Archive | August 2007

Back to the Daily Grind

Ok so dumb me moment – the boys and I trucked all the way downtown, waited 5 min for the bank to open and got in first to replace my bankcard that I lost on the weekend (oops) and then off to the dollar store for a toy, 7-11 for milk and my slurpee and home, on the way home I remembered all the things I FORGOT to do —- get a roll of quarters and a 20.00 for my wallet, get my Aug/Sep birthday cards… UGH UGH UGH.
Add to that the notice that got slipped under our door during lunchtime – the owner and rental agent are coming around to look at the building from 10-11am… when I will most likely be on my way home from running all the errands I FORGOT today. So I called our rental agent to let him know, and worst case scenario I will leave a list on the table of what they should peek at… I really do need to get all of this stuff done and I would rather not wait until the end of the week to do it.
I got a $10.00 gift certificate from doing a survey online for so I ordered a book on doing blackwork – it uses the same supplies as cross stitching, a novel and Ken got Vol 3 and 4 of Penny Arcade… I have not bought a book in so long! One of the series I am reading that is based on the life of Beatrix Potter has a 3rd book out but in hardcover, so that is one I will have to get next year. I just feel like trying a new form of needlepoint, who knows, I may just find something I could make for the people I do not yet have Christmas presents decided on.
Yesterday was a nice day, we were going to go to Superstore but Big Valley had just ended so going down the main highway sucked so we went to Co-Op and I finally got a Co-Op number… Ken took the twins out in the late afternoon for chalk and outside play and the downstairs neighbor brought up some ice cream cake for them. Sunday night we were over at the Bleau’s for a yummy dinner and a less than restful but still fun visit. The boys are still so attached to Ken for fear that he will go away for a long time again!
This week is a quiet one – Monday was Herritage Day so a civic holiday and we really have nothing else planned though we are hoping to get together with some friends and go swimming on Saturday. Next week is our big one – a whole day of appointments!! Life is never dull here that is for sure!

Sunday Sonnet

Well I have had an… unususal morning – after have a couple of drinks (ok 2 and I am not used to them so they DID affect me) and a late night at 7:30 in the morning my brother called me… instead of asking what he needed Ken handed the phone right over (have I mentioned that it is ODD to have said brother call me?) so groggily I chatted with him for a couple of minutes – apparently he is thinking of becoming a writer! And had talked to my mom either earlier (good lord!) or the night before and she had decided to pack up and visit for a day! Speaking of which SHE called an hour later to ask to have us check on Rikki… so all in all an odd start to the morning!
For our family excursion this morning we walked to Co-Op where I FINALLY got a Co-Op number – should have done that MONTHS ago! It was a lovely morning for a walk but just that little bit too cool for Emanuel to go to the splash park – I am hoping on going tomorrow with the family. Fingers crossed!
Oh and yesterday I got the cutest quote in my email:
The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he’s a baby.  – Natalie Wood
Hmm what else… well I am totally LOVING our new set up, the livingroom area is much more open and the boys have their corner to mess up – with the slide back up it is crowded but it is nice to have some division… we moved the highchair and the table so you really cannot have more than the kids sitting down to eat but we can easily move all that for a family dinner and have given more space again there. Now I just need to reclaim my entry way. I did get the linen closet cleaned out and rearranged so the accordian style door closes properly… and the big closet where the twins’ dresser is is all organized with space to spare! I have given away another 2+ bags of stuff to the depot and thrown out another bag of trash. YAY
Now I need to figure out what exactly James was telling me and probably call HIM and say WHAT WHAT WHAT! gotta love family!

Rainy Saturday

What crummy weather for a long weekend – wet and windy and cool… so no splash park today and no playing outside, though we did get our livingroom rearranged – there is so much more room!! And the kids have their own little area blocked off for their toys. We shall see if it helps. I managed to get basically all the errands ran I felt needed to get done – even stopping at the local anime store to see if they had Wallflower on DVD since it has been licenced – no luck!! BAH.
It is so nice to have Ken home – the kids are all over him all the time but already peace and sweet temperments are returning! Ken does not go back to work until Tuesday – so we are really trying to enjoy our time together – a few drinks tonight, tomorrow dinner over at the Bleaus and Monday – well I figure that can be our bum around the house day. And then we are into August…
Emanuel cut TWO teeth – one of his front bottom and then… a back molar?? He gets his teeth in the weirdest order! But at least now he is resting better… poor dear had a big cry last night when we figure that one near the front was cutting. He has such a low pain tolerance – like me.
So a load of laundry done, the livingroom cleaned, dining area cleaned, mailing in envelopes to go out next week, dishes done, kids bathed and in bed… time to relax and sew. I have that gift for little Madison I am making nice headway on… sewing baby gifts is perfect for a rainy day!