Tag Archive | Dinosaur Safari


…And we are back to the dinosaurs while I sort out pictures for blog posts and proof others. Company, end of summer and back to full day school have slowed me a bit… but I promise to continue catching up! 


#3 on the Dinosaurs.about.com’s list of the top 10 weirdest dinosaurs is the VERY long necked dinosaur Tanystropheus. In fact, scientist believe that its neck is as long as it could be without the dinosaur completely defying physics!!! While not technically a dinosaur this archosaur was found in the Triassic period in Europe and the Middle East. It is actually thought that it would have used its head and neck much like a fishing line.

Our videos! First… Dinosaur Safari (Late Triassic) Clip #11: Tanystropheus by Kyle Hartman.

And the second, Tribute to Tanystropheus by ArchosaurKing.

And now our links:

  • Dinosaurs.about.com HERE
  • Jurassic Park Wikia HERE
  • ReptileEvolution.com HERE
  • The Big Zoo HERE
  • The Pterosaur Heresies HERE
  • Prehistoric Wildlife HERE
  • Wiki HERE
  • And our colouring page… it is off of deviantArt HERE thanks to the artist HyphenatedSuperHero HERE.