Archive | September 2009

Lapbook, a Harsh Morning and a Hot Cocoa Recipe

Not a terribly auspicious start to my week – Ken had a bit of a set back health wise and did not manage to get done a single thing on his list… this after I stayed up past midnight so he could have a nap and then he told me to go to bed and he WOULD get at least something done. This meant my morning was balanced between doing all the back house work (mommies really CAN’T get sick and expect the world to function normally) and getting the boys going on their very first traditional lapbook. Not my favourite start to the week when you also have to add in a talk with the hubby about how you feel about said mistake but at least now we have better tools to discuss and get my points of view across in a way that does not set his hackles right on up.

Our schooling this morning was centred on our very first lapbook – for numbers. Very simple, we basically focused on the numbers 1-10 though we did include a 1-100 chart. We made more copies of our number matching game (the one with a card with the number printed and corresponding card with the same number of stickers.), these went into an envelope I plan on adding a brad and thread to to tie close.

Envelope with Matching Game and 1-100 chart

Envelope with Matching Game and 1-100 chart

We photocopied a shrunk down copy of one of the 1-10 dot to dots in the workbook we had bought ages ago that the kids then connected the dots (I did for Emanuel) and then coloured. (All of a sudden Emanuel is trying SUPER hard to colour in the lines!)

Little Dot To Dot

Little Dot To Dot

Ken shrunk down a little 1-10 book that a homeschooling friend linked us to staple and then paste in as well – this one has the word, number and number of objects on each page! For the last thing on the side panels I made up a little pocket with left over scrapbook paper scraps which we then put in little strips of paper that had a number which the boys coloured and then lines for them to write their own (1-10 again)… Emanuels are just the papers so he can do it later.

Pocket and Book

Pocket and Book

The centre was Ken’s favourite – matchbook folded pages.. each with a number and then inside the number of bunnies. Behind that is an 8 1/2 by 11 inch scrapbook page that each boy got to stamp with real stamps and ink. I think that was their favourite part… they were so proud of the stamping! I figure we will do some sort of stamping for each and every book.

Proud Stamper with Stamp and Page

Proud Stamper with Stamp and Page

Gavin and the Dinosaur

Gavin and the Dinosaur

Zander and Bunny

Zander and Bunny

Pride in One's Work (Zander left) and Trinity Sneaking In for a Picture!

Pride in One's Work (Zander left) and Trinity Sneaking In for a Picture!

Bunnies in the Garden

Bunnies in the Garden

I think with the next one I will put more paper over the folders are we are reusing folders. My mom was able to give us a nice, big stack! I do have a ton of bits and pieces of paper that if nothing else we could make a quilt like look to it. We need to cover the back and front parts of the folder yet but I figure as a first attempt – not half bad! The next one will be shapes and colours. I plan to go much more detailed!

For breakfast this morning I made up a triple batch of the whole wheat pancakes and froze a bunch for later. I figure for mornings like when we leave for our trip 3 1/2 hrs south to see my brother and his family we can just pull out some, pop them in the toaster or microwave and there you go… stupid simple as Ken says! And the kids still LOVED them.

I made another foray into edible Christmas presents today courtesy of my good friend Bree. I was going to hunt down the individual packets of hot chocolate until she suggested I make my own and linked me to a terrific recipe – by Alton (he is on the Food Network). Very simple, and though powdered milk is not cheap any more still a very affordable way to make a gift. Added to that another friend (homeschooler) suggested I get pastry bags to make the whole thing look pretty and top it with some chocolate chips and mini marshmallows. This will then be combined with a mint rock candy stick and maybe a mug! MMM

2 cups powdered (icing) sugar

1 cup cocoa

2 1/2 cups powdered milk

1 tsp. salt

2 tsp. cornstarch

1 pinch cayenne pepper (I left that out)

hot water

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and incorporate evenly (we put it all in a container we could put a lid on and shake and then store it in).

In a small pot, heat 4-6 cup of water, fill mug half full of mix and pour hot water. Stir to combine, also works with warm milk.

Ingredients Collected

Ingredients Collected

All Mixed Up

All Mixed Up

We haven’t tried it yet, that will be tomorrow’s treat. Ken is so excited about it. He is also in charge of cutting down our bamboo skewers to be prepped for more rock candy. Mint and cherry – we need to up the amount of colouring and all that but I am excited to see how they turn out!

I did get some good mail today – I had signed up for Heinz baby a while ago and in the mail we got a nice bag, height chart (Trinity is right around 30 inches tall now!) and a tin of their formula. So another bag to use for trips and the like (always helpful!). Thought I am not sure what I am going to do with the formula – it is good until 2012 so I may just hold onto it until someone else needs it.



Ken had his first experience with being in charge with a whole letter – Q! An after dinner lesson as Ken was also called into work early with an emergency. It was quite interesting watching him muddle through but it got done and they did have fun!

Daddy at Work! (Gavin middle)

Daddy at Work! (Gavin middle)

Letter Q

Letter Q

Of course they ended with the computer stuff. Trinity as usual was quite adamant she be right by the computer and everyone practised their “qu” sound.

