Archive | April 2007

Happy Easter!

Ken went to work today and after over an hour and a half had someone connected to work finally log in, he asked when everyone else was coming in and found out the office was taking it as a holiday! So after a wee bit of a stressful morning we had Ken home to play and help out. After the twins had their lunch and went to nap and Emanuel nursed and wasdown for his sleep Ken let me go and have an over 3 hour nap! Bliss!! and then my mom got here around 4 and we all walked downtown. I had gotten a call from Pop’lar books this afternoon that my book had come in so the timing was great. Actually my old co-worker Suzie (she also went to AUC) was the one who called so I asked her to join Facebook so that when she leaves in a month for a new job we can keep in touch. I hope she finds the time to. On our walk downtown we ran into someone who graduated the year after I did in highschool – it has totally been the month of catching up with people from my past (something that has totally screwed with my dreams as well! Funny what gets your subconscious going!).
Easter went rather well. Mom met us here in the morning and we all went to church, we only stayed until after communion and then left 5 min early or so since the kids were getting antsy. We had lunch at KFC (the restaurant was empty so it was nice to be able to chat) and then we went to Walmart for some shopping. My mom got the twins each a pair of sandals and Emanuel a cute little shorts and t-shirt outfit. We decided to get the twins scooters for their birthday party in May. $20.00 a piece… and then $60.00 worth of summer clothes. Emanuel is lucky he has tons of out growns in wonderful condition. After naps the kids got their gifts from us – moonsand which I am sure we will have to get extra off since the kids are not especially careful but it vacuums up so nicely and Emanuel’s vibrating and giggling sheep toy that the twins have had more fun with than him. The little eggs I cross stitched turned out really nice after my mom finished them. I am going to make Ken and myself each one after I finish the gift for Layne and Dee’s baby girl.
So the week has just started and the weather is… better, the kids are still rather tempermental and mommy still could use a break but I hope to get out more and maybe see an improvement all round… I can hope right?
Now if we could just have a peaceful and EASY bedtime. I wonder if we will EVER have that!

Is It Possible To Raise Twins and Remain Sane?

You ever have one of those days where you wonder at how in the world you ever came to believe that being a parent would be fun ??? Well today has been one of those days… granted there were some wonderful moments – the twins napped (YAY!), Emanuel drank more of his soy milk, we read some stories though Emanuel tried to steal the book and there was a litle quiet play but otherwise the kids spent most of the day at each other’s throats. We were thinking of going out til I noticed that the stroller was not downstairs and when I told Ken he had it in the city he pointed out that the carrier was in the van too ARGH. So it was not a warm day but I could have bundled them up and gotten out… how I wish I could have!!
Just watch tomorrow with my mom AND Ken around they will be angels … figures!!!
Well I did get some sewing done today… I really need to get this baby gift done asap so I can make two eggs for Ken and myself and then get back to Christmas. I am really at a loss as to what to make some of our friends. Maybe I will have to do some Christmas wall hangings or something. I have a book of Christmas patterns that I think Kathy gave me way back when.
Ugh I am feeling snarky. Like I just want to be mean and nasty for a while… I know what would fix thatĀ – bubble bath or a napĀ – the question is what do I want more???
Happy Easter everyone, I promise my next post will be brimming with my usual optimism and cheer!

Single Parent Until Saturday Evening…

Ken is off to Alan’s for his overnighter and I am left home with the wild things. Zander and Gavin refused to nap, Emanuel is cranky from teething and the weather is SLIGHTLY warmer but windy so we are stuck inside. Happily the whole family went out this morning to Walmart to get ceiling hooks to hang up the curtain to partition off Emanuel’s section of the room (you have no idea how much I wish Ken had done that months ago! Though I am so glad it is done now… I simply cannot reach the ceiling… safely). We had McDonald’s for lunch – it was still breakfast so we had yummy sausage sandwiches. It is such a nice little corner now. Ken took my iPod earbuds with him so if I DO go out tomorrow it will be without music.
I printed out Easter colouring pages today (thanks so much for the links Cheryl!) for Sunday and the kids’ gifts are in gift bags. Tomorrow I need to pull out the twins nice plaid shirts and dressy pants and get my outfit together. I am debating if Emanuel will wear his asian outfit James Leung sent him from Hong Kong or the cute striped Gagou Tagou outfit I got from Toys R Us which is a little less dressy but warmer. I am leaning to the latter since we will be out and about that day.
Today has been full of time outs… fun fun. Days like this I wish I had a nanny!!! Three has definately been harsher than 2 years old! And yet we want another…
We have finally succeeded in getting Emanuel to drink Soy Milk – we put it in a sippy cup with a soft spount instead of a straw and BANG he is drinking it!!! Not drinking tons of it mind but at least it is a start! Turns out he simply did not want it in anything that looked like his water cup! How silly.
So the evening has been far from restful, I swear the kids chose the times I am alone to be their least reasonable. BUT all 3 of them are pj’ed and clean and fed – all that is left is teeth, vitamins and meds for Zander.. oh and Emanuel’s bedtime nursing. I am thinking the twins will make it til 7, I would LIKE to have Emanuel up til 8 but he is tuckered out – he gets up so early it is a horrible cycle. I don’t see how single parents do it! I am hoping to get a bath tonight as I am certainly not going to get one in the morning.