Archive | August 2011

Mid Week Reflection on the Birthday and More

I figured today was as good a day as any to share some of the lovely cards Echo received for her birthday. I have to admit I do have a weakness for them… and probably save way too many but first birthdays are something special!

A lovely handmade card from Aunty Karyn... Butterflies and all!

Why Aunty Esther does! We do so love purple for our Miss Echo

Another lovely handmade card by Aunty Kristen. I love the little birdy on this one!

Cousin Elizabeth decorated both the card and the envelope and added a sweet message to hers (from her boyfriend Lyle as well)

From Cousin Veronika and her Adam... this has a textured front. As one of my other aunts remarked - Echo is our little lady as Trinity is the princess!

This is a special sort of card, you fill in the special memories from her first birthday party!

I was able to photograph the little book Lauralee made for Echo to go with the bookworm Karyn made her. Seriously these librarians come up with some wickedly creative and fun gifts! I have a picture of the outside AND the inside… 

It says... Once upon a time...

Echo met a bookworm! As Ted would say - TRUE STORY!!

I mean, come on, ADORABLE! I did a bit of creative work myself on our gifts for Echo, there was the handsewn bunny teddy AND the lucky stars I folded for her…

I doubt you can tell from the picture but those are Hello Kitty papers I used

I did up a couple jars of stars for Trinity for her first birthday as well. I figured what better than to give my beloved daughters stars to wish on? Perhaps then all their wishes will come true?

I have been up late last night working on the book I keep all of Echo’s milestones in. I want it up to date for next Monday’s genetic appointment in case there are questions I can’t just answer off the top of my head. I have one for each of the kids though they are really only seriously up to date for the first year. They are still boxed up in one of the boxes I have left to sort… well buckets really, I think. I actually ran out of shelf space before Ken’s folks visited and am trying to figure out which books can return to the buckets to make room for ones I really need and want out. With Ken’s stuff cluttering my bookshelf corner in the basement it is VERY slow going, but he tells me he will get some of his clutter sorted soon. He has just been totally snowed under with work (doubled edged sword that one!). 

This morning was a bit of a backwards one for us. I stayed up late last night so Ken could take a late nap and then finish up the issue on time. In return I got to sleep in… well sort of… the kids did their best to deter that. Everything from stomping like a herd of elephants to fighting outside and finally Miss Echo pitching an exhausted baby fit.

Kathy brought with her to the party some bags of craft supplies from a mutual friend of ours. I finally got some time to go through them today… there is a wonderful selection of items but the boys were the most excited about the little tub of dinosaurs. 


I really appreciate it when people think of us when they are downsizing. So often we use items that others may not, the boys are VERY crafty after all. Included in the items is a little tin that I remember seeing Karyn use to make a scrapbook a while ago. Now I just need to use hers as a template and go from there. Christmas IS right around the corner after all (well, crafting wise…).

Cute little tin

We had to enjoy some more bubbles today with the lovely weather. The morning was rather cold but the afternoon warmed up nicely and without the brilliant sun in the eyes. Of course this meant another new outfit for Echo and some photo ops. I am not sure if you can tell in the images but it says Baby Sister. Too big on her of course but it worked. She is VERY interested in all things bubbles… to the point where we weren’t sure if she was trying to EAT the bubble or mimic blowing her own. 

Eating or blowing?

Watching a pro (Zander)

We got in another picture for our Summer Adventure file – this one about Echo’s birthday. So I think we are now all caught up, which meant it was time to work on some math as well. The boys are still a bit resistant to working and Emanuel needed his nap so badly he skipped out today but I am hoping by next week to be crafting it up with my kids again full force along with their workbooks and such. 

Finished pages

Math at the kitchen table

Karyn and I made a trip out to do some shopping but I will share those purchases TOMORROW. Tonight I need to get back to work clearing up my mess, sorting out our new craft supplies AND perhaps getting to bed BEFORE 2 am??? So check back!!