Computer Time! (Zander front)

Computer Time! (Zander front)

I started a new stitch today – the one for my pharmacist friend. It is coming along quickly which is nice to see… I may even have it done by tomorrow! Which of course puts me right back with doing my stocking… bah! Ken is working on a special stitch for Trinity’s birthday buddy but I am not sure how simple it will be. I plan on having the boys draw their simple pictures tomorrow for me to get to work on… that is one project I am looking forward to!

Newest Pattern!

Newest Pattern!

My day has been stressful but productive… tomorrow I make sugar cookie dough for Friday… Thursday muffins as well. My brother has requested apple leather and my nephew his cousins… I think I can handle all those requests! We are still up in the air about the company picnic… if the kids are still fighting this bug I may chose to stay with my sister in law instead of going. I am looking forward to seeing the 3 of them though. It has been a while – mom’s wedding I think. The boys are rather excited as well.

So though I have felt a bit the grump, I feel like tomorrow I can start off fresh again. Letter R, pictures to draw…oh and a mountain of laundry to fold!!! Teach me not to get sick!!!

So We Stay Hard at Work... Sorta!

So We Stay Hard at Work... Sorta!

Busy Weekend!

What a weekend! We managed to keep pretty busy right up until Sunday night! Saturday was another first for me – I slept in! And not just a little – Ken came into the bedroom multiple times and I did not wake up… not until a little after 11. (of course at 7:30 that morning I had breastfed Trinity and sent her out to Ken but still)

This did put us in a bit of a rush to get out the door in time to make it to the Michaels’ free activity. This session was to make spoon people. Very simple, used a wooden spoon, felt, googly eyes, markers and DMC floss for hair. The boys had a blast! And all free!!! Next month has quite a few events going on (being Halloween and all), though we are going to miss the ones on Halloween day (we will be at my mom’s) there is a beading session I am going to go to – a make it and take it one no less. The session I want to do with the boys you buy one of the t-shirts there and then paint them in a spooky way. I figure they would REALLY enjoy that. (it could be our one pay for activity for October!) The woman who runs the craft sessions knows us well!

Spoon Boys! (Gavin left)

Spoon Boys! (Gavin left)

After Michaels we made one of our few trips to Walmart. It is their anniversary week or something so there are sales galore. I even picked up two boxes of the foil packets of Kool aide so I can make a purse. (well hopefully my mom will help me!) We picked up a movie Ken has been dying to get: the Jonny Depp version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – 4.00! What a find!

Yup $4.00!!

Yup $4.00!!

Our shopping was cut short before we could head over to H&W as friends were due to come over for supper and games by 3pm. We had a nice crowd last night – Sean, Ted, Alan (Xinny and kids are in China – we chat occassionally), Nathan and Ada. A nice full house. We had hamburgers and salad and Ada made fried rice (yummy!). I baked an apple loaf and sugar cookies to go with.

Nathan and Ada

Nathan and Ada

After the kids went to bed (well all but Trinity) we played a card game Nathan brought – Munchkins… I don’t think I ever really caught on to how you play but the boys had a blast.



Then the guys of COURSE played Magic. They dismantled their cube last night so those cards had to be sorted out so the owners could retrieve them and then of course a game or two or three HAD TO be played.

Magic and Beer = Funny Faces??

Magic and Beer = Funny Faces??

Sunday morning the twins and Ken headed off to Sunday School and church. I kept the two little ones home since they still had runny noses and Trinity was in dire need for a nap. She actually went to sleep right after they left. Of course before they returned to take us all to H&W we ran around outside for a bit. (The dress was a gift from a friend in the UK – too too cute!). Emanuel was so concerned every time she ran towards the neighbour’s sidewalk – he was SURE she was running away!!

Out for a Walk!

Out for a Walk!

We really lucked out at H&W… they had a flat sale on strawberries – 8.00 for 8lbs! So as I type this I have plates of them in the freezer hardening to be bagged and plans to make a strawberry mouse like pie! I plan on saving the containers for later – maybe we could grow beans in them or use them for a craft! YUM The girls at the store also gave each of the kids an animal sticker. Which of course had to be compared and talked about in GREAT detail!

So Very Pretty!

So Very Pretty!

This weekend was a reconnect weekend for me – Karyn stopped by for the first time in 2 weeks. She was a town or two away getting the stuff out of her car that is now not drive-able  so she continued on to our place. We went out to Walmart and got some corn starch and Emanuel’s Christmas gift (it was a fantastic price) and stopped off at Micheals for some spools of ribbon that were 50 cents a piece. She stayed for visiting and supper.

I also hunted down my friend Christine for a chat. We had not talked for almost a month (both busy and the like). Apparently she has a new dog and everything! I am so looking forward to our visit to my mom’s next month as she lives in the same town!!

My dad also called me to catch up and remind me to contact my sister. He is working hard at his schooling and work so we don’t get many chances to chat. Now that we have Shaw and long distance I finally CAN.

