Archive | February 2010

Baby Lovely

Thursday night is my night out at Chris and Chris’ so I am taking the easy way out with a picture!

Love! (Zander)

Love! (Zander)

Trinity and Zander, one of my favourites in May 2008

Photographs and more Crafts!

With the boys being officially 6 it is also time for us to take our yearly photo! To save on cost we set up a blanket in the basement and do our own. Then the best picture is put up on the wall above their baby photo and made into wallets for the friends and family who want them. This year I tried to add in some props and get the boys a little more excited about it. We tried tucking in their shirts but it was just NOT them.

Now comes the tough part – which is the best picture?? And my big request – I would love some opinions! Either comment here on the site or drop me an email –

#1 Gavin left

#1 Gavin left

#2 Gavin left

#2 Gavin left

#3 Gavin left

#3 Gavin left

#4 Zander left

#4 Zander left

#5 Zander left

#5 Zander left

The other big activity of the day was to sign all the Valentines the boys are giving out this year. The twins do their whole first name, but Emanuel simply does his “big E”. There are some friends and family that are going to get quite the packages once we are financially able to send (with insurance!) – definitely more that just ONE season! Hopefully they will be enjoyed just as much no matter what! (and thank goodness 2010 is turning us completely around in that respect though not instantly!)

We worked diligently on our lettersĀ  today. After making heart cards using the foam stickers I bought last year from Michaels we sat down and thought of words that go with Valentine’s Day. After I wrote them out Zander and Gavin carefully copied the list onto a lined piece of paper. This was then put in the card to be posted in their lapbooks! We did some sounding out of letters and attempting to write on the line and have our capitals actually be bigger than our lower case. It was a good start with minimum stress and upset! We still need to hunt down a little book we could print out for Chinese New Year, though I may just have them make up some sort of card and do the same word copying.

The big craft finish was the lanterns. We have not scrapped Ken’s more ambitious design but decided to make up some much simpler ones (from the UK site of course!). We put tealights in them on the counter and the boys were overjoyed! What a wonderful addition to our decorations!

Lanterns and Tea Lights

Lanterns and Tea Lights

So the crafting continues though my stitching is down to just the stocking and not a huge amount of difference. We have a wedding in May, a project from a wedding LAST August and another wedding in June I want to do up gifts for, though those are waiting on Ken. The joys of a busy household when I am not feeling 100%.

I am currently debating focusing on the numbers 10-20 next week, finish up our work on winter with a science project… start a little Easter fun and maybe even focus on doing a small lapbook on a favourite story. It is hard to judge how focused the boys will be at this age but being prepared for EXTRA never hurts!

Week half over and I think we have done rather well! Be sure to share you opinion on the pictures #1-5!

Waiting to hear from you!

Waiting to hear from you!

This entry was posted on 10/02/2010, in Uncategorized. 5 Comments