Emanuel and his bubbles

Saying Good-Bye is Never a Simple or Painless Thing to Do

We have seen the Nana and Baba off on their return trip to Minnesota. Last night was difficult for some of the kids, it is hard to KNOW that first thing in the morning you have to say good-bye and there is no – see you next week – to go with it. They had to leave for the airport by 8:30 am so there was hugs and kisses and off they went. BUT not before we got a phone call for Echo at 8am. Apparently it was simpler for our paediatrician in the city to simply get us an appointment here in town for the kidney ultra sound – there were TWO options for today, one what Ken termed “ridiculously early” and the other for 11:15. Of course he took the latter. Thankfully this was an appointment where Ken could solo run it and the rest of us stay home. We are one step away from a jimjam day here. Everyone got dressed but we certainly are staying close to home!

Ken and Echo met with nothing but success at the imaging place… first off they only waited in the waiting room FIVE MINUTES! How unheard of! Then when in the exam Echo was able to lounge about NAKED in Daddy’s lap and then there was NO peeing in the lap, and I mean naked as the day she was born naked! I am sure Ken heaved a huge sigh of relief once that cloth diaper was returned to its owner’s bottom. The technician was fine with telling Ken what she saw, what was there and how she looked… well how her kidneys looked. She even had the doctor in to look and make sure he was pleased so we would not have to make a second trip! How did she do, I am sure you are ALL wondering… FANTASTIC! 2 kidneys, right size, right place and only one person (in the waiting room) asked how old HE was (Ken says we must give her the benefit of the doubt as she was most likely half blind anyway!). 

Ready to go with Petite Sheepette in hand

That was our morning. While Echo was gone with Daddy I managed the other 4… tv for the little two (they are beyond over done after party and visiting and company and all) and a start back to the homeschooling regime with the twins. I had them work on their first Nana and Baba adventure for their Summer Adventure file. I figure they will do at least 2-3 of their visit and one for Echo’s birthday. Then it is back to sight words, math books and dinosaurs. Not all together gracefully though, getting them started this morning was like pulling teeth in its level of painfulness. 

Back to work

So far I have ONE picture of Ken at the party… well early on in the party, courtesy of Nana and Baba’s camera. I have gotten promises of pictures from two other party goers but am still waiting to hear back on a few other cameras. If you are reading this and DO have pictures… please EMAIL and send them my way! 

Kenny at work pre full swing party

The kids and I snuck outside after Echo’s post appointment and luncheon nap and gave it another go with the tutu dress. I do believe she is teething again as her nose is runny and she was VERY warm. You can imagine how excited she was about that! BUT we tried. I figure if we try a few more times she may give in and enjoy it a bit more… after all I can take as many pictures as I want and then pick a best of the bunch. She did settle down but was NOT willing to relinquish the soother. OR wear the poof. 


And baby makes 5

The puzzle has reclaimed its place of honour on the blue table by the bright window, and some interest has been held by it today. But still the livingroom is a bit of a shambles and in need of a return to the previous furniture arrangement. I have to admit I am being lazy about it. But by the end of the week we should be back to normal… just in time to face the final week before Chris and Chris’ wedding and the chaos that will cause. Fingers crossed we can go back to a calmer household in September! I am in dire need of quiet and at least somewhat predictable days.

We made one more foray to the great outdoors today… brief as it was… to use the bubbles Nana and Baba had bought for the party but forgot to bring out. Of course colours of bottles were VERY important but they all agreed it was time to share with Echo… and once I got them to STOP blowing them directly in to her FACE we all got along rather well. Once bubbles failed to enthuse we closed them up and Echo and I returned in only to have to call all 4 back in due to fighting and screaming. Zero tolerance today my dears…

Look! Bubbles!

It is hard to jump right back into the norm after such an amazing week or so but we are trying. Ken has never really completely surfaced from work, even while his parents were here so that is easy enough to continue. It is the rest of the family that is adjusting really. I have to admit while the quiet is welcome, it is a wee bit lonely. We went from my inlaws and so many friends and family to just us in such a short period of time. By tomorrow I will be right as rain but there is the little moment of blue connected to so many good-byes. And anyone who knows me well knows I am HORRIBLE at good-byes, though I am proud to say – no waterworks this time! There’s a first huh? 

I am trying a new bow on for size as well… the Boutique bow. I have made two of the same ribbon… trying them out a bit… I am not sure how I feel about them but I did stab myself once in the making and got two to look somewhat like the picture. I also finished the second season of Campion… so now am on the look out for more British mysteries on Netflix… 

Not quite done yet

Now it is definitely time to bite the bullet and get back to work. So far I have posted some Kijiji adsand sorted out the tissue paper (such lovely colours)… now it is time to face the nitty gritty and get the livingroom ready for being put to rights! Off I go!

More bubbles


Fat sheep family moment (with their nanny of course)

This entry was posted on 16/08/2011, in Uncategorized. 3 Comments

A Follow Up to the Birthday Party

I did not think to mention this in the birthday party post but this party was a wrapping paper free party! The gifts came in gift bags, cloth bags and from Victoria, a lovely piece of purple fabric but no wrapping paper! The tissue paper and bags are going to come in handy, not only with the giving of other gifts but scrapbooking and craft making! First time ever for this family that a major gift giving occasion has NOT resulted in garbage bags of paper material garbage! 

All reusable packaging!

Our Monday was a lot calmer in comparison to the previous day but the kids certainly were NOT calm and collected. Of course with the added knowledge that Nana and Baba are leaving the next day their behaviour was accordingly less under control. Poor Trinity had gotten bitten on the face multiple times over the weekend by mosquitoes so we had some medicating to do as well as a trip to a pharmacy for cream and witch hazel. Thankfully the allergy medication takes down the swelling quite quickly.

Poor buggy gir

Nana and Baba took the 4 big kids out for a lengthy grocery store run. Rainy days always put a crimp in the run the kids ragged scheme. BUT it allowed me a nice long bath, Echo a lengthy nap and Ken quiet time to work. 

They came back with a whole variety of fruit for fruit salad, including something new… Lychee fruit. So the twins spent some time examining it, peeling it, tasting it with Nana. Then I looked it up on Wikipediaand we read some of that. Of course it had to be planted in our backyard… just to try and then draw and write about it for our Summer Adventure file. 

Checking out the fruit

For the file

I made up a stacked bow (I know I know ANOTHER one) for our niece Gabriella using some of the pretty purple ribbon I got on sale (the one with the peace signs).

A gift bow

Since it was mucky out after rain there was time for the kids to drive us bonkers with balloons and playing with Echo’s new toys. We did try to get a good Nana, Baba and family picture. What do you think?

Just the girls

With all 5 grandkids

Oh and in the mail today – Echo’s new leggings bought off of eBay from Hong Kong… too big right now but I wanted them for the winter and they were a great price! 

New leggings

It has been a rather GOOD day for me all round actually with the sale of 3 of my Kijiji ads! Which means tonight and tomorrow I am committed to posting at least 4 or more to replace them. I am coming to the end of my books that are slated for selling and have to move onto the baby clothes. Ken has gotten a promise out of me to sell ALL of the boys’ clothing and my maternity wear. I just have to figure out what is a fair price. 

We have really hit kid busy time overload… too much excitement, too much out of the regular things going on. Poor Emanuel has been a mess and Trinity equally so with her added bug bites. Even Zander and Gavin have had their share of time outs and stern talking to. BUT there have been lovely moments with Nana and Baba all the same. I think we are all going to be sad to see them go home tomorrow. Their flight is around noon so they have to leave rather early in the morning tomorrow. 

The rest of our week will probably be spent at home. I have a bunch of reorganizing to do, Nana and Baba bought us a new microwave and I lost a portion of my counter space in the kitchen that has to be dealt with. We REALLY need a microwave stand… And then there is all the bags and such that were just chucked into the pantry due to time restraint. OH and all of Echo’s new things! But that is the fun cleaning! In all actuality, most of this week will be spent trying NOT to think about NEXT week. After all, Monday IS Echo’s genetic test and I am not sure if I mentioned this or not but the specialist paediatrician also wants to schedule a kidney ultra sound to rule anything connected to that out. That is basically what everything is now – ruling stuff out… no fun. We are basically sitting here doing everything to prove nothing is wrong. At least putting it that way feels better than ruling out or see what IS wrong. All in the mind isn’t it? 

We ended our evening with a video call on MSN with Quinn and Bree and a cameo from Scott… so Echo got to see two of her godparents and Trinity her birthday buddy. What a great way to end the day! 

And now it is time for the last hours before bed with Ken’s folks, some tidying AND of course laundry… two entries in one day… as Esther would say – FABULOUS! 

Some quiet time to end the day with Nana and the iPad