Tag Archive | plates


I was so shocked and embarrassed to see that we had not yet covered the very popular and familiar Stegosaurus! This herbivore has quite the memorable visual with its large plates and barbs on its tail… and the beak mouth without any teeth. Found in the Jurassic Period with an unusually small brain the actual reason behind the plates along its back has been long discussed (And is talked about in an episode of Dino Dan. There are actually multiple episodes that deal with this dinosaur on the Canadian/American show).

We had two videos. The I’m a Dinosaur video and then a series from the Discovery channel that you can view HERE.

There are plenty of links regarding this very popular dinosaur but here are the ones we used, let’s go with a list…

  1. EnchantedLearning HERE
  2. Dinosaurs.about.com HERE
  3. Kidsdigdinos.com HERE
  4. Kids-Dinosaurs.com HERE
  5. Jurassic Times HERE
  6. Science Kids HERE
  7. We did not have time to get into this much BUT I felt I should share Stegosaurus.org HERE
  8. Wiki HERE
  9. Our colouring page another of Zakafreakarama on deviantArt HERE, be sure to check out his personal page HERE.

And there you are, a nice selection to get you going in your dinosaur adventures!
