Archive | March 2007

Melting Plastic and Sunny Weather

For once it is not ME who did the stupid thing … although it is MY cup that suffered… Ken left my lovely insulted slurpee cup on the stove while cooking pizzas for dinner last night… my lovely PLASTIC cup. I have had that thing for 4 or 5 years (got it on a trip to Mn after we were married). I would giggle about it except that is the best cup in the house for keeping slurpees – slurpeeish for about 7 or more hours. Perhaps when Ken gets home from 7-11 with a NEW cup. Course just the fact it was NOT me is comforting.

Saturday was a rather nice day for the whole family. In the morning we walked around downtown. Emanuel fell asleep in the stroller and the boys really did NOT want to get out and go home. We went to the used bookstore, the dollar store and stoppped at mom’s work. The weather has really improved, it was chilly but really not that bad. It seems like the walking has not irritated Ken’s foot too much either. I am not sure how much walking I will do in the upcoming week though I figure if I put Emanuel in the backpack setting and cover him and myself with my blue poncho mom made me a couple years ago for Christmas he should stay warm enough.
We chose to stay home from church today. The boys actually napped yesterday but Emanuel has had a rough couple of nights which means Ken and I have had a rough couple of nights. Ken had a nice shower and then I went back to bed. Lately I just have not been able to catch up on sleep no matter how many naps I have, I am hoping in adding more exercise I will feel better. It was so nice to have someone to deal with the twins on our walk yesterday. Taking all 3 is alot of work. Though good exercise. I guess one of mom’s aquaintences saw me going up the hill on my walk and felt SORRY for me! I really think people just do not walk any more, take the easy route and drive sort of thing. I think it will be alot easier onceĀ I get the carrier sorted out.
My mom spent a large portion of the afternoon over here today. She kicked out her boyfriend and needed Ken over there to help her make sure he LEFT. Then afterwards she came over to play with the boys. Apparently he was sitting around for a week sick refusing to look after himself and had started drinking (apparently he was a recovered alcoholic?), so mom booted him out. She SAYS she is going to go without a guy for a while. We’ll see how that goes.
Ken and I have come to the realization that we need to take the boys out before Ken raids on WoW… they just refuse to listen to me when Ken is home and on the computer. I am thinking maybe if we wear them out some in the fresh air then they will be more inclined to listen. As it is it is just an exercise in frustration. I am tired of yelling and being upset most of the time. The twins are still over tired from the lack of naps and fighting their bedrime in the toddler bed and Emanuel is still rather fussy – no tooth yet! BUT with the time change everyone is sleeping to what WE concider to be a DECENT morning hour! Hooray!!!
I did screw up my back today with cleaning and such but at least our bedroom is starting to look better and Ken picked up the slide for the boys so we will put that up tonight. I would love to get a little trampoline, highly supervised it could be a good energy waster. I am thinking of putting chicken wire along the inside of our balcony so I can let the boys out there occassionally. I do not like the distance between the slats around the edge but the fresh air would be nice… Anything I can do to get us out more. I want to get a plant box for the balcony too – one of those pre-planted ones. Flowers would be nice.
Such a busy day – but then they always seem busy when the kids are involved!

