Archive | July 2007

Life Goes On and On and ON

Ok so this is MY personal thoughts so I should be able to express myself on my own right? Well here goes – I am VERY frustrated – Ken’s "long weekend" in Minnesota has become 7 days without help with the kids! He flies out Thursday afternoon and gets back Tuesday night which means he works Wednesday before even seeing the kids… course add to this my mom changed her vacation time and will have … SUNDAY off that is it! Ken has not lined anyone up for me concretely for help and we are still in this sardine can of an apartment without our own little fenced lawn. I know Ken needs a vacation and all and I was all for a 4 day weekend but GEEZE it is like no one stopped and went WAIT Ken is using up all these holiday days (which if we need more means he has to work Saturdays – gee more days without help with the kids – can I??) but also no one said wow maybe Lisa does not WANT 7 days without someone in the apartment… add to that the fact Ken has not figured out how to get there without parking the van in the city – not that I drive but that means no one else can come visit and drive us somewhere… so I have had a good cry and Ken and I argued over MSN messanger and now I just want to hide under the bed for a while. I have spent a month psyching myself up for his trip… making jokes about him not taking any of the kids… trying to figure out how he can have time to see Andy and Darcy Novak… pointing out the wall paper border I want for Emanuel’s room… well right now I just want to be a selfish little bitch and say NO.
Ken’s answer to my frustration is that sometime when he gets back I go out with Christine or Karyn for a day and he watches all the kids – well that honestly is a nice thought except I have no money to spend, they both live in Edmonton, Christine is ALWAYS busy, and it is ANOTHER event *I* have to plan… add that to the zoo trip and the doctors’ appointments… what I want is someone to say gee Lisa I am sorry we didn’t plan this trip in a way that does not leave you stranded… My mom’s holidays were changed so she has one day instead of the original 3 or 4…. she has suggested we stay the night at her place and then spend the day in the yard, couse SHE won’t be there… neither will my internet connection or laptop… everyone else… well they have lives… but Ken needs a break… and I am happy for him… I just wish that for him to have a break I did not have to feel overwhelmed and lost.
I don’t know what I want.. probably another cry… maybe to feel less like the problem is I can’t control my kids… I guess iwant to get breaks too more often – 24/7 I am with the kids.. yah Ken comes home but I don’t go anywhere and he says he has trouble relaxing at home lately which means SOMETHING needs to change. The only thing I can think of is that there are too many chores when he gets home… or maybe it is my asking questions… I am trying not to ask him to do much, or maybe it is the kids jumping on him when he gets home – there is not much I can do about that… I just want this family to feel more relaxed. I know alot of this stress is based on close quarters and Ken’s long commute but I am starting to worry. Worry about everyone… that we are driving each other mad, that the boys are being hindered by my inability to get them out all day… but then again they had so much fun on their walk to the dollar store and enjoyed their lunch and Little Einsteins and Pocoyo… they played nice for short periods of time this morning and I have high hopes for the afternoon lego play.
ok so I vented… I am done with it… now I just need to deal right?
This entry was posted on 17/07/2007, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Swimming on a Sunny Afternoon

Hmm let’s start with today… in the morning after a nap for Emanuel we took the boys to Superstore to get diapers and whatever we need for tomorrow… then in the afternoon we headed off to the public pool. We were there over an hour playing. I swear Emanuel is my merboy… he was adament he had to go into the deeper waters… life jacket for him next time! The other two are much more content in the shallower end. Karyn managed to come up for it too. It is always nice to have another set of hands. The Bleaus and Daveys were supposed to come but the guys had to go to the city to get some stuff from their car business moved. We are meeting with them tomorrow. After swimming the boys were totally worn out and had a great nap. It really was fun and great timing – we got there at 1 when the public swim started and by the time we were out and it was hot and ucky the boys were off for a nap. I think we hit around 30/31 today.
On her way back to the city Karyn had some car trouble and had to wait for a tow that took her only to the nearest town so Ken went to get her and take her the rest of the way. So since she missed most of the birthday party she was heading to Ken and her went to a movie… so that leaves me… you guessed it… home alone with the boys. Course the twins are fighting sleep saying "I’m Done" over and over and Emanuel is out like a light. The apartment is FINALLY cooling off so I took the chance to turn on the oven and bake the half baked buns for tomorrow… I am trying to get the boys to sleep, the buns done, some tidying done (not that you could ever notice for all the clutter ARGH) and do some quiet activity….
That leads me to last night – Ken gave me my birthday present from him and the boys finally! Turns out he has been saving since March when my brother came to visit with his – a Ninetendo DS Lite and since it does not come in blue he got me the pink one! I am so going to have to get a bright pink bag to carry it in! He also got me a game – Animal Crossing Wild World. It is so cute and great to learn how to use the touch pad! I feel so spoiled! He stood in line on a busy night in Walmart to get it for me!
I finished two more cross stitches and am onto the one for my dad and his wife… so many more to go but the finished ones are stacking up. I do have two babies to be born right away – Alan and Xinny’s in August and my cousin Amber’s first in a matter of weeks. So I will have to do those soon too.
All in all a pretty good weekend so far!!!

I Want to MOVE

I do not know what is worse – the +30 heat or the noisy downstairs neighbors who smoke on the lawn while they drink and are loud… I would love to take the boys out on the lawn with Ken but they are out there drinking and smoking… I want to move!!!
This coming week is to be a scorcher – 35 Cel on Sunday and holding until Thursday when we are supposed to dip down to 25 (thank goodness) and thunder showers… I am not sure what I am going to do with the boys… we went out this morning at 9 am and it was already hot! Lots of tv and laying about I guess…
I cut my thumb today as well – Ken sharpened all our knives and when cutting fruit for the boys I got distracted and cut myself – nothing too deep but I have not been clotting quickly – I really need to get back on track with my iron. Add it to the heat and the grumpy kids and and and … well I just feel like having a good cry. Not that that is a new thing I swear I cry more than anyone else I know. Like a faucet and I can’t turn it off… oh well I feel better afterwards. Perhaps this is the end of the tough stuff and the beginning of new good things? Well I can hope.
Well not much more to add without sounding whiny and ungreatful. The kids are good – except for being hot, Ken is loving his job and I have a roof over my head…. Ken says he is still planning my birthday too!