
A Ghost for Christmas…a Book Review

Right off the bat I have to say – I thoroughly enjoyed A Ghost for Christmas by J.D. Winters. This is the first book in the Destiny Bay Cozy Mysteries. It was a one afternoon read for me, but I honestly had a hard time putting it down. As seems to be a trend with a lot of these cozy mysteries, this one also includes a recipe – a Hawaiian one, for Chicken Hekka… and for once I may just be tempted to try it! (without the mushrooms as I seem to be semi allergic)

But, enough of that… back to the story itself. The main character – Mele Keahi is half Hawaiian, half Caucasian. Her father has passed away and her mother disappeared when she was quite young. This left her with her grandmother (who was Hawaiian) and her Aunt Bebe (the same). Having recently lost her job and had her relationship suddenly end, Mele has traveled to Destiny Bay to sort herself out and enjoy a vacation with her aunt. Cue body in the front yard and the mystery begins.

Mele has more issues than just a murder to cope with. As we learn in the early portion of the book she has also (at least as a teenager) been haunted, or at least seen the ghost of a man who she calls Dante. Why, she doesn’t know, but he is back.

Add into the mix a bit of Hawaiian flavour, a detective who seems to be both suspicious of Mele and flirtatious, neighbours and workers who have dubious motives and even more dubious alibis and that ever present hint of the paranormal and A Ghost for Christmas is a wonderful contemporary cozy read.

The Destiny Bay Cozy Mysteries series has great potential. I especially love that the main character, while “damaged” is still confident, she is who she is and is shaped by her past, but the future is an open book! One which I look forward to reading further! 51iu5UWfgJL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

Pains and Penalties… a Book Review

Every once in a while you just need a novella to fill a quiet afternoon, to escape a boring evening. Pains and Penalties (A Geek and Things Cozy Mystery Novella #1) is a terrific choice for a short but complete read. A Projected hour and a half read I found that I didn’t have the feeling that the mystery was rushed or the main character under written. Sarah Biglow is quite brilliant in that she introduces her small town but doesn’t follow through and fully describe and deal with each and every individual in the area. Instead she focuses on a moderate assortment of pertinent (and perhaps a few red herring) characters and runs with it.

The main focus is on Kalina Greystone who is newly returned to her home town Ellesworth, Ma after her father’s passing and her inheriting of his comic shop. This is run with the assistance of her teenage nephew AJ. Included in the comic book shop are multiple references to games and comics, even super heroes that are current and memorable (Daredevil, Cards Against Humanity), there was even one for me to make not to check into later – Zombie Dice.

Right in the beginning we are introduced to ex high school sweetheart and current Detective Christian Harper. When Mrs. Davies known for her baking and wining of fair prizes is murdered at the annual Solstice Fair, Kalina can’t stop herself from getting involved. After all her nephew was on hand while the woman died and as hard as it was to return to her hometown from the city it IS her home now and for Kalina that means she can’t help but dig deeper and try and help.

I was stumped almost to the end as to who committed the murders. The timeline is actually quite reasonable over the span of a couple days. I did not feel this story was rushed at all. I would not call this a romance as well as a mystery, definitely murder and cozy but the romance is not really developed nor really focused on in this book.

I am definitely open to reading book #2… if you are looking for a fun and quirky setting with lost of current and contemporary references to all things “geeky” Pains and Penalties might just be the book for you! 29567463._UY500_SS500_

This entry was posted on 29/04/2016, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Hexed… a Book Review

Well, after finishing by Hounded Kevin Hearne, there was nothing to do but get the second book in the Iron Druid Chronicles – Hexed. Back to the world of an Irish Druid, his apprentice and his wolfhound (Oberon is STILL my favourite character)… don’t forget the widow down the street (another absolute gem) and Atticus’ lawyers – a vampire and a werewolf… the list goes on and on, so many amazing and hilarious characters in this series. I have grown firmly attached to them all.

Hexed, as you get a hint of in the name, deals more with witches this time round. Two warring factions, in fact. Now is as good a time as any to remind you to READ THESE IN ORDER, much of the conflict has bearing on past conflicts both resolved and unresolved… oh and it is also good to note… EVERYONE seems to dislike THOR in this universe…

Hexed, like Hounded, is a terrific mix of occult, adventure, humour and general shenanigans. Atticus, the main character, while being basically immortal is flawed and rather human. His friends and associates are equally as flawed and individual. No one is a perfect being, god, demon or other… rather it is a world of super humans, humans and more all trying to find their handhold on the powers available. I will warn you, sex, violence and some adult language is encountered in this book… but there isn’t the crass detail that I personally dislike.

The Iron Druid Chronicles is (at least by the second book) a well thought out and executed series of books. I find that I am sucked in almost immediately. It is relatively easy to follow the characters (though I did get confused on a few of the witches and their names but that may have just been inattention on my side), and equally as easy to find yourself deep into the book while the chores and other humdrum life items pile up around you. I do what to emphasize once again – READ IN ORDER! But what a wonderful continuation to a series that has not yet disappointed. I look forward to getting my hands on the third installment – Hammered and see what all the fuss is about Thor!hqdefault