Tag Archive | Christmas present

Now Onto November

Onto November and possibly getting my blog up to date before November of 2018 comes around… maybe? Summer gets so busy for us and I have let it snowball a bit. So enjoy the post and the look back at way cooler temperatures. A head’s up… December is already up and posted along with seasonal links HERE.

Ken spoiled me with a new tea mug!

Ken spoiled me with a new tea mug!

Anyway, November… the month of chinchilla and workout pictures… wait that is much of my life the past year. I do love the Fluffy Overlord and working out has become second nature with me now.20171103_094635



Talking about chinchillas, November marks Neko-chan turning 1 year old!!! check out that post HERE

Emanuel went through a bit of an image change with a fancy new hair cut.IMG_20171126_211130_690

As did Echo. We have some rather spiffy looking kids!20171118_170129



The 3 younger kids went to Home Depot for the craft and even convinced Dad that PAINT should be involved.20171125_101844


I crocheted up a storm and we blocked this year’s special mom and grandma gifts… shawls! Plus matching hats for all 3 of us girls.




The kids dressed up in their finery for Santa. We went with the Schwartz family to their mall Santa of choice since our traditional one no longer exists after a store closing.  You can read all about that HERE.20171121_170642

I found winter boots in the children’s section of Target – something that made Ken laugh and entertained him and a few other people for days!20171117_205212

We had dinner with our wee niece Maevowyn… and her parents too, but we all know who the star of the show was!!!

I may be biased.. . but that face just makes me melt.

I may be biased.. . but that face just makes me melt.


Echo LOVES her cousin

Echo LOVES her cousin



With Mom, and Dad photo bombing in the back

With Mom, and Dad photo bombing in the back

I also got in some quality kitty time, and pictures.

Silly Snoopy

Silly Snoopy


We had school time.20171107_102159



Themed crafting continued.

A whole set of Halloween themed cupcakes that were out past the date.

A whole set of Halloween themed cupcakes that were out past the date.

Gavin made all of our cards this year.

Gavin made all of our cards this year.

Christmas Art

Christmas Art

A Christmas mouse

A Christmas mouse

Gavin the solemn crafter

Gavin the solemn crafter


Christmas mug cozy

Christmas mug cozy

Really all the babies babies were seen.20171105_153752


A poppy was worn, sent straight from Canada for Remembrance Day.20171103_184608


And I photographed my chinchilla from pretty well ALL possible angles…20171105_225259


All the junk in that glorious trunk!

All the junk in that glorious trunk!


Close up with lighting!

Close up with lighting!

Yup that was November in a quick scan through images… hope you enjoyed!20171102_201658

We baked!

We baked!


Whole family!

Whole family!

December Brrrr

Yup, a quick overview of a month already well blogged… December…

Advent fun…20171214_110348



YMCA time…20171223_114252





Night out with Chris and Renee to see a play!!

Pre show Mystro time

Pre show Mystro time



A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

More Chinchilla…

So serious

So serious


Taught Gavin how to clean the cage.

Taught Gavin how to clean the cage.

Crafting with Gavin…

He made all of our cards!

He made all of our cards!

Crafting period…

These are my final finish of the year and are an adorable set from the designer Knot Bad.

These are my final finish of the year and are an adorable set from the designer Knot Bad.

Neko-Chan is such a sweet model

Neko-Chan is such a sweet model


Knot Bad rocks!

Knot Bad rocks!

The arrival of a lovely fruit box from Grandma and Grandpa Reinsch…20171221_145011



The twins made cookies as a present we mailed off!

The twins made cookies as a present we mailed off!

Monster cookies

Monster cookies

A somewhat surprise visit from Nana and Baba…20171227_092632_HDR


And just plain old fun!

Cousin Robbie visited and mentioned never having had a scarf... well that problem was quickly solved!

Cousin Robbie visited and mentioned never having had a scarf… well that problem was quickly solved!


Opening presents with Aunty Holly and Cousin Jimmie

Opening presents with Aunty Holly and Cousin Jimmie


Don’t forget school time, we kept up a pretty good pace considering the amount of excitement. Lots of opportunity to learn as we researched some origins of our favorite carols.IMG_20171219_152151_526

We made crystals!

We made crystals!



A handmade Christmas card

A handmade Christmas card

By Emanuel

By Emanuel




Chinese for New Years…20171231_180435

If you want to see the already blogged activities.. here you are…

  1. Anoka Lights
  2. Santa Visits
  3. Christmas Pageant

So now that I have posted this WAY out of order (what with the blog back log), here’s hoping I can catch myself up before mid 2018!!!! Wish me luck!!!

We braved the insanity of Mall of America right after Christmas... someone asked for a gift card from Santa this year.

We braved the insanity of Mall of America right after Christmas… someone asked for a gift card from Santa this year.

She stood in line so long that some Christmas money made its way to the purchase.

She stood in line so long that some Christmas money made its way to the purchase.

Dungeon and Dragons with Dad!

Dungeon and Dragons with Dad!

Gavin asked for an item with sequins...

Gavin asked for an item with sequins…

Doing Home Depot at home

Doing Home Depot at home



This entry was posted on 28/01/2018, in Uncategorized. 3 Comments

January and the Beginning of 2017

So we have placed our feet firmly into 2017. January has come and gone (and at this point February is quickly going the same way). But what, exactly, did we do in January? Chinese New Year fell on January 28th this year. You can take a peek at our celebrating of the start of the Year of the Rooster HERE. We had a wee bit of snow, but nothing exciting…IMG_20170110_092553_627

The only snow structure we managed to make!

The only snow structure we managed to make!

20170116_102843IMG_20170111_110136_013OH! We helped Darcy celebrate her birthday with dinner out and cake.20170121_213340

This meant we also got to see our godson Anthony play indoor soccer (they won, as usual).20170121_194012

20170121_20452720170121_202011I spent A LOT of time at the YMCA.IMG_20170101_160539

IMG_20170119_000313_948IMG_20170114_152113_768IMG_20170108_215013This in turn meant the kids spent A LOT of time at Cluby.

Slightly out of season but someone donated house kits for the kids at club.

Slightly out of season but someone donated house kits for the kids at club.

Waiting for swimming lessons.

Waiting for swimming lessons.

We took our Christmas money from Grandma and Grandpa Mike and spent it on some new clothes.20170116_201043

Even luckier than the clothing sale... a pretzel sale!

Even luckier than the clothing sale… a pretzel sale!

Did lots and lots of learning. Mostly in the sunshine on the floor.