Archive | September 2006

Van in the Works

Ken is just waiting on the credit check and then – if everything comes out positive we should be the proud new owners of a 2002 Grand Caravan. Fingers crossed and prayers said.
Bedtime with the twins has become quite the ordeal. My mom was over tonight and we decided to see if they would go with her – ummm NO. Gavin basically tried to climb up Ken. I am not sure what is up with that but it is VERY annoying. Oh well – tomorrow is their first speech appointment so we shall see how it goes.
Rather quiet week so far. Tomorrow I really need to get off my butt and get all the appointments for October and November made. At least I did get around to printing off the new twin group flyer.

Sunny Sunday Afternoon

Today was a busy one. We did not make it to church – the service times have changed and with our van broken down we could not make church and get back in time to meet Alan and Xinny… but we did spend a lovely couple of hours at the park with picnic pizzas. The kids wore themselves out and we got some nice visiting in.
Tonight and last night we have had issues with Gavin and bedtime… he has this new full body shriek that is wearing on the nerves but we are being strict and trying to get across to him that it is NOT ok to scream like that and that bedtime is BEDTIME. We will persevere.
Isabella is very interested in Emanuel. It is so cute to see her get down on his level to smile and tough his face. Gavin and Zander are actually playing with her – though there still is no talking amongst the three of them. Xinny’s big news – she is going to be teaching Cantonese and Madarine at the Chinese Community center on Saturdays! So after we get a van (please God let it be soon) we are going to plan a Saturday visit where we meet up with Alan and Isabella for lunch and then collect Xinny when she is done.
I did do some searching for Grand Caravans in town and Wetaskawin and found some nice ones in our price range IN TOWN! Now we are not sure if they are open tomorrow since it is Labour Day… if it is Ken will be going down with our without me – my mom is back on Monday from another camping trip and Karyn is supposed to be visiting so we do have transportation in the wings and maybe even a sitter so Karyn, Ken, Emanuel and I could go out for a quieter dinner. Fingers crossed, prayers said — please let this vehicle issue be dealt with. Just to get one thing out of the way…