Archive | July 2016

Let’s Put It Out There – We Aren’t Perfect…

And I am not even trying to be! I was confronted, once again, with my parenting imperfections recently. Well… not so much imperfections and more the reality of raising strong personalities with a will of their own and the freedom of choice to make their own mistakes and blunders in life (in this case act according to their own whim and not the guidelines I have tried to drill into them).

I think it is something we moms (and dads) often keep mum about. In today’s society there is such a massive push for perfection. When something happens to another family and we hear about it, see it on the news, etc, the first impulse seems to be more and more to judge them and see how that would NEVER happen to US. After all, our parenting plan is perfect, our control over our kids faultless and our children always toe the line in publi… well how funny is that, I can’t even TYPE that statement out without almost falling over laughing.

I am the proud (most of the time… well A LOT of the time) mother of 5 currently ages 12 through 5. I homeschool them myself, put them into activities, send them to Sunday School, schedule playdates, generally let them out in public under varying levels of supervision. I think I am a good parent (well I really hope I am), a hands on parent, a loving parent, and a parent who believes in strict and fair discipline (but immediate and dependable. If I say the consequence is this, you ask my kids – IT HAPPENS).

I do the “in the car before an event” lecture, I listen to their chatter in groups to catch things before escalation and I do my best not to hover but to instill values and the ability to make positive choices… And, they do what they do when they do it.

I am the mom of 5 independent individuals with free will. I am the mom of children who are not yet mature, who are still learning to realize the consequences of their actions, who are able to make more messes in a single hour than I can clean in a full day. And that is ok! Definitely NOT perfect, but it is ok!

I am that mom yelling out her kid’s name when he is misbehaving or she is walking too fast at the pool. I am that mom who has turned around and taken her kids home from the park because she just can’t take that yelling fight between kid 1 and 3 for one more second. I am the mom who will call over her kids and give them that lecture in the middle of an outing because there is no way an hour later in the privacy of our van they will really grasp how bad that behaviour was in the moment.

We are all that parent who has to deal with the reality that our children are not born into a world that demands they are seen and not heard (and really did that ever TRULY work as well as it did in books?). We are all struggling with the balance of love and discipline. The fight to control but give responsibilities and freedoms.

I admit to feeling a huge moment of embarrassment and self recrimination when I was faced with behaviour I would now have to correct. There was that snap of frustration that they couldn’t just behave perfectly in public. But the reality is, they are kids, they are young and they are going to make mistakes. Just as I am an adult and… not so young… and am going to make mistakes. We all are, perfection is a myth, an untouchable goal that keeps us striving to better ourselves and it has its place. That place is NOT in parenting.

The reality of it is all is that as long as our children have minds of their own they will chose to use them, or not, however they want. All we can do is set out guidelines, suggestions and consequences and model the best behaviour we can for them. So while I will strive for perfection in my sewing, in my housework (haha good joke that one) with my children I am working towards a better goal – a foundation of love and support with guidance and consequences and, as always, a soft place to land where they can get back up and realize there are better choices to be made and a future of ups and downs we will face together.

I don’t know about you but that sounds a lot more exciting than perfect!!

(Thanks homeschool mom bud who suggested this topic inadvertently… we totally have better things to do than be perfect… and I am thankful we get to do so many of them together!)20160701_101448

This entry was posted on 06/07/2016, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Happy Canada Day 2016

149 years young our home country was on the 1st of July of this year. Next year is a big one, who knows we may even find our way back up north to celebrate? But no promises. But displaced Canadians or not, we celebrated as best we could a weekday that meant nothing so spectacular as being the birthday of a nation. It was hard to make a Friday more than a Friday here in Minnesota. Poor Echo wished strangers a Happy Canada on our walk back from a park date and got no response. But she had a blast sharing her celebration with the world so it was a win!20160701_101114_HDR

Anyway. We skipped Cluby that morning as I demanded a day where we DIDN’T walk 2 miles two ways and instead filled our mosquito tent with festive red balloons and colouring pages and GLITTER GLUE! Win win right?20160701_102631

20160701_14435320160701_144349We decorated the front yard a little… I am always hoping to add to our Canada stash but it is rough going when you live in the middle of the States. Thankfully Karyn is always keeping an eye peeled for some Dollarama wares.20160701_101448

Of course we did our usual pictures… which are always a lot of fun. Karyn brought us all brand new shirts on her visit this summer. Talk about a well dressed group! Though I have to say, Gavin’s eh? shirt was my favourite.20160701_101358

IMG_20160701_103808Even our hammock was the appropriate colour.20160701_102710

IMG_20160701_192614IMG_20160701_192646We did our favourite fireworks activity.20160701_111613

And had a red and white lunch with Canadian snacks straight from CANADA!20160701_115242


I even had my own Canada in a cup thanks to Karyn and Lauralee at the suggestion of fellow Canadian abroad Caroline.20160701_114918

We snuck in a playdate at the park with our American homeschool buddies who got a kick out of our duds and helped us put a huge smile on our day of Canada-centric joy. Sadly no pictures but Echo did wish random strangers a HAPPY CANADA on our walk and was a little put out that they did not respond in kind. This was corrected on Sunday when Wes our favourite lifeguard called Echo over to wish her a BELATED happy Canada Day after he and I sat and chatted and he realized the event had passed. She had a huge smile and gave him a Happy Canada Day right back! Man do I love the people at the YMCA. Enjoy a favourite rant/commercial.

We also played the national anthem and sang along and of course enjoyed a rendition of the Log Driver’s Waltz… I still know all the words and found a subtitled version for the kids to sing along! Check it out. Well worth the listen.. the tune is so catchy.

I made sure to have a family picture taken – well the natural born CANADIAN family picture. Ken said no to being included as he felt that he was better suited to TAKE this photo than to be in it. Silly man. Of course the kids told him he is just as Canadian as they are since he married me and is such a nice man (ok so maybe they are a wee bit delusional but they really love their dad).IMG_20160701_172830

So since it was a week day it wasn’t a fancy celebration. We had fun, ate out, celebrated loudly and plan to make it even more exuberant next year when our special day falls on a weekend. Now, sit back and enjoy the red, white and no blue images that we took to top off our day of all things Canadian…. eh.IMG_20160701_145132

(Gavin middle)

(Gavin middle)




This entry was posted on 05/07/2016, in Uncategorized. 3 Comments


WOO pictures and everything on this flash from the past! Enjoy my leap back in time to look at dinosaurs while I prep the next deep and involved post… or get my bum in gear and finish December!

Now we chose our dinosaurs slightly differently… by looking at Dinosaur Train episodes this time round. Lambeosaurus was featured in the episode New Neighbours/Don’s Collection (Season 4, Episode 3) available for free watching (with Prime) on Amazon HERE. Our duck-billed, crested herbivore runs on two legs through the Cretaceous period. Found in the Woodlands of North America it is potentially the largest of the hadrosaurs to date.

We honestly didn’t look for other videos as the kids were very pleased with the Dinosaur Train one. I am sure there are more if you google it!


  • EnchantedLearning HERE
  • HERE
  • HERE
  • Animal Planet HERE
  • San Diego Natural History Museum HERE
  • Dinosaur King HERE
  • Encylopaedia Britannica HERE
  • Wiki HERE
  • Our colouring page comes from Arthur’s Clip Art HERE

    All 4 involved in this one