Archive | July 2009

Sunny Days and Government Related Woes…

Life in the Reinsch-Johnson household is rarely calm and collected… partially the reaction to the massive amount of testosterone 3 boys and a cranky Yankee can amass and partially the result of simply having 4 kids under the age of 6 combined with two slightly frazzled adults. Today was no exception.

Since for the first time in a little over a week I was SURE we were going to have a lovely warm and sunny day I made it a priority to get the kids outside… breakfast and  teeth brushed and out we went to decorate our front sidewalk with chalk images. Trains and tracks, people, trees and birds all now grace our sidewalk along with names and words and random line of colour. Even Trinity got in on the fun, though she quickly mistaked her bread crust for chalk and attempted to draw on the cement with it which led to its removal from the premises. Sidewalks coloured we headed back indoors to add apples to our tree on that wall which is now becoming quite the mural with its birds, leaves and nest literally made out of twigs and sticks (though we replaced mud with hot glue on a piece of suitably brown construction paper).

Chalk in the front yard.

Chalk in the front yard.

Lunch and quiet time led to all 3 boys back outside, this time for fun in the pool and makeshift water slide once again. Talk about a home run for creativity with Ken! And even better yet – PLANS – REAL PLANS – for the whole family to head off to City Hall and partake of the fountain there. Even better this is going to give yours truly the opportunity to catch up with a friend from high school and meet his girlfriend! Talk about exciting! So 4pm tomorrow we will be at the fountain! Join us if you wish! Though we are cell phone less (talk about economizing ACK) so if you don’t contact me before then you will have to hunt us down!

Back into the water!

Back into the water!

Which leads to where Ken was… the poor man spent most of the day fighting with the government. While I am not allowed to discuss the “why” here on the site I CAN report that we have a new appreciation for people’s hatred of dealing with the system and the forms and the entire concept of beaurocracy. Thank goodness he left with our old GameBoy Advance in tow.  I figure he only took the ADVANCE (which is bue) to avoid the minor embarrassment of taking the blindingly baby pink DS. Which proves that buying Lisa a PINK toy really DOES mean that Ken will NOT borrow it in public! Score! I can also report that it will be yet ANOTHER 2-3 weeks before processes will be completed (Can you hear 0ur growns of frustration and anger where you are?).

Anyway to top off the POSITIVES of today – we are finally seeing some growth with our acorn squash in the boys’ pots… I moved them more into the sun and BANG two tiny plants… Not nearly so dramatic as our green beans back in Minnesota but the kids are excited and I am well pleased. Though I am pretty sure the tiny plants in the top pot are weeds…

Acorn Squash

Acorn Squash

So tomorrow city hall fountain.. anyone else interested? Let me know… tonight I plan on tweaking this site further so check back and see how it goes and feel free to give suggestions!

Sun, Slurpees and Water… what else do you need?



Well here goes, a brand new blog… might as well start with our busy busy day!

The kids were quite excited about the possibility of going to a splash park… sadly the site Ken checked sent us to a pool and not a free splash park area so we made a detour to our familiar park for a brief play, headed over to our favourite 7-11 for slurpees and then back to the house. The kids were not too impressed until Ken rigged up the pool, their new playset and a hose and made their very own waterslide. After that all was forgiven! Add in lunch at the picnic table, freezies and NO quiet time and we had 3 rather happy little boys. Trinity even got in on the fun for a while until the sun and the prickly grass got to be too much for her.

Gavin (hose) and Zander

Gavin (hose) and Zander playing

Trinity and Emanuel in the Sun

Trinity and Emanuel in the sun

The plan for the upcoming week is to head out to the City Hall Fountain where we KNOW there is water and only the price of parking to deal with (ugh but unavoidable really). I am working on meeting up with a friend from high school the same time! And maybe the boys’ favourite little girl?? We shall see.

Other than that life is pretty much the same around here.. Ken and I are going through our daily stresses but are keeping positive and working towards a potentially… better… outcome! The kids are driving us mad but in a good way and Trinity herself is amazing us daily with her feats of athletic prowess… her newest accomplishment – climbing up on the rocking stool to get up to the rocking chair. YIKES! But more on that later! Now back to reorganizing and developing the new site!

This entry was posted on 12/07/2009, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Stress to the “enth” Degree

Well it has finally happened… after 2 months of ongoing stress my stomach has finally caught up with my racing mind… eating is getting a little hard to stomach. Thank goodness for the breadmaker and basic foods that are easily affordable. Still the ongoing stress is becoming a bit harsh…

On the positive side… the boys are enjoying their school work soon and since we started the PreK curriculum late we were not expecting to start K right in the fall anyway so no having the new one ordered is a minor irritation. Trinity is having a blast exploring everything and anything and popping out occasionally to play in the sun with her brothers. Emanuel is hard at work using the potty… it is our goal to have him out of the pull ups at least during the day by the end of the summer. 

We made firework paintings as a family. Very simple… put dots of paint on a piece of paper – thicker paper is better – and then put a lid over top (we used a lid off a bucket from ice cream) and smack it with a hammer! Gavin actually got the best result as the rest of us seemed to not hit the centre of the paint! But it was so much fun! The woman who posted the video for that has a website I need to go through: check her out!

Myself, I have thrown myself fully into cleaning AND stitching a stocking for the 4th Novak boy who I had not gotten around to making one when he was born! (he was born the same year as Emanuel) Stocking patterns are never a simple stitch up in a week sort of thing for me so I am hoping to get a good start on it NOW when the boys are able to be busy out in the backyard in the afternoons so that when fall comes and we move more inside I am able to still complete it in the time allotted.

Ken is working hard on the game he and Ted are programming. While there is not a close end date on that they are working hard and Ken figures by next year may have a nice and rather polished product. Here’s hoping something TERRIFIC comes of all that!!!

Basically one of my greatest frustrations is that this is my summer for saying "no we can’t do that’" – to the kids, to friends, to family… to myself… we are basically grounded here in the city and even then looking to those activities that are free. It is frustrating as honestly I had figured we had gone through this part of our lives already and lived that lesson and done that scary shoestring budgetting… BUT apparently not. Oh well, we have become old pros at it at least! I am just, as is Ken – beyond done… but isn’t that the way life goes???

So things are not peaches and cream or sunshine and roses but we DO have our health and our relationship and our kids… and someday we will look back at this summer and ….. certainly NOT laugh BUT …. be glad we are no longer in the position we are currently facing…. right???