Tag Archive | Valentines

And the Winner is…

…#2! One day late but I rushed that entry yesterday so I could have time with Ken to celebrate Valentine’s Day! So sometime in the near future this will be the photo gracing our family wall!!!

5 yrs old!

I cannot believe he is so grown up! Looking back at his baby curls and pudgy cheeks he is so big now!

I can also finally share what I made Ken for Valentine’s Day… a Welsh Love Spoon. I found the directions to make a VERY simple version here. Some day I would love to buy him a REAL spoon like the amazing ones in this gallery. I used the symbol chart included on the UK site…

My Welsh Love Spoon for Ken

For Valentine’s Day supper we had delivery Chinese. I tried onion cake (yummy) and we had won ton soup, spring rolls (so good) and then a beef or chicken and lemongrass bowl with vermicelli. It was so filling, we had enough left over for the kids to enjoy as breakfast  this morning!!! Our usual special date tradition – a picnic in the living room.

Valentine's Day supper

Another of my eBay purchases came today. The most expensive one actually. I spent around 8.00 on lengths of coloured ribbon. 15 different colours that I am already concocting hair clip plans for.

Echo stole my ribbon!

So, the step by step instructions for yesterday’s coffee filter flowers:

First you need coffee filters, markers, a towel, spray bottle and pipe cleaners. You take your coffee filter and on one side colour a design or pattern.


Once that is done you lay the filter flat on the towel and spray it with enough water to dampen the whole thing and make the colours run.

Spray bottle

After the water dries we rolled or squished it together and then tied the centre with a pipe cleaner.


I think this would be a neat way to talk about absorption or even to show colour mixing. We used these flowers to talk about giving presents for Valentine’s and how the ones we made looked like other flowers – like roses.

We spent the bulk of our homeschooling time finishing up our frog activities. I found two site with some wonderful frog information. Weird frog facts, and All About Frogs for Kids and Teachers (although there are some word and sentence errors on this second link as well as some dead links). We did most of our frog learning online this time round due to an issue with my library card but it has been fun. YouTube is full of videos (once you weed out the ones that are just cruel or stupid) and we have had fun looking online at pictures of different frogs. The plan is to make our way to the zoo on Sunday to see what we can learn about their frogs there.

The kids have been using the books I got everyone for their birthday party. Zander’s is a colour by numbers which has him practising sounding out the words for the colour names so that he knows on his own (for the most part, I mean BEIGE how is he going to get that one?) what colours he needs for his pictures.

Zander and Trinity

I finally have all the information I need for my stepsister’s wedding sampler. The logo for the portion of the air-force her husband is in, the colours she likes, the names they use… the date… now to find a spare minute with Ken to sort it all out! Oh and a trip to the local thread store to pick out some blending filament (what can I say I love the shimmer – it is so worth the frustration). My goal is to mail it off in enough time to allow for framing if they want, but basically to be SURE it makes it in time.

We are planning on taking advantage of the meatball deal that starts on Thursday at IKEA – 10 piece meatballs with mashed potatoes only 99 cents! The kids (and Ken and myself for that matter) LOVE their meatballs! Tomorrow we are supposed to head to The Mall and wander around T&T and check out different Asian foods. I need more soy beans and the kids would love a dragon fruit. Now to just get through the evening without the kids coming out of their rooms a dozen times… please?

Yours truly on Valentine's Day

This entry was posted on 15/02/2011, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I am not sure if anyone is aware, but Emanuel was SUPPOSED to be a Valentine’s Day baby! He, in the fine Reinsch-Johnson tradition, simply decided to make his grand appearance early. Valentine’s Day for our not so little family of 7 does not mean a huge celebration or crazy event, rather we spent it relatively quietly here at home. Last year we combined Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day into one party and had everyone over. As this year we were working hard to have a larger birthday party Valentine’s Day was secondary. We had a quiet morning as I was up off and on quite a bit more last night with an over stimulated baby girl so I had to sleep in. The kids settled in to watch a bunch of their new videos (I still need to find the translation on those) and then did the dot-to-dots off the UK site that were Valentine’s Day themed. I love when they have them set up according to difficulty so we had 3 different pictures that they could choose from. We put those up on our holiday wall.

Holiday wall

I printed off each of the boys a Valentine’s Day themed mini book to work through. These were off of the Enchanted Learning site. You just need to click on the Valentine’s icon on the main page.

Gavin and Zander

The twins taught ME our craft for the day! Since the flowers they made at Sunday School were so pretty and relatively simple (Gavin gave his to Aunty Esther) I figured I would have us do them at home too! It was very simple – all you need is a coffee filter, markers, pipe cleaners and a spray bottle of water.

I will include step by step instructions tomorrow!