Sunny Days Here At Last

I did it – I packed all 3 kids up and took them all down to meet Ken after work. Since we got downtown 10 min earlier than I planned we stopped off at the flower store and got Ken a bright red/orange daisy. The twins went in the wagon and Emanuel in the chest carrier and man am I paying for it now. I threw my back out! I think if I had put Emanuel at the very least facing into my chest it would have helped a litte but really we simply need to put him in the backpack position in the carrier. Since the weather is so nice now it was wet and muddy so the twins did get splashed but they really enjoyed themselves. They were so tired that in the van on the way to my mom’s Zander fell asleep and then when Ken picked them up they BOTH passed out! Today they have been major grumps as well… refusing to nap and just playing in the bedroom is taking alot out of them.
The book lady came as usual this morning. Emanuel was in NO MOOD to listen and behave, he wanted to mess with everything and had a couple fits. I put him to nap at 11 ish and he woke up around 1 and was inconsolable so I had to lay him down and let him cry out… again he woke up at 2:15 and was too upset to stay up. I gave him tylenol in case he is teething though it may just be this cold that has plugged him up. At least by 2:45 some of his sweet nature had returned and by 3 pm the noises in the twins’ bedroom have stopped! I would not be so tough about them staying in there except the two of them have been completely worn out since we moved them to toddler beds!
We did not get all of our shopping done last night, Emanuel was really worn out and Ken wanted to get home so on Friday when my mom takes them for a second night we are going to work hard at getting everything done. I need to get that aida cloth and get started on kid gifts, we need to go to the storage unit, get some more groceries, rearrange the livingroom a little, put up Emanuel’s wallhanging my mom made him in the twins’ room to deaden the sound, and generally clean up. If we have to stay in this apartment for even a couple more months I am going to make it more comfortable.
I am rather excited, at the end of the month James and his girlfriend Cindy are coming to visit! We are hoping to go swimming and go to church. I have never met Cindy in person though we chat on MSN often, and James I have not seen since Emanuel’s baptism last June! Too long!! We wil get to celebrate his birthday as a family.
I was watching a tv show called Animal Miracles that I pvr’ed this week and they talked about the Cat Colony on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, I found this neat blog about it! When we finally make it out there I am so going to go look for them! The man who watches over them has done so for 20 years this year! What commitment.
The weather is so lovely… +6 today and snow melting everywhere… I am so glad mom is taking the boys tomorrow, I am going to send them with hats and mittens so they can go out for a walk with her and the dog. It is so nice to have sunshine out still when we drop off the twins. And it being a Friday they can be there nice and late and then come home absolutely knackered… that is the plan at least. Although when I called my mom this evening she was taking her boyfriend to Emergency, apparently the infection in his tooth is worse… so I am waiting for her to call back to see what the plan is…

Sleepy Boys in an Active World

Well we may have had a break through tonight – it turned out the twins just wanted to sleep together… Ken at first put their pillows in Zander’s crib and then them both in there… we heard some crying so he went in and Zander had climbed out and put all of Gavin’s toys in his crib and then either was too tired to climb back in or did not want to fall on Gavin so was crying on the floor. Went in to check on them again and both asleep in the crib!!! So maybe we just need to bolt the two cribs back together like when they were wee babies??
Ken had guests over today – Ted and Alan. They played Wii and hung out. I went and had a nice extended nap in the afternoon and Ken and I even got to go to church with just Emanuel – my mom came over with her boyfriend and watched the twins. All in all a pretty nice Sunday. Though when I got up from my nap the livingroom was a mess – course the guys all cleaned it up!!! Too nice!
Saturday NIGHT did not go so well, nor naptime… the twins were up til midnight! I wonder if we had caved and put them in the crib together would they have slept?? Last night Ken took ALL the toys and books out. They now have an empty bookcase in there. The room feels so barren. I am thinking I would like to get their chairs they got for Christmas last year and put them in there so they could at least rest in them. We also need to go to the unit and get our Learning House out. Mom is taking the twins an extra night this week so we can get some moving of furniture around. I would like to make a little more room in the livingroom.
Emanuel is starting to sleep more, this weekend he has had a couple extra naps… hopefully with next weekend’s time change we will see him getting up around 8. He didn’t change his sleep times when we had the last time change. What a stubborn little man.
This week is not overly busy… We have shopping and that extra night for chores. The reading lady is coming on Thursday morning, as usual and Ken is back to work. Still not on nights though. Hopefully next Saturday will be pleasant out and we can get to a park though I am planning to have Ken drop Emanuel and I off at the library for an hour of quiet reading and relaxing. All in all a rather boring week. Though I plan on getting my aida cloth on Wednesday since Alan was able to bring my books back (one is still AWOL but I am not sure if Xinny has it or not). Now is a good time to get cracking on all those Christmas presents! I plan on being very organized this year.
I just wish time would slow down on the weekends. It always seem over before it has begun…