
Mother’s Day 2018

Another year another Mother’s Day, another wonderful photo opportunity. IMG_20180513_100702_967

We had church first. The younger 3 sang during service.20180513_110246

Children's sermon

Children’s sermon

Then a great photo op on the bench out front. 20180513_110911

Our next stop was the normal photo haunt for us – the lane at the end of the road. It is a lovely spot in spring summer, and even occasionally fall. I do believe Gavin took the photos of Ken and myself. Oldest to youngest. 20180513_091450







We had our normal afternoon/evening on a Sunday and then the whole family was off to Chipotle. It was a lovely sunny day.20180513_183155



Honestly 5 of the best things in my life are the ones who call me Mom. Thank you Ken for being the other half of our parenting team. IMG_20180513_100838_335





This entry was posted on 24/10/2018, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Crafting With a Purpose

So at the last minute Shandai and I did up a craft table for a day at the Priory in August. At the end of this week we are returning for a 2 day sale we had pre-planned attending. So come check us out at A Prior Affair HERE. Now onto the blog post I am warning you I wrote ages ago:IMG_20180825_231115_037

Shandai has been making and selling these adorable and functional baby/small dog bandanas. You can purchase some yourself at her Etsy page… ShandaiMade or Facebook HERE. She uses a large variety of fabric and lovely sturdy snaps. If you want something a little larger, she is branching out to large dog versions as well, that would also fit a child (or potentially an adult). My niece is the perfect model and uses them all the time. They keep drool and mess off clothes and sensitive baby skin.

Look at the awesome colour combos she has!

Look at the awesome colour combos she has!


It was a last minute opportunity so I just threw together my random on hand pieces that were critters and ran with it. Surprisingly it was my Cthulhu’s and ice cream cones that were of interest… and the little desserts I had made up.20180705_175631


It was a fun experience, though the crowd was not huge. The current plan is to come back to the bigger 2 day sale at the same location in the end of October and bring more items out. I hope to make some more key chains, maybe some Halloween themed pieces. With cooler weather maybe some scarves would be of interest.

Seriously though, check out ShandaiMade and spread the word. Handmade, functional AND fabulous. Oh and did I mention… reversible??? I wish I had had these back when my kids were tiny. Tying on bibs was a royal pain.

Bib in action

Bib in action

I am also going to work on updating my Facebook page It’s a Hoot. I really need to add more of my on hand pieces. I always have spare stuff sitting around. And commissions are always welcome. After all, crafting helps keep me sane!

Now enjoy the obligatory niece and kitty pics. Both are utterly adorable. 20180825_134635


April in a Photo Fillled Overview

Yup, still back tracking and going. But as the temperatures decrease enjoy my review on the days warming up. Hopefully NEXT year I will stay on track… maybe?

April was Easter of course, we did our usual church and such but the day was mostly spent with the Novak’s. You can see Easter HERE. It was a rather busy day but so much fun!20180401_090321


April turned out to be the month when we got gifts from Canada. Grandpa Mike sent us 5 matching beach towels! With how much swimming we do, this is one of the best gifts ever! And matching means I know exactly which towels are ours.20180402_200813



Plenty of time was spent at the YMCA.IMG_20180419_205310_708


April was still a snowy time. We took full advantage of the snow whenever we could this year. At least the girls did.IMG_20180417_104322_680




I kept myself busy crafting as usual.IMG_20180403_220936_496



Rainbow blanket for me!

Rainbow blanket for me!

Neko-Chan remained heart tuggingly cute.IMG_20180425_090630_335



We kept our progress going with school, of course.20180426_100035





Trinity and Emanuel continue to wow us with their growing karate skills.20180412_193449

And when it rained we brought out the umbrellas and got out groove on that way. It was rather funny, it snowed, then melted and rained and then dumped a whole bunch of snow on us again.20180413_135435

Enough for snowmen and forts and fun for hours.20180417_110325




Trinity built her own Great Wall of China, out of rocks.IMG_20180420_161549_075

And we pulled out bikes and scooters.IMG_20180421_183451_648



Breakfast at IKEA was snuck in, we even came home with a free plant!IMG_20180422_132910_869





We did fun science experiments with eggs, did you know that if you leave one in vinegar for long enough it becomes bouncy! Until you drop it from too high a height!20180423_120843


I even managed a visit to see my niece Maevowyn. I am biased I know, but she is such a cutie.20180429_135736




April always seems to be a little more crafty and a lot of fun for us. Don’t forget to check out Trinity’s birthday HERE (Which I managed to also forget to post), and that was April!

Embroidery for American Revolutionary War

Embroidery for American Revolutionary War

