Archive | April 2006

Good Friday

We attempted the late (8pm) Good Friday service, but had to leave once it went past an hour. Just too late in the night, but Emanuel and I got to hear a large part of it. Hopefully Easter Sunday will go over better.
My mom brought over her mom to meet Emanuel and visit with the boys – of course Emanuel cried, lately he has been VERY attatched to me – still refusing to spend very much time with Ken even. Still no complications from the hernia surgery thank God.
We had a wonderful visit with Christine though she had to leave rather early in the evening. She and I took Emanuel and his stroller and walked all the way to Walmart – a good 20-25 min walk. It was excellent exercise and a nice break from the big boys – all 3 of them LOL.
Now onto tomorrow and another visit with mom and Grandma… and maybe even my younger brother who I have not see since last May. We shall see how the boys do… we are still trying to get back to normal from all the medical crap.
This is so not a restful long weekend with all the family visits and cranky boys… I am really earning my trip to the zoo this morning

Sleep.. What’s That?

It is funny, but overnight I have noticed an added alertness, intelligence when looking into Emanuel’s eye. This full term baby thing is all new to me – he is growing up so quickly it is almost sad! Now if I could just get him to sit with Ken for longer than 30 min…
We did crack out the sling today, but Emanuel was having nothing to do with it. He is still a little crotchety from his surgery but there has not been any bleeding and he has not needed tylenol today. AND we actually got some sleep last night! I went to bed early and everything. Sleep is such a luxury around here. No wonder so many mothers of newborns end up getting depressed – no sleep.
I am just hoping to throw this worn out ill feeling. After all the stress and worry my body has finally decided enough is enough and kinda fell apart on med. So I guess I will just try and get extra sleep and rest up.
Good Friday church service tomorrow AND Christine is coming to visit YAY…

Stroller Parade

Well, the twins are starting to settle back to normal… still really pushing boundaries but then they ARE 2. Tonight we took a long walk all the way to Blockbuster – basically a 30 min walk one way. Emanuel did pretty well until we got halfway home and he wanted out of the carseat BADLY. I think next time I will pack our new sling (still need to figure the thing out – we wanted to wait until tomorrow so we do not fuss around with Emanuel when he is still acting so sore and cranky) so I can carry him and still push his stroller easily.
I was rerunning the past week and a half and I realized we came through it rather well. Granted there were arguments and tears (all mine) and more questions than answers in regards to Zander… but we are all home again. Gavin is done his meds today and hopefully will get over his groggyness, Emanuel needed less tylenol today and is calming faster and Zander… well he is acting normal and we will worry about the rest as it comes. I am really proud of us! Now lets just hope and pray we NEVER have a repeat. Though I could not imagine how we would have gotten through all of this if the emerg and surgery and such were spread over a whole month. We got the worst over and done with quickly… stessful but quick… a blessing in disguise.
It is so nice to not have a ton of news to recount here… I think I will go and watch some tv and relax. No nap today but I did get a lovely bath tomorrow is the twins’ pediatrician appointment – full physical (wish us luck)… and Friday – Good Friday service… I cannot believe it is almost Easter already.