Today in the mail I got the first of 4 eBay purchases (I had a tiny bit left on a bought credit card and WOW can  you get a lot when you are picky and hunt around on eBay). The 50 new hair clips I need to make more hair things for the girls. I am just waiting on the ribbons I ordered – I managed to get a decent variety of colours for a nice price. There are some specific barrettes I want to make – like a Christmas tree, that need specific colours. Of course I will share the instructions as I make them!


Of course the kids all dressed in pink or red and we HAD TO take pictures! I am so proud of the twins and how careful they are when we have them hold Echo for photos like these. I am waiting a couple days to do the twins’ yearly photos as Gavin still has a scratch on his face and Zander got bonked on the cheek yesterday. Note the brand new shirt Trinity has on – an Aunty Karyn pick! I just can’t pass up a chance to photography our little ones all together. This is (hopefully) going to be my week of photography. I have the twins to do, I need to take some more of Echo AND I want to do some pictures myself.

All 5 of our sweeties

I got 7 pages done scrapbooking last night! Quite proud of myself on that one, but I am definitely running out of solid 12X12 paper as well as certain themes in the same sized sheets. I am hoping to go through the paper I do have and use more of that before breaking down and buying any paper packs. My goal is to get as much of the back stuff done before we move as I can so I don’t have to scramble with loose things and risk misplacing pictures and items.

Sticking out her tongue

Trinity's Halloween pages

Muttart for Trinity

Echo's stocking

Trinity's Christmas Eve page

Pumpkin carving for Echo

I have pulled out an old project to finish as I am still in between projects until Ken gets some spare time to design. The rest of our evening is our own. The kids are in bed, the baby (hopefully) going down for a nap, all in time for our Valentine’s Day meal – Chinese delivery! So Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Our Little Canuck

Birthday Party Weekend

It honestly feels like we have been go go go pretty much non-stop since Friday! But in a GOOD way. So, back to Friday… Our morning was a bit hectic as we had to get everyone settled earlier than usual. My Uncle Wayne needed a ride to his eye doctor (who happened to not be overly far from the office where we ordered Zander’s glasses). Since he needed his eyes dilated he was not supposed to drive anywhere immediately after his appointment. So Ken and Zander left with Uncle Wayne to pick up Zander’s glasses while Uncle Wayne did his appointment. Unless there is a cancellation sooner, he will be back in the city in August for cataract surgery. If there is a cancellation before we move out of town we will get to have Uncle Wayne for 3 days! The kids would be over the moon.

Glasses and all

While those 3 were out doing the glasses thing a friend of mine from college – Kathy got in for a visit. She lives a little over 3 hours away in the same city as my brother. Her schedule wouldn’t allow her to come for the birthday party so instead she came by for a half day visit on Friday. It was nice to get a chance to catch up, and once the men returned she and I went to The Mall for New York Fries Poutine. Kid free we had a lovely hour or two of time to catch up and just generally hang out. She hung around until almost 5pm before having to head back home. OH and added treat – part of the Christmas present she gave me was back ordered and had finally come in. Another volume of Teresa Wentzler‘s cross stitch patterns! I have to admit a fondness to her designs (from what I understand she has retired) though they are VERY time consuming and often the entire piece is stitched with now empty spaces. I have a couple in this new book I am dying to do… once I have the time to properly kit them up.

All full of nice patterns

Since Uncle Wayne was on his way home Friday night and not planning on coming back into the city for the boys’ birthday he gave the kids their gifts on Friday. Trinity got a new kitty – one of those Fureal Friends I think they are called. This one is a tiny kitty that you can get track for that moves around when you push its back or just makes silly noses if  you push its nose. She was over the moon! Echo got a sweet stuffed panda that she played with a little. Emanuel got a remote control car – the same colour and I think number (though not the brand) as his favourite car – Lightning McQueen. He spent the rest of the day driving us all crazy driving it around. The twins each got a little set that you could use to build a vehicle (one bike the other dump truck) and then take back apart and make other things or combine to do the same. They were impressed by the little tools and the nuts and bolts and had Uncle Wayne down on the floor playing with them for hours.

Uncle Wayne with Gavin and Emanuel

From Uncle Wayne’s 3 weeks in China and Thailand he brought us back a few goodies! Key chains from Thailand, a little change purse for me and the big excitement – CARTOONS for the kids! Pleasant Goat and the Big Big Wolf. Apparently VERY popular in China. Ken managed to convince his computer to play them for us so we all got to enjoy them. (no translation on the disks sadly)

Our new videos

Karyn got in later that night after both my uncle and Kathy had left for home. So she and I went out for Harvey’s burgers and a visit (talk about spoiled, I got to go out TWICE Friday for some girl time!). Ken picked up Ted and Sean (whose car is currently not running) and we spent a fun evening putting up streamers, visiting and doing the last of the cleaning.

