Archive | May 2014

Hoppy Hoppy Almost Easter

April 17-19

And… back to snow for one last hurrah… we hope! The bigger kids have really stepped up and now love having Echo out there with just them. They are growing up so quickly.101_7035


Spot the bunny

Spot the bunny

We squeezed in a Wild Kratts…

Black Footed Ferret

Black Footed Ferret

And Artistic Endeavors (that really do need capitalization! We are one with our creativity lately!!)101_7028

101_7029And then Easter Eggs! The girls did the traditional dye.101_7051

101_7055101_7054But the boys and Ken tried out this new way of doing it using shaving cream and dye… though if you plan on eating the eggs after it is highly suggested you switch the shaving cream with whipped cream. You can find instructions HERE.101_7050

101_7053Our Friday was a bit more quiet with a  half day to allow us to deal more with getting ready for the weekend and EASTER SUNDAY! We worked more on England through our Little Passports.101_7056

And got packages in the mail from Gammie.101_7057

On Saturday morning I dressed the girls up in LAST year’s Easter dresses. My cousin’s little girls said that they looked like the princesses off Frozen.101_7061

101_7059101_7065101_7067101_7064We paired those with the shirts Holly sent us from Canada and Voila perfect pic op!101_7084

101_7081bb (2)101_7081bb (3)101_7081bb (4)101_7081bb (1)We downsized Echo from super fluffy to a purple piece that was Trinity’s ages ago.101_7088

So we started our Easter with dress up and pictures. Easter 2014 is off to a great start! Enjoy the overflow!101_7083





Death Comes to Town… A Darcy Sweet Cozy Mystery

Every once in a while I come across a freebie for the Kindle that is absolutely worth stopping and reading. Death Comes to Town by K.J. Emrick was most definitely one of these. This cozy mystery definitely came with a dose of paranormal all based in the small town Misty Hollow. Darcy Sweet has inherited a bookstore: Sweet Read from her great-aunt Millie who haunts her from time to time in a rather friendly, sometimes helpful way. 

One of my favourite characters is Smudge the cat. There is the love interest… new cop in town Jon, the ex-husband Jeff… Darcy’s sister (cop) Grace and more. The murder is early in the novel and relatively low stress. The romance is a wee bit predictable but cute and keeps you interested. I do like the characters in the town. I am personally quite in love with the small town characters you find in cozies. 

There are 7 books in the Darcy Sweet Cozy Mystery series and I for one will be keeping an eye peeled to read more. While not a serious or deep read, Death Comes to Town is a terrific light read to enjoy in a sunny spot on a quiet afternoon. There is romance, mystery, a touch of divination or precognition AND of course the contemporary small town. I would definitely recommend it for a light read! 51juRhXRFfL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_