Archive | January 2010


First off I am VERY disappointed in the Canadian Post. TWO, count them TWO letters are still MIA that were on their way to the US… We are currently sending out our Christmas (ok New Years wishes) cards over the next couple weeks so PLEASE if you receive yours… let me know? I am debating sending a batch from my mom’s local postal outlet and see if there is a problem with how our letters are getting to the distribution centres.Grrr it has had me bow out of my international sewing group’s birthday floss exchange. I cannot spend this year worrying about mail and definitely do NOT have the cash to insure and track everything I mail.

We had company yesterday afternoon until the crack of dawn this morning. The Davey family stayed over night to cut their travel to the international airport for their flight back to California. The kids were in heaven with 3 other kids to share their toys with.

Chris Davey Playing DS

Chris Davey Playing DS

And then there was the pizza Jeff treated everyone to! Talk about happy kids – until it was bedtime of course.

With Catherine Davey (Gavin red)

With Catherine Davey (Gavin red)

Oh and to put everyone’s mind at rest – (he)Chris is safe and sound at home though spending more of his time asleep in a cast, Ken says, nearly to the knee. So now starts the resting and relaxing.

I did do a minor bit of shopping for myself today – my very own copy of the card game Chez Goth! 25.00 with all the stuff needed to get right to playing. And once (he)Chris is able to move about again we can play with the Chez Geek game combined!

Chez Goth

Chez Goth

Tomorrow is my dr’s appointment, all the way an hour away so we will be taking a wee bit of a road trip. I am, as always, nervous. Ken says STOP WORRYING you are pregnant but there is always that bit of security in having the doctor do their test and say YUP.

I am back to stitching again… the 3 pea-pod piece is reaching completion. Just outlining and personalizing to do and once Ken has made a couple minor alterations the entire series should be up for purchase, SHOULD.

3 Babies Version

3 Babies Version

Anyway the week has begun and I feel like I am still chasing it down. Hopefully asĀ  the month goes by I feel a little more in control, though I would settle for simply a little more AWAKE!

Starting 2010 off Quietly

Sorry everyone for disappearing for the past few days… I have been a wee bit unmotivated and a whole lot of sleepy… in fact have taken quite a few naps and spent more than a little time inhaling soda crackers and ginger ale with the intent of NOT getting sick. So far it has been working but am I ever getting TIRED of ginger ale and soda crackers!!

Our New Years celebration went off rather well. Even the kids had a playdate with the den Otter kids (granted they left at 8 ish when the boys and Trinity headed off to bed). Trinity gave McDonald’s fries a go (Aunty Xinny had brought some) with disastrous results. SHE loved them… her tummy not so much (as in the past two days – VERY grumpy baby). So add greasy foods (and potentially processed) to the list of what Trinity CAN’T have!

So they played and made messes and had dinner together. Isabella asked as she went home that the boys come to HER house to play sometime soon… so I will have to have Ken and Alan plan that out for us!

Stew for the kids! (Gavin left)

Stew for the kids! (Gavin left)

I lucked out this year – not only did I have Karyn over (she has come almost every year since I have known her and been in Alberta for the date) but also Xinny (until she had to take her kids home), (she)Chris, AND Kristen. We played Wii (with Fydo coming up to join us periodically) until all our arms ached.

Trinity and Alexander warming up the Wii

Trinity and Alexander warming up the Wii

And then of course a few games of Guillotine. Such an easy game to set up and teach and play through. A definite favourite of Ken and mine. I am still toying with using some of my Christmas cash to get Chez Goth… another fast game to learn and play with an easy set up.

As per tradition in the basement was the LAN party… a room full of grown men, their computers and of course booze. I have high hopes that NEXT year I can corral everyone into doing a board and cardgame party… much more interactive and face to face and much more my speed. The game of choice for this LAN party: CounterStrike: Source. (oh and a little WoW)

Oh and special bonus – there was time for Karyn and I to head out to THE Mall on New Years Eve where I managed to get myself some gorgeous nail polish and lip gloss (I so could NOT resist the nail polish – guilty pleasure). Oh and get myself a couple more books. Gotta love the HLSA discount!

It is hard to see but the nailpolish has a bunch of shades in it.

It is hard to see but the nailpolish has a bunch of shades in it.

Our first day of 2010 was rather restive. Karyn and I headed back out to do some shopping again (for her more than me) and we stopped at Harvey’s for special treat. Man do I love their burgers! Baby #5 doesn’t hate them either thank goodness. Our company was gone before dinner time and the kids in bed early.

Saturday pretty much followed suit and today church was missed in exchange for my getting in some extra hours of sleep… much needed as for the first time in days I woke up feeling rested.

OH some New Years news – friends of ours are expecting their FIRST a month or two before we expect #5! So an instant buddy for Baby Reinsch-Johnson. I am not going to name names until I am SURE they have told all their friends and family but very exciting! Once I am SURE there is only one baby I am going to sort through our doubles and hand them over to the brand new parents to be! No use keeping all those spares at that point.

Tomorrow is another busy day for a lot of our friends. The Davey family are on their way back to California and should be stopping by here to say hi… (he)Chris is on his way to ankle surgery finally! Ken and the van have volunteered to help get him home after surgery for his 1 month of mandatory off his feet time. Don’t feel too bad for him though – he gets his computer plugged up to his massive tv… So it is a bit of a trade off but the end result – an improved ankle and the ability to get back to work… oh and unlimited gaming for AT LEAST a month.

Anyway tomorrow I want to start working on time with the boys (depending on how busy we get with all the other stuff going on) and we still need to go to H&W. I am working on a small stitch project still – the 3 pea-pod version. I am expecting to move onto my cousin’s sampler shortly and possibly hash out some more design ideas! The goal is to get consistent updates going with the patterns and freebies. Of course that is a little dependant on Ken figuring out a more streamlined way to post but I have high hopes.

3 Pea-Pods

3 Pea-Pods

So here’s to 2010 being MUCH better than 2009!

See You Around!

See You Around!

This entry was posted on 03/01/2010, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment