Archive | August 2007

A Welcome Visit

Sunday was relatively quiet – I got to sleep in again, we went to the grocery store as a family, I had a long nap in the afternoon and Ken a shorter one after… but best of all after 5pm we had visitors! One of my bridesmaids – Shauna, had gotten married when the boys were a mere 7 months old (we had made it to the wedding) and now has a 6 month old son herself. She, her hubby and wee Joel came for a nice visit. It was terrific to catch up and just generally visit. Joel is an absolute sweety and Shauna’s hubby a really nice guy. He is originally from Holland and a twin – he has a twin sister!
So swimming on Saturday, guests on Sunday and then cool weather or no we went downtown today and got ALL our chores done! Tomorrow I am planning on walking to the Co-Op to get milk and maybe, if the boys are good, cookies. Today they got juice boxes – Zander was less than amazed but Gavin drank the whole thing!
Check out this link – a little mature but FUNNY!
Other than that life is good… the boys were worn out, our apartment got looked at and determined what needs to be done to fix and Ken is home from work!


Yup I sorta feel marvelous tonight… a refreshing swim at the pool in the afternoon with the kids face planting but NOT drowning (always a plus), late lunch at Subway (a family favorite), sleeping in in the morning cuz my hubby loves me and then a nice 30 min of quiet just Emanuel and mommy while the twins went to the park with daddy in the evening. Marvelous!
I had a terrific afternoon of email correspondance with Darcy who is safely home after two nights at the hospital with wee Aidan who I guess has asthma… poor little one had a cold and was having trouble breathing… I am so glad he is safe and sound.
Karyn came for the swim and agreed that the new livingroom set up feels MUCH larger… The boys are getting the hang of it too, though with 3 days or rain, rain and MORE rain we have watched more tv then I would have liked. Oh well next week is supposed to be A LOT better so we can finally run our errands downtown… I am actually starting to look forward to winter, if we can get the boys comfortable with being in the snow going on the hill out front is much easier in the snow – of course that is saying we don’t find a new place by then. I am feeling very confident that if we do or not my boys will be happy. Like Darcy told me – we don’t need THINGS to make our kids grow up well – WE do that. And you know what? I think she and I are doing a great job.
Well last night I stayed up SUPER late – 3 am !! And tonight I have decided to stay up and enjoy the company of my husband sans kids… I feel bad that we will most likely miss church but Ken and I are in need of putting our together time first… I will do my own personal prayer and celebration of my faith tomorrow in spending time with my children, celebrating our love and spending some time in quiet contemplation. God is in everything right?

Ugh Ack Ugh

You ever get the feeling you have foot in mouth disease? I mean every email I send out, every casual mention or inadvertant sentence in my blog comes back to haunt me! I swear I just should duct tape my mouth shut.
That is not to mean people do not mean well… it is terrific that so many people are interested in my life, praying for us, caring about us, but in this world of technology I am VERY careful how much I let out… granted emotions, daily stuff – all fair game, surprise occurances yes, but our entire situation house hunt wise, my family planning, I have been closed mouth but not closed mouth enough. I think I have said things that have come across wrong…
So here goes – in the house hunt world – well our plan first and foremost has ALWAYS been to rent first. We really are NOT ready to be home owners and have always wanted to rent… we have the money to rent, the ability but no rentals available. There is my first UGH… Alberta property is OVER priced and sadly hard to find. Had to take a big old breath when I saw houses in the area we are looking going for 1800 a month rent and they were so not worth it… my mom and her boyfriend are renting a property out in town and they are getting over a grand a month! My mom was amazed she did not think she would get that much! Any reference to assistance offered that I am sure people who have read before remember but if they reread will NOT see I would hope would also indicate to these people that they should not be talking about it to others since the situation warrents silence – wow I sound like 007 – that and we have NOT accepted any help monetarily or otherwise right now in buying a house as we have NO house in mind right now… in fact we have never stopped our rental search – Ken is on multiple lists waiting for openings… so please keep a positive thought for us on that one! What we would love to do is find a rental and rent for at least a year while we decrease our debt (which we have been making headway on since Ken got his new job – what a Godsend that one was!) and wait for the housing market to change in OUR favour… good grief are homes in Alberta over priced… Makes me want to move to Ontario or Saskatchewan. If we wait that long and can find that lovely home in our budget like we have wanted all along we can easily stand on our own two feet – it is really the market holding us back *sigh*.
Now for the ACK – the controversy that is our large growing family… lets just say we have left it in God’s hands – so if we have an announcement tomorrow (yah right) or 6 months from now… well we will feel blessed. I would hope everyone is excited for us and understanding that taking on that 4th child is something we have always planned/wanted/hoped. Granted another set of twins – well better left unsaid but such is the risk once you have had that first set – actually in any pregnancy – twins are NOT that uncommon. I really hope no one feels that we would take food out of the mouths of the three we already love and adore to add to the family. Honestly we are doing well… this small apartment is our only real setback right now. Though I will let you in on something – 4 is basically our limit! We had planned on 5 when we first got married but that first pregnancy being twins – well that certainly made us reassess. Who knows maybe God has a little angel girl waiting for us?? So don’t worry we are being adults… after all it takes 9 months to make a baby and that is 9 months to find our bigger rental… or buy and it WILL happen… course with our luck – who knows when God will bless?
Now for the last UGH – well all 3 boys have some form of the cold Ken brought back with him from Minnesota. Emanuel also cut TWO teeth at once – my poor little man. Add to that inclement weather and errands I cannot do because of it and ugh ugh ugh we are all a little moody. I hope I have cleared up some misconceptions… I would hate to have to censor my blog or make it private as I do find this a wonderful medium to keep people updated as well as get out my feelings. Granted I could always smarten up and make it a private journal like I most likely should but… oh well something to concider right?