I finally got a chance to finish my thank you cards. I copied one I learned how to make when out at a party with Karyn. I think they turned out rather nice. Hopefully I can find some more time to make up a few more. Such a nice and easy card to make.

The Original is the Standing Red One!

The Original is the Standing Red One!

We finally had Walmart hunt down my September 9th photos. They had had them printed just couldn’t hunt them down until FRIDAY night! Good grief, but at least tomorrow I can spend some time filling up my album. And then of course wait for the next sale so I can maybe get one year closer to present…

Emanuel graduated to a potty seat ON the big potty now. (except at night) He is doing so well with the potty training – it is so refreshing after the struggle that was the twins! Which leaves just Trinity in diapers! WOW… one step closer to baby #5!

I am continuing my work on the stocking but Ken finally got my newest pattern printed out so I plan on moving over to that one for the next couple days as a break. We also took our first attempt at rock candy out of the solution today – it turned out rather well! Tomorrow we prep our skewers and get going on different flavours and colours!!!

Mmm Cherry Flavoured!

Mmm Cherry Flavoured!

Don’t get me started on the laundry list for tomorrow… I will be one busy woman! Wish me luck!

We Must Stay Focused!

We Must Stay Focused!

This entry was posted on 20/09/2009, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Pancakes and a Case of the Sniffles

You know I wish I had the confidence/bravery/self esteem(?)/ whatever to model nude just once – not the porn sexy wolf whistle naked but one of those amazing images where everyone raves at the composition and the artist’s eye. The sort of images that remain in your mind not for nipples and “intimate areas” bared but for the pure beauty of the whole piece. I have at least one friend that I know has been a nude model for art classes. I am not sure what holds me back exactly – lack of opportunity, lack of self esteem, society’s view on nudity, being the mother of 4 (after all we all have our “mommy bellies” to some extent), the fact that I was raised conservative and married a rather conservative man… I am sure there are many more reason that hold me back and I am sure that many of these AND those are both immaterial and silly. I think that is why I am much more adamant about the sort of pregnancy photos we have done with baby #5. Not the bare all Demi Moore naked sort but with an exposed belly for sure. The ones we had done when I was pregnant with Trinity were pretty (done at Walmart) but all long shirt and sit still with husband. I would love something more movement suggested with an “earthy” feel. What I really want is pictures  that celebrate my lack of “pre baby shape” I want a celebration of the growth and my own change… just like someday I would love to have portraits done my myself to celebrate the woman I am becoming. I have to say I DO like me, body inside and out.

I have to say today was a near first – For once Mommy was sick and the world went on without her! I got to sleep until near 11/11:30 this morning. Last night I went from mildly sick to worse and had to take tylenol (two for goodness sake! double what I usually take!) to stop the sore throat and relax to sleep. Just a morning breastfeeding session and back to sleep I went. Then after this prolonged sleep – a nice warm bath! I used the infant vapour bath… read a manga… what a treat! Though it has reawakened my wish to have the SECOND one in the series! Crescent Moon by Haruko Jida… do I ever miss my manga budget.



Of course the afternoon did not going nearly as smoothly… the boys seem to sense when Mommy can’t deal and amp up the naughty behaviour. Add to that running noses, cranky kids and a clingy baby and I was ready for bed by 3pm. Hopefully by tomorrow we will ALL be feeling at least closer to healthy. We are planning on going to the free Michaels activity, shop at H&W and have some friends over for a potluck dinner. Definitely NOT a wasted weekend, though I do think Ken will take the twins alone to church so that we can be sure Emanuel and Trinity are 100% by next weekend (we are going to my brother’s place next Friday).

With Trinity wanting to snuggle and my own illness today I have managed to make some more progress on the stocking. That cat is becoming a thorn in my side, every time I think I am on the very last colour there is one more stitch here or small patch there. It is really looking amazing but my frustration with time needed to finish it is increasing. There is just so much to do here!

Snuggles While I Stitch

Snuggles While I Stitch

I did manage my oatmeal applesauce cookies today… and 3 trays of apple leather. So the day was not an entire wash. Tomorrow I will make up my sugar cookies from the fridge and probably make up another batch of dough for my brother and his family. At least in part (we never manage a full batch leaving the house). I figure if we are for sure having dinner with people over I may even make up an apple loaf or something to go with.

I did make a new recipe today – for pancakes that use whole wheat flour. I had the kids take a bite down to Ken and even HE didn’t hate it! I am definitely going to make a much much larger batch and freeze some for quick breakfasts.


1cup whole wheat flour

1tbsp sugar (or honey)

1 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

1 egg

1 cup milk (I used more)

2 tbsp oil or melted butter

Mix dry ingredients in one bowl and wet in another. Add dry to wet and mix just enough to dampen all the flour. Cook on the stove.



Nom Nom Nom

Nom Nom Nom

Sadly there is no more time to type… kids are not feeling too hot and waking often and Ken is working well into the night. Hopefully all this work now will free up our weekend!

Slightly Frazzled But Squeaky Clean

Slightly Frazzled But Squeaky Clean