Archive | July 2010

35+ Weeks!

A less than auspicious combination – sunshine and Ken being contacted about an emergency rush bug fix (someone else’s). So no library program… BUT fun in the sun in the backyard which equated to the twins and Trinity “helping” Daddy by emptying out the pool so that it can be moved to a new location. Of course the side effect – wet kids… soaking, sopping wet kids!

Emptying out the pool! (Gavin left)

Soaked little girl

Emanuel, on the other hand, spent his morning inside working of all things – school work. Cutting and shape recognition and as happy as a clam.

Hard at work with his shape recognition.

Our raspberries saw enough sunshine to get a nice selection ripened. I have a whole container in the freezer and the next two days will be in the fridge to enjoy now. The boys and Trinity collected enough apples that if we can get a bag full at H&W I can make up a batch of applesauce as well! I love the feeling of filling the freezer in a thifty way!

This afternoon we DID make it to the doctor’s – and after over an hour in the waiting room actually got to SEE the doctor! My weight – same as last time – 127.4lbs, bloodpressure good… measured a little small (well duh no added weight) and the baby’s heartrate was fast – active moment when it was checked. They were happy with my numbers and told me – give it up and just EAT… strep sample was taken AND cervix checked. Here is where it gets interesting – 2cm dilated, head engaged BUT cervix still thick… so… not too much longer now!!! Puts a bit of added weight on the idea of getting ready NOW!

The twins got hooked on their Lightning McQueen math workbooks… up to number 12 now! We are doing some review – of writing letters and numbers, just to get the boys refreshed. We are still working on getting the twins registered and in turn figuring out what is going on with funding etc…

And new boots!

And Trinity in Emanuel's old boots

Nothing to share crafting wise but I HAVE been busy crafting… I am about done Baby Anna’s baptism gift which will wait for the date (or baby dedication as I think they call it at their church)… my picture choices are made for my mom’s long awaited wedding album and waiting on Karyn to help me narrow down. Stitching is waiting on patterns which are waiting on KEN so here’s hoping he is VERY efficient tonight. And same with me!

The sky :)

This entry was posted on 20/07/2010, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Rain, Rain Go AWAY

Well, our splash park plans were nipped in the bud – another rainy and overcast day! My poor raspberries just need a little more sun to ripen! Instead we were stuck indoors and had to make do with stuff around the home. Top of the list – almost completion of Zander and Gavin’s camping lapbooks. Emanuel has some catch up to do on the more difficult assignments and we still need to take one last nature walk but assembly has begun!

Pasting things together (Gavin left)

Trinity is getting over a rather nasty rash that started on Saturday so has spent the day in a semi moody mind set and in her pj shirt and diaper. Poor thing. We figure it was the sugar cookie she stole from one of her brothers on Friday night that has exasperated everything.

I did some more scrapbooking last night as well… Our two cd copy ultra sounds are ready for the baby’s eventual scrapbook. I still have the early ultra sound images to deal with. I dislike pasting down the originals so I may rescan them just to use those instead and box the originals.

Ultra Sounds

For a week that last week LOOKED relaxed and pretty easy we are now pretty much booked the rest of it… oh NOT the evenings (never the evenings) but the days… tomorrow we have library program in the morning for all 4 kids, then at 3:30 my doctor’s appointment, Wednesday is my diabetic appointment – around 2 hours since I booked right before lunch, Thursday is looking like our trip to the local Fort and Friday is a homeschool family’s garage sale with a visit later in the day with some friends who now live in California. The weekend… well Ken has this LAN out of town that he is trying to work out A. sitters for the boys and B. a way to get Trinity and I in the same town for the overnighter (as that is my qualifications for him going). So we shall see.

Getting a jump on the reading before the Library

Of course the sun finally came out after we sent the kids to bed. Hopefully the rest of the week will be sunnier – for the kids AND for our sanity. I am determined we will make it out to the Fort on Thursday… which means a lot of walking – outside. Of course, I DO have umbrellas…

Of course tonight I SHOULD be getting tons done and in reality I feel less than motivated. BUT I do have some scrapbooking on the go –  though I have to mock up the pages without the pictures, and am hoping to have a new pattern tomorrow to work on so progress will be made!


