Archive | March 2007

Internet Life

The changes in weather have led me to thinking about my life in regards to my daily and weekly activities. IRL rather BLAH but on the internet… I am actually busy! Yesterday alone I chatted with my brother’ s girlfriend Cindy, Kathy, Ken while he was at work, that night I had a confab with Xinny before bed and exchanged emails with Karyn. That is not including the tons of emails I get daily and read and often contribute to with my two main egroups – Twin Moms and Multiple Blessings. Of course if you actually look at what I do AT HOME … well I play with my kids, clean, work on Christmas stitches, cook, watch tv… change bums, wipe tears, discipline… not exactly going out with the girls but fulfilling on many levels all the same.
I swear the weather is teasing me, it is another blustery and cool day today all these doldrums will lessen when I can get us out the door. I plan on going out as many mornings as possible. That way the kids will come home worn out and ready for a nap. Right now all the twins want to do is play with their scissors and paste which is wonderful but more than a bit of a pain when the baby is up and wanting to join in. I would like to get them some moonsand for Easter… apparently you can vacuum it up but it works much like play doh or mud.
I really need to figure out by the end of the month when we are going to have the twins’ birthday party. I am thinking a weekend in May. What I want to do is have everyone meet at the pool for an hour or two and then back to our place for cake and ice cream and presents. I am torn between Thomas the Tank Engine and Backyardigans for the theme (decorations). I was thinking May or July but James says July is really hard to get off when working at the hotel and I would love to have my brother and his girlfriend here.
Naptime is going well… not so much with the napping but the kids playing quietly in the bedroom with a couple of books and their teddies… I am not going in as often and Emanuel seems to be sleeping pretty well during his naptime. I wish they WOULD sleep as yesterday’s horrible behavior in the late afternoon/early evening was definately a result of being tired. Zander gets so rough with Emanuel when he is tired which causes Emanuel to cry and then Gavin to be stressed so mommy and daddy are stressed and then the whole place is in an uproar… fun fun fun.
Still no word on Ken going back to night shift… I am trying to do as Ken asked and not worry but I am so used to being in control of the money – I was for the years before the twins were born. I just really want us to get out of the hole we dug and move forward. Ken works so hard I just wish it paid more. In a perfect world… I am putting alot of hope behind this pc parts site. I have been telling everyone I know and trying to think of ways to advertise. Maybe if it starts to bring in enough cash we can pay for add space on some of our favorite webcomics. Optimism right?
Shopping is done… twins in bed… now all I have to do is work through the enveloped to send out the kids’ pictures once we get Emanuel’s portraits… my hand is sore already!

A Quiet(er) Evening

This afternoon the twins only had quiet time in their bedroom and did not fall asleep so by the time Ken got home there were a couple meltdowns ending with the two of them in a screaming time out in their bedroom at 6. It got really quiet so I went to look in on them – two little boys passed out behind the door – I could not even get in! That lasted about 30 min where they got up in a VERY bad mood that did not improve with baths or play or quiet cuddles so bedtime routine and off to bed early today!
We are still being tough on the bedtime – no talking just laying back down and they HATE it!!! Thank goodness Emanuel is still rather easy going.
Ken and I had a together evening… Wii, chatting and Veggie Tales… all in all a wonderful evening even with the tempermental kids. Gotta love parenthood!
Tomorrow is our weekly shopping, not too long of a list. I do need to go to Walmart though… I have to remember to pick up my dad’s present. That is going to make it to him late – no big surprise there! I still need to figure out what to get James… men are so hard to buy for!!!
Hmmm so much to do cleaning wise and absolutely no interest in doing it right now. The place DOES have to be clean for Thursday morning and our book lady… I think we only have 3 sessions left, but at least when SHE is done we will definately have nicer weather so I can work on taking the kids out. I would like to get them at least out on the lawn out front every morning it is nice out. We’ll see how that goes. If the weather is nice on Thursday my mom is coming over to walk with us after work. Ken is raiding… as usual! It is supposed to be +2 which is not overly warm so we shall see how it goes.
Saturday is Emanuel and my date with Karyn which I am really looking forward to. I still have to go through my scrapbook stuff and get organized, hopefully I will have time for that tomorrow night. Still no luck catching Christine on her cell though – I wish I could find her home number. So not too busy of a week but still stuff to look forward to. I need to cut out more shapes for the boys to glue too though they used up all the ones I did last night when they did their cutting and pasting today. So cute… Gavin uses his LEFT hand for scissors! I am surprised since they do everything else right handed! hehe well I am left handed so we shall see…

Naptime Conundrum

Ken and I have been having trouble with the twins’ bedtime, they are running wild and not even trying to go to sleep… so I asked my twin egroups and my good friend Darcy (she has 4 boys after all!) and got some interesting advice. Many people suggested we get rid of naps all together (umm not so sure I am ready for that) but the best advice I got from Darcy… Ken has in the past laid down with them and when we go in tell them to go to sleep… now this is WRONG what we SHOULD be doing is going in and laying them back down – no words no nothing. So that is what we are doing… Gavin was a ton nicer after his nap today which is a big reason why I am reticent to get rid of naptime. After all it is just advice not orders!
Can you believe it SNOWED today! Good thing I did not have plans to take the kids out. Tonight Ken did put up their slide which was a blast though you have to watch them to make sure they watch out for Emanuel and do not put all their toys in it. Now we just need to arrange the livingroom a little better so that there is a place for the displaced picnictable.
Ken does not have the site up yet – server issues he needs Jeff to fix, but we are close.
Tomorrow I am probably staying close to home… I want to try and have them do some crafts now that they have scissors and glue. Tomorrow night Ken is to have planned some together time – we will see what that entails!