Archive | July 2007

Fighting A Battle of Will With 2 3yr olds :(

🙂 I think what frustrates me the most is the boys are up and TIRED so tired… like at nap time I had to spank Zander for banging on the door again… ugh I would be able to let them scream it out more if it was not for the fact we are sandwiched in here… BUT I asked Gavin do you need a spanking and he said NO and stopped!!!! That made me feel so good 🙂 and the one spanking he did get for being mean to the boys and pushing and saying no to mommy and taking toys – all at once led to him rubbing his bum and then my talking to him and us both saying we were sorry and great big hugs. He even smiled at me when I said mommy does not want to spank but you would not stop or sit in his chair… I would rather talk or sit and calm down 🙂 and then Emanuel came over and hugged us both too!!
The boys were all up by 6 and all 4 of us in tears as Ken left for work. I took all the kids down to 7-11 for slurpee and then to Co-Op for cheese curds – sadly they were out so we got crumbled feta. The boys really like the walk… they chatter along and are getting to be pros crossing the street. I just wish we had a yard though… it would be nice to not have to create reasons to take the kids out… it will happen.
I have filled the rest of our week with some activities. Our assessment has been moved to August when Emanuel has all his medical since I wanted help so we could do it in one shot. I am debating Emanuel’s haircut then too but am still holding onto the curls. Tomorrow is groceries and mom taking the twins… Thursday she said she could take them again so we can go over and visit with the Daveys… Saturday we are going to the public swim, Karyn is going to meet us as well as maybe the Daveys and Bleaus… Sunday morning we are meeting everyone at the splash park again (weather permitting). It is supposed to be HOT on Saturday so I thought the pool would be the better choice. So not frantic busy but occupied.
I think Emanuel is in the middle of another growth spurt, he is eating like mad! Lots of bread and buns and the like… he is past due for one. At least we all seem to be over this bug. Ken needs a hair cut though (Saturday morning I hope) and the apartment needs a good once over … ok the apartment needs less stuff in it but I have to do what I can with the space we have.
Our roses from Grandma MacLean’s funeral are all dead… it is weird… there are so many reflections on what will not have to be done – going to her place for her birthday, discussing with mom whenever we go south how we should stop by and see her, inviting her to family gatherings, birthday/mother’s day/Christmas cards and the big one – no more pictures to mail her. I had to cross her name and address out of my address book – it is all so weird and final! Mom goes back next Tuesday to go through the stuff in the garage with her siblings and then they are to get the house cleaned and on the market. We really can’t go back. The big shiver is going to be when I make my Christmas card list…
Well the twins are up already – early so here goes another crummy afternoon… I really need the window’s covered in garbage bags to make them darker or SOMETHING!!!

A Cloudy Monday Morning

Ok so there is nothing worse than a Monday with bad weather (hot or cold). The boys and I are taking a pj day and while that is fun for mommy and Emanuel can deal the twins… not so much. Oh well. Tomorrow is their language assessment so we have to be out the door in time to walk the few blocks to Public Health for our 9 am appointment (trust me I did NOT have a choice in times).
Well this weekend just sped on by. Friday we got some not so hot news – turns out we cannot get the duplex we were looking for – 320 thou is beyond our means to make the monthly payments – you know I was more angry that was not notived a MONTH AGO after all you can go to bank sites, plug in the amount and the mortgage and get the payments. So we found another small city with much more reasonable rates AND bigger places! We just have to go to a pre fab home. The ones Ken was looking at were bigger with an ensuite bathroom and everything! So Ken is going to get pre-approved for a mortgage and then we are off to look. I guess what may have to happen is we need someone else to get the mortgage and then we assume it once Ken has made 6 months at his new job… but Ken’s folks are having difficulty helping us with this since they do not hold title here in Canada – well gee how are they supposed to get the first one?? Life is never simple is it? Ken is going to a bank in the city today to see what we can do about consolidating some of our debt. We are going to do better as time goes on though I did get some bad news – Ken makes too much for us to get loan reduction. I think I figured out why I had not heard of anyone getting it – you have to be making so little according to family size, etc. to get it! grrrr
Saturday was Karyn’s stamping party. It was actually great fun. We made two different cards that used lots of neat tools and I managed to stay in budget buying a stamp set and then two of the ink pens you can draw on the stamps with and then stamp. Karyn has some too so I can borrow. Since she was the hostess (was held at a friend’s but Karyn did the work) she got hostess gifts and such depending on how much people spent. She actually did quite well. I really had a great time chatting with adults. Ken had all 3 boys in the city and since Alan and Xinny were busy they were on their own. They went to a splash park and saw a pond with ducks, had ice cream at Baskin Robins… went for a walk in a mall. Lots of fun though tiring for Ken. He put sunscreen on just his arms for some odd reason and so burned his neck. Everyone was tired when we got home.
Sunday we spent a nice chunk of the morning/early afternoon at the splash park with the Daveys and Bleaus. We brought snacks and blankets and did some visiting. The kids had a blast and the weather was nice and not too sunny. The kids were very worn out and though we were only out almost 2 hours it was a bit long for Emanuel. The twins woke up cranky after their nap so we tried to play legos and such, in the end we rested watching some Little Einsteins and Pocoyo. I figure we need to keep Emanuel up til 8pm… he seems to sleep 11 hours and 7am is not so bad to wake up at.
Today the weather is crummy as I mentioned and the boys cranky. I am so sick of them whining about cookies but I am trying to be tougher on that. Emanuel had a little nap in the morning but everyone seems to be over the nasty stomach bug – I just wish my apartment was!! It is like I get sick and everyone takes a cleaning holiday. Now if I could just get the clutter gone and the kids calmed down… they are just so fussy lately… pushing limits and all… oh well all part and parcel of 3yr olds right?

So NOT a Morning Person!

I am so NOT a morning person! this morning BEFORE 6 am mind you – Zander was up going VERY loudly – "I’m done" until he woke EVERYONE up. So I had a crabby baby, a tired and snarky Gavin and a still tired Zander…. well this has been happening for a month now and leads to all 3 grumpy all morning – Zander even has not gotten enough sleep but is up anyway… so I must say I lost my temper in a stern and LOUD voice sent them back to bed, hunted down the tylenol for my sickie Emanuel and tried to get everyone back to bed… well Zander went up to the door and banged around so he got spanked, I changed their bums and left them there to cry. Emanuel on the other hand I had to let out of bed. Poor baby is up for the day. After about 10 min the twins seemed to have gone back to sleep. I have decided that from now on if they are up at 6 back to bed they go. We are all tired all the time and Zander needs to learn just cuz he thinks it is time to get up it may not be! So up I stayed and then around 8 I started my bath with Emanuel in the jolly jumper – back to crappy morning theatre — the water woke up the twins who proceeded to scream about food and milk and get into the fridge, while Emanuel fiddling around bashed his head on the doorway… I did get a little time in the tub bug GOOD GRIEF!! And then when I did get the boys breakfast Gavin whined cuz all he wanted was banana and Zander almost gave Emanuel his chewable vitamin – um NO. ARGH and all this before 9 am!!! These are the mornings when I wish KEN was the stay at home parent!!!!!
So today instead of doing mail – which I really need to mail a birthday card… I am going to strap the boys into their backback harnesses and I am going to get myself a slurpee in my giant cup darnit! Course I only have the umbrella with like NO cargo room but I will manage… trust me!!!! Stomach ache or no I can sip over time!