Archive | April 2014

Family Fun Day!

March 24-26

The 23rd ended with a lovely birthday call to my dad catching us up and just generally reminding me of how much of a Daddy’s Girl I always have been and always WILL be. Half a country closer is not close enough but it is nice!

Warm fuzzies gave way to MORE snow! Come on Mother Nature!!! Can we please have that spring now??101_6557

So instead we worked on enjoying not only what we did on the weekend…101_6558

But new art to draw thanks to Art For Kids (link on right)…101_6559

And afternoon snacks. With our regular schoolwork and some together time, not a horrible start to a new week.101_6560

Our Tuesday was quiet and full of written work. We are trying to write more stories, reflect more… talk about things more… and of course continue reading together, alone, to each other. Cooperation is something we are really working on, an patience of course.

Wednesday was a special day – FAMILY FUN DAY! Which meant first doing our basics (spelling, math, reading) and then moving onto games.101_6562

101_6563Emanuel, Trinity and Echo got creative and found all the little hats they could find and the Easter Egg Bunny that they got last year from Gammie and cornered me to take pictures of a bunny hat fashion show! It may not have been hugely educational but it WAS highly adorable!

The willing (?) model

The willing (?) model

101_6570101_6568101_6565101_6567101_6566101_6569101_6574101_6573With the bunny done showing off its amazing runway skills it was time to head out for the FUN portion of our day – a trip out to Sam’s Club. The kids LOVE going there… samples, wandering the aisles, talking prices (the twins are starting to catch some of the prices as deals or expensive).1911826_10152315251561151_1646132086_n

We rounded off our day with a great Freecycle find – a toy chest for Echo and Trinity’s dress up and doll clothes. It needs a little work but that is what a good weekend is for!10001506_10152315112311151_1792976729_n

I figured it was also a great time to bake a box cake. After all kids who are freshly over a cold and have been working hard on their schoolwork need a  good snack, right?1981844_10152315842191151_1355485129_n

We are all feeling much better this week! And now the countdown is on to Uncle James’ birthday and HIS birthday call. I miss my brother and his family!!!101_6561

Enjoy the Photos

Just not in the blogging mood lately… So enjoy the random pictures as I clear up my desktop!101_6535

What crafting creativity looks like lately

What crafting creativity looks like lately

A girl and her almost cat

A girl and her almost cat



Classy ride at Sam's Club

Classy ride at Sam’s Club

Art by Emanuel

Art by Emanuel

S'more Legos

S’more Legos

Keeping track of our weeks

Keeping track of our weeks