Another Weekend

I have hit the point of non-restful nights it seems. The joys of the last months of pregnancy! In fact, we are getting down to WEEKS now… I am at 35+ weeks as I type and that is definitely nearing the end. Which means time to rush rush rush and get ready for baby! This upcoming week’s goal – moving MOST of the twins’ stuff into the basement spare room. A move I am a wee bit nervous about. This puts them way out of reach in the far corner of the basement, where to get upstairs they have to walk through the laundry room (not really a finished room) and have access to the basement washroom (unfinished floor – gotta do something about that at least temporarily). Beyond all that — they can get to the playroom EASILY! It is going to be interesting.

Our weekend has been somewhat productive and absolutely NOT as busy as the previous few have been (thank goodness). We started Saturday with rushing Ken off to the bottle depot to take in the mountain of bottles, cans and milk containers in the garage (spending cash). Once back successfully from his mission we headed off to Grandma’s. Top of the to-do list there… SPLASH PARK!

This was the splash park we went to when the boys were tiny and Emanuel a baby, but the first time Trinity has ever been and Emanuel gone when he could actually play. It turns out Emanuel is not hugely fond of the spray portion of the park but LOVES the water feature. Trinity is much more adventurous than Emanuel when it comes to water.

Walking to the splash park (Gavin red hat)

Emanuel playing with his bucket of water

The water table

Intrepid splasher

After the splash park Ken and I dropped off the kids with mom long enough to run errands. I officially have my wet diaper container for the diaper bag and the liners for the diapers. Now all I am waiting on is the large diaper bag for in the diaper pail… then we are officially ready to cloth diaper! We made a stop at Superstore to get new rubberboots for Emanuel and photos for my project for our nephew. I snuck in some new shoes for Trinity (on super sale for under 2.00) and we picked up some parboil rice which is on my approved list for foods. My late lunch was a treat – chicken quesadilla and a medium KFC coleslaw (the only food at that restaurant I was rather sure was “safe”).

We spent our afternoon at mom’s hanging out and resting – poor Trinity passed out with my mom on the couch!

Fast asleep

And then for supper – BBQ by Mike… some of the most delicious steaks I have had in ages along with veggies, coleslaw and biscuits for everyone but me. Some more play time, Ken working on a virus on the computer there and then home for the night. Grandma had one last special treat – new slippers! Some Olympic ones came into her store in all the right sizes!!

Trinity in her new slippers

I got a nice bit of scrapbooking done as well! The Cricut bug has bitten me hardcore I am afraid!

First page of our mountain trip

Page 2

Trinity pulling her own wagon at the Pets in the Park

Sunday was a basically unplanned day… BUT we managed a trip to IKEA to get a shelving unit on sale (which of course meant DINNER there too!)… we cannot get enough storage in this place!

New shelf!

AND visitors! Yoyo and Jon (who you will remember from the wedding Trinity was a flowergirl in) and Yoyo’s mom (who is here until end of September from China, her dad had to head back this month) came over for an afternoon visit.

One of their professional photographer pictures... I have to say I think they are one of the best looking bride and groom duos I have seen in my life.

Bearing a gift for the baby – a humidifier shaped like a frog (total cuteness and off of our registry) and SNACKS! Chinese snacks, things like rice cookies wrapped in seaweed… dried mango and sweets… oh and almond crackers which were Trinity’s favourite! Language is no barrier between Yoyo’s lovely mom and our kids. We are hoping to visit with all 3 again before she returns to China in September.

Yoyo's Mom with Trinity

So a rather restive day if you don’t add in the interrupted night (just couldn’t sleep) or the fact that I couldn’t sort myself out for a nice nap. BUT we had fun and tomorrow is an uncomplicated day – Ken will get work done, we will start putting together the camping lapbooks (the peas are not grown enough to finish off the last of the gardening book) and continue our prep work for moving the twins to the basement. My hope is that the weather will play nice so we can head out to a nearby splash park and enjoy a bit more of the summer. After all sun means my raspberries will continue ripening!!

4 of the best things in my life! (Zander left)

This entry was posted on 18/07/2010, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments