Archive | January 2007

Sleepy Meanderings

It has been a nice couple of days. We have Kathy up for a visit – she actually has some time off from the hotel she manages. The boys love playing with her and I love having the adult company around. Almost like being in college again, only with more kids and dirty diapers.
Emanuel is very slowly getting better at sleeping at night, last night while Ken was at work the twins woke up and I had to deal with them for 20 mins. Of course they wait until 2 am to freak out. Hopefully this weekend I can catch a couple of catnaps. This week has just flown by.
Ken is taking Emanuel to his 11 month weigh in tomorrow morning. I think his weight is about the same but he is definately taller. 11 months old already…
I had someone come over and sign us up for a 10 week reading program where a facilitator is going to come in once a week and teach me how to better get the kids to read with me. I am also going in February to take Emanuel to a 5 week reading program at the library on Saturdays. Ken and the twins can drop us off and go out and get groceries or something. It will be nice to have some time just with ONE kid. Novel for us really.
Now if I could just get some extra sleep…

Happy 2007!

Where has the year gone??? 2007 came in rather quietly at our house. We opted to stay home with our new fondue set and Karyn come to visit. We watched and AirFarce special and sat around chatting and watching the comedy channel. Alan came over after his wife got home from First Night in the city and stayed well into today. He brought with him Final Fantasy XII… Ken got so hooked he had to go out and get a copy tonight with some of his Christmas money!!
So Ken is back to BOTH jobs tomorrow and the house should get back to normal. The twins have been going a little crazy with all the toys and celebration. They love their Thomas trainset and their playdoh. Emanuel has been tagging along and playing with everyone and everything. It is hard to believe that in February our littlest will be ONE! Again where has the time gone??
Today my mom came and took the twins for much of the morning and a bit of the afternoon and thankfully Emanuel slept through a big chunk of that too. It was great sitting around and playing PS2 and doing absolutely nothing.
Esther came by the afternoon/night of the 30th and then back on the 31st before she went back home. She and Ken stayed up until well past 4 am chatting. It was so nice to see her again. I wish we lived closer so we could visit more often (we are over 3 hours away). Add seeing Karyn to the mix and it has been a wonderful week (Ok Ken and I have had a few spats but again that cleared up the air a little and helped us to move in a better direction TOGETHER… having friends working on a divorce has certainly opened our eyes to the need to be alot more aware and vocal about concerns, dissapointments, even things that anger each other. I have to admit it scares me to know someone my own age going through that. I have been the child of divorce -thankfully they have none- and it is hard, I would never want to put myself or my children through that).
This Friday Ken has to take Emanuel to get weighed for his 11 month and then I think we are good until February with Emanuel’s one year boosters and the twins and Emanuel’s check out.
Hmm did I have any resolutions this year – well ONE – to chat with my UK friend Cheryl more often – I have missed her. TWO to work on Ken and I and our family even more this year and THREE to take a little more time for myself, be it in the tub or bedroom or even just listening to my iPod on the pc when Ken is home.
I hope this year has started positively for everyone. Take care, Happy New Year and God Bless!