Archive | June 2010

Still Confused

So school wise I do not have much to report… I spent MOST of my day on the phone hunting down gestational diabetic information and trying to ascertain if I need to go in and buy a meter NOW instead of waiting 3 1/2 weeks for the class… a lovely added expense, I will do what is best for the baby I just wish they would tell me NOW what is best for the baby! So far today I talked to Health Links (diabetic nurse – bonus!), the diabetic clinic my class is scheduled at (sort of helpful at least affirmation I am NOT critical), called my dr’s office to be told to call back tomorrow morning and leave a message, the nutritionist in the local hospital (very helpful and very supportive) AND a Safeway pharmacist who has found me a more affordable alternative to the strips that the clinic figured cost near 100.00 (of course only on sale this week, but for 10.00 off so not the end of the world if we wait).

What does all this mean? Well, now I know a bit more about what I should eat, and what I should not (looks like my birthday cake is not happening this year… again…) and am quite clear that I won’t go into some sort of shock tomorrow or anything… BUT I don’t know much, since the doctor has ALL the information and isn’t in until tomorrow no one can tell me if I am classified as pre-diabetic or diabetic. We do not have enough knowledge to know if we buy the strips and monitor now or wait the over 3 weeks (which makes no sense for me) and that is compounded by the fact that with Ken being an independent contractor we do not have prescription coverage (thank goodness for Alberta basic health care – paid for by the government). I am determined to get my answers BEFORE the 2nd of July… in my mind waiting until I am 33/34 weeks along is TOO long to wait as at 36 weeks the doctor has decided to go week by week in determining whether or not to induce (don’t get me started on figuring out sitters and people to just come and sit in the house to WAIT on the sitters if we DON’T get induced)!

But enough about Baby #5’s complicated cost unfriendly but potentially necessary pregnancy confusion…

While we did not follow through on what I WANTED to do homeschool wise Ken did manage to get the boys going on their counting pages, Emanuel with his dinosaurs and I sent them out (Ken had a meeting out of the house and I had calls noise was not helpful) to enjoy the sunshine.

Fun in the backyard (Zander)

So basically the laundry did not get folded, the house is a mess but I am better educated. And hopefully tomorrow I will have a talk with my doctor.

In the mean time we went for a walk! (managed a quick sitter for the boys – gotta love having one of Ken’s friends over) So life goes on… just working out the details!

Ready to go

This entry was posted on 15/06/2010, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment


With the rain last night has come a respite from the heat of the past few days. As much as I love fun in the sun, it IS nice to have it at a MODERATE temperature. A welcome change for an overheated pregnant woman. Last night was harsh… it took me about 2 HOURS to do TWO pages… to cut paper, set up and use stickers… oh and don’t forget the extensive journalling box. It was hard to write a neat box with a steady hand when feeling the heat.

Page 1 with Quinn

Page 2

But at the same time I was privileged to have a wonderful and LENGTHY conversation with a good friend (thank you Sharon for the chat!). Sometimes you just need to sit and chat and since I had ZERO energy to wander around the house cleaning her timing in logging in was impeccable.

I have heard back from my recipient so now I can finally post the finished Canadian themed piece… there are two potential versions of this (one mimicking the Canadian flag more), but for the prototype I decided to stitch the full out red version! I doubt anyone could dispute this crying out “Canadian.”

Rather Canadian!

Ok so not so happy after 3pm when my dr’s office called me to tell me I am to go to a diabetic clinic… apparently the results of my test were NOT good… BUT 3 1/2 weeks from now??? The nurse knew nothing, the doctor is not in until Wednesday so I can’t leave a message… of course they called 15 min AFTER the diabetic clinic’s open hours… so I couldn’t find out ANYTHING about this class, all I know is they have no child care. This had me calling Health Links where the poor nurse couldn’t help me with much but send me along to their nutritionist who was busy with office hours ending imminently so no luck there but to leave a message. So I called my personal doctor who was busy as was her nurse. So I left a message there. The hope is SOMEONE will help me… at least tell me what to eat, to worry, not to worry… not that I WON’T worry. I am not scheduled to see my doctor until NEXT Wednesday and have an ultra sound the day before that. It all seems like too much wait for the good of myself and the baby. So that threw our family walk out the window – instead we headed off to the store to get chicken, eggs and nuts… fun! And that puts me to the point where I don’t feel like blogging any-more… pout pout… So tomorrow will be better I promise!

Purty Flowers From the Boys!

Splash in the Park

Summer has officially begun for the Reinsch-Johnson family (though perhaps not for the calendar) with our first official trip to the SPLASH PARKS! Even though the city’s site says they do not open until the July long weekend this one, for some reason, was open. Not a very big or elaborate splash park it was more than enough for the whole family to have fun (though Emanuel was content to pretty much watch). This was Trinity’s first true play in the splash park experience and she did rather well. I am looking forward to taking her to the one near my mom that has a water table (it is now open according to the official site). So Friday when we take the boys to be dropped off for the weekend we plan on going a little early to enjoy the water and sun.


Basking in the shade

Most intrepid (Gavin)


Running through together

With Daddy

After such an exciting late morning and the heat of the early afternoon motivation slipped to an all time low. So we coerced the twins down to the basement (where it is blissfully cool… sadly with the carpet replaced a little over a year or so ago I do not allow food down there so no pcs for the parents) and put the little ones to nap… we lucked out with nice and cool bedrooms and the naps lasted for the worst of the heat.

After naps was playing outside OF COURSE… and chalk. Even Trinity got in on the fun.

CHALK (Gavin left)

Last night my craft drive fell a little short of my goal, out of the 5 pages I had paper sorted for and pictures organized I finished TWO. Definitely better than none, so tonight the goal is to do the last 3 if possible and then move on to collecting the parts for the two Godfather to be Father’s Day cards.

Page one of two for the Intro to Minnesota trip

Page two of two

I think we are all ready for a cooler day already. Too much heat, too much sun and not enough shade.

Oh I figured I would share our brand new baby quiche recipe. Every time friends have a new baby we make up two of these to save them on cooking a couple meals. So we sent off our traditional two to the Perrin family yesterday. (a bit of a delay but my last new baby gift is officially done and delivered)

Ham and Broccoli Quiche

1 pie crust

1 1/2 cups cooked cubed ham

2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

1 cup frozen broccoli florets,  thawed and drained and chopped in fine pieces

4 eggs

1 cup milk

Heat oven to 375. Put the pie crust in pie pan (or as we do buy frozen pre prepped and defrost). Layer ham, cheese ad broccoli in pie pan. In medium bowl combine all remaining ingredients – beat well. Pour over broccoli. Back 35-45 min until knife inserted near the centre comes out clean. Let stand 15 min before serving.

So basically today was hot, fun, exhausting, hot, and definitely a GOOD day!

Fun in the Sun for sure!