since we were in the middle of the country actually celebrating it. We did still put up our paper chain (red, white and blue) and our flag banner. The kids figured the rest of the area covered the necessary flags and then some.20160704_110555

For our morning activities Ken and I left the kids at home to do something independent (see what I did there…) on the day… and we took ourselves off to the YMCA which was busier than we expected. After a good go on the treadmill it was back home to crack out some chores and then… veg.

If you can believe it I took a few hours and crocheted and relaxed on a LONG WEEKEND? The horror! Of course pictures were taken, and we had the mosquito bites to prove it! (Gavin is in the white and Zander the red)20160704_110641

20160704_11074220160704_11083720160704_110925_Burst01Our super special July 4th treat was to head over to our homeschool friends’ house for the very first time for some of the most amazing ribs ever, pie and cupcakes totally keeping with the theme. Not to mention a playdate that kept the kids pretty well occupied constantly. It is so lovely when a family meshes with yours so well that age doesn’t matter or gender among the kids they just all work it out and are happy and excited to see each other.IMAG0028

We didn’t even make it to fireworks, they ate like crazy, played non stop… we drove them home and into bed they went. It was the better choice, Echo is really not handling mosquito bites well. They seem to chase her with a runny nose and fever half the time and swelling. Not fun. So outside for fireworks in the dark after all the moisture, not a good choice.

Just amazing homemade deserts AND ribs that were to die for!

Just amazing homemade deserts AND ribs that were to die for!

IMAG0025We took our photographs and found some joy in the day. That was all I really wanted and all I could ask for. So happy Independence Day to everyone… I hope it was a grand one!



And... my ONE photo in a USA shirt!

And… my ONE photo in a USA shirt!

Happy Birthday Boys!

February is crazy! So I figured I would drop a quick note to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY boys! Emanuel turned 10 on the 3rd!IMG_20160203_094642

Zander and Gavin are a ripe old 12 now as of February 5th!IMG_20160205_091216

We had a special couple days. ON the birthdate of course was the official picture. (above) Made even more special by the fact that we had the baby pictures at hand and not yet on the walls. I admit it, I have a hard time believing that those babies are now my big boys. Especially the twins at 3 lbs 1 3/4 oz a piece. You wouldn’t know to see them now!

Then the night of the date the boys got special dinner out with Daddy. This was a total surprise for Emanuel who we kept it from until AFTER choir that day when he and Ken left after dropping off the other 3 kids. Taco Bell for him and Arby’s and some great coupons for the twins.IMG_20160203_214648

They brought left overs home to share with me. Silly Daddy forgot to take a picture at the restaurant. I guess they had too much fun to remember.

They brought left overs home to share with me. Silly Daddy forgot to take a picture at the restaurant. I guess they had too much fun to remember.

The also got to open some presents on their days. Lovely t shirts from Gammie and a special small gift from us.IMAG2347

With phone calls from Grandma and Grandpa Mike and skyping with Nana and Baba… well we did it up right.

Then on Saturday their big present and dinner (with homemade cupcakes) at the Schwartz’s. 12, 12 and 10… who would have thought it??? IMG_20160206_124921




Love you boys!IMAG2475