Archive | April 2010

Today in Retrospect

Yesterday we finally saw a concrete and tangible benefit to Ken’s medical leave of absence, Leisure passes for the whole family! With our difficult circumstances we qualified for a year of this pass… so now we can go to the zoo, fort, conservatory, pools, etc. as often as we want! So the plan for tomorrow is to head off to the conservatory with Trinity dressed to impress and take her birthday photos in an atmosphere where she does NOT have to sit nicely! So out comes the last of her fancy dresses in this size range and hopefully she will be in the mood to explore and smile.

Tuesday was an at home day for the family. With wonderful weather once again the twins chose to spend their time not spent working on their fire station lapbooks outside in the sunshine. Lots of creative play and sharing for once.

Some number practice before heading outside (Zander)

We are already having to start bringing up our fans from the basement to cool the house down. So even though we are glad to have the sunshine and send the kids out I have a nasty suspicion that being pregnant in summer is going to a first time experience I am NOT going to want to repeat. After all in Alberta air conditioning is NOT the norm for all homes… we are much more concerned with our furnaces for the lengthy cold period.

Beyond the conservatory tomorrow’s plan is to head to the produce store and then have a fruit salad lunch before sending the little ones off for nap. Midweek means we HAVE TO get working on the brown sugar cake for Trinity as well as figuring out food. With the lovely weather and a free Sunday evening the next day we are going to take our left over meat and have friends over for a bbq in the backyard. I figure each person/family/couple could bring over some meat and a side dish or drink and we could put out our new umbrella and the pool Ken is to hunt down by tomorrow and enjoy!

We did rake the backyard and run the sprinkler for a while today… more tonight as this place is tinder dry. Tomorrow Ken will rake the front and again run the sprinkler a little in the evening. At least I am finally starting to see some tulips in the front yard that the owner had planted there years before she left.

Sprinkler! (Gavin red)

Tonight was Emanuel’s special daddy time… they played his Thomas the Tank Engine game, and he won! (Ken said he didn’t even have to cheat really Emanuel did that well!) Tomorrow it is Zander’s choice… IF they behave!

Game time with Daddy

I finished Trinity’s birthday tutu and am VERY happy with it… all sweet and soft colours and plenty of poof. I do believe I am in love with making them again!!

Blue and pink

And of course – today’s scrapbooking:

Mom's Wedding

Busy Sunny Monday

Starting the week off right we had the kids outside, working on worksheets AND took everyone to the “meatball store” (aka IKEA). I ALSO got a lovely package from a friend in the UK. Sewing supplies, candy (omg UK Starburst kick our Starburst’s butt) AND a Little Mermaid costume for Trinity!! Too cute, though we have to wait a year or so for it to fit!

Stitching etc...

Little Mermaid costume!

The meatballs at IKEA were once again their lovely standard. With the sale – 15 meatballs and potatoes or fries for 2.99 instead of 5.99 with 2 refillable drinks, 2 garlic toast and a chicken soup (for me) and we just broke 23.00. In fact, we had a bit too much to eat! Trinity ate around 10 meatballs herself! She does so love using a fork like everyone else. Chris, Chris and Ted had dinner with us so it was a great group affair.

Mmm meatballs (Gavin right)

After a filling meal and some minor shopping – including a new… GARDEN UMBRELLA —- YAY… we stopped off at the Education Station. Ok I was in homeschool heaven. I came home with the catalogue and a brain stuffed full of wishes and wants. We were there specifically to find something for the boys for Trinity’s birthday – Ken found an age appropriate (at least for the twins) adding game. And pencils as the party favour. I do not want to get together bags of things for all the kids, it just gets too expensive, but pencils… those are useful!

Education Station haul

I got in a wee bit of scrapbooking last night – Christmas Day last year, a very simple page but I wanted to include all the pictures I had printed out so I went for quantity of image.

Christmas 2009

Ikea also meant grabbing jars so Trinity’s stars are suitably contained!

Stars in jars

So tonight is dedicated to finishing the tutu for Trinity (birthday present) and finishing the May 1st wedding present. Hopefully I can complete BOTH projects by tomorrow. This week is going to speed by with the cleaning that has to be done, lawn care, shopping, AND schoolwork. We started our work on fire fighters today and Ken continued working on the idea of a global world. We did look at globes at the store but WOW pricey… I think we will go with the inflatable version next year – 7.00! Oh don’t forget my flowers the boy found beside the house and picked for me!

Tiny blue flowers

Tallest to smallest (Zander left)

Spring Has Sprung

and we as a family have sprung free of the house for a lovely walk to the nearest gas station (thankfully which does NOT have us cross any major highways) for treats very honestly earned in our lengthy and somewhat meandering walk home (Ken was on the phone and turned the wrong way without listening to me). This accounts for my short post here… I am worn out!!!

With treats in hand (Gavin front)