Tag Archive | Riverdale Park

Gotta Love a Sleepover

July 27-29

Middle of the week… sunny day and the morning schoolwork accomplished, when friends call we jump up and head to the park. Renee and her boys had invited us out to enjoy the park and the connected lake with its pseudo splash park set up. Sort of a little waterfall and such set up for kids to play with.101_8825 101_8826

101_8828 101_8830It is so lovely to have the opportunity to up and spent quality time with a friend. Doubly so when our kids get on so well.101_8831 101_8832

Our afternoon was spent picking up the amazing Aidan and bringing the kids back to the house.101_8833 101_8835

We ended the evening with a movie. The kids did amazing watching Jack the Giant Killer all the way through!101_8836

We spent much of the next day outside in the backyard.101_8839

With the end of our overnight visit finding us at a small park with a geocache called Riverdale Park where we met up with Darcy and Alex. Every overnighter we get in with Aidan is so much fun! I really hope we can eventually have Alex over again!101_8840 101_8842 101_8843

We ended our week with another big conclusion – Gavin finished his journal! Time to move onto titles, dates and 7 or more sentences!101_8844

Trinity completed her review book for the year. She was so utterly proud.101_8845

We ended our day with the yard work. The whole family out in the sun giving the yard a tidy. What a perfect way to end the week! Time to face the weekend AND creeping up on the big goodbye. The cousins are off on the 1st of August. Where has the time gone??101_8851 101_8848 101_8849 101_8850