Saturday morning Karyn and I did the last run for things we needed for the party… with a stop over at Winners so Karyn could pick Echo up a new outfit. (I have to go back there, there were some sweet outfits that would look amazing on Trinity) We came home to Mom, Mike and Phoebe already being here and the kids all over the place with the gifts she has brought them (they weren’t wrapped so it was easier to just hand them over and let the kids go).

Playing games with Grandma (Gavin left)

With a loaf of banana bread baking and all our treats out for the party we added the cake mom and Mike had put together and our punch and we were ready to party! The cake was VERY impressive, they found an example online and ran with it. There was chocolate and carrot cake (the side cakes were the error ones, but worked perfectly). I think the kids were just excited about all the toys we had to take OFF of the cake so we could cut into it to eat!

The cake!

After cake which we had early so mom and Mike could head home in time for a meeting we had presents which of course meant CHAOS. Alan and Xinny and their 2 kids and Nathan and Ada with Anna were a little late so we were able to hold off cake until they got here. Chris and Chris got held up and managed to make it before presents… Esther… well she came LATE and spent time with us after the fact. Add to that my “baby” cousin David and we had a full and happy house.

My god-daughter Anna

The kids got some amazing presents – everything from a Thomas the train set (Emanuel) to a piano and 2 guitars (shared gifts)! We were able to get the twins their bikes at a super clearance price but are not going to have them in hand until next week. So they have to be patient on that one. Emanuel’s present from us was a great find – something called Hex Bugs.

Gavin and Isabella playing

After the bulk of the party went home we spent the rest of the evening relaxing and playing with the new toys (Cousin David was nice enough to tune our new guitars as best he could). Karyn, Esther and I made a slurpee run where we had to take a crate to transport them in. We got a couple of silly comments coming in with our large refill containers but we managed. Although Ken sent us with 8 containers and there was only 7 people and we of course filled them ALL. Oh well.

This is our last Sunday for Sunday School for the month so Ken and the boys left the rest of us here to hang out. Ok, Sean, Trinity and I hung out while Echo napped and Karyn slept in the basement. We had Esther on the couch and Ted on the floor. Amazingly enough they slept through the whirlwind that is Trinity on a Sunday morning! She spent the majority of her time bugging, I mean SITTING with Sean… with him on his laptop.

Whirlwind Trinity in her headband from Aunty Holly

The twins had an actual little Valentine’s party where they learned how to make flowers out of coffee filters so they are going to teach ME how to make them and for Valentines Day we will make a bunch up. Emanuel made a card and apparently had a lot of fun too… Ken had a nap (not a huge surprise).

Echo and Emanuel checking out the Hex Bugs

Today Echo is officially 6 months old! I am determined this week to get her photos done with her little “I was born at” t-shirt. In fact I have to do those and then the twins’ yearly photos and of course my own with Ken. You have one last chance to weigh in on Emanuel’s pictures – which one of THESE should we put up on the wall? Tomorrow I am going to announce the “winning” picture. Then it is time to post the twins’ pictures for opinion!

6 months today!

In a crafty side note – mom took off the tutu to the lady who requested it. I am VERY proud of it. I did a more patchwork patternless colour set up with a lovely bright pink ribbon and heart shaped gem embellishments. I am hoping the little girl it is for likes it as much as I do! It makes me wish I could get a steady supply of the variety of colours I like to make them for more people. Thankfully Michaels has expanded its selection of tulle colours! And Ken is able to get the coloured ribbon I need for the waist and the elastic for a great price at Walmart.

Finished tutu

For the gifts for the kids at the party Ken and I made up crayons out of our old broken crayons. We used our IKEA ice cube trays and used this recipe. Our kids love them! The books I got at Dollarama for 1.00 a piece – we lucked out there was Dora, Diego, and Kai Lan. A very affordable gift for all of the kids and a wonderful way to ensure we don’t waste all those broken crayons.

Zander and the crayons and colouring book

Karyn brought her Cricut for the weekend and I got my first opportunity to make some Hello Kitty die cut shapes. They are a bit labour intensive but the final result looks WONDERFUL. My plan is to borrow Karyn’s Cricut sometime after Family Day and spend a week or so just making kitties. I want to use them for scrapbooking and for decorations for Trinity’s 3rd birthday (she is a Hello Kitty fiend). I just need to pick up some more pastel paper and I am set.

Hello Kitty

This afternoon was filled with girl time – shopping at The Mall with Esther and Karyn. We wandered the clothing stores, stopped into Sephora and I treated myself with a strawberry bubble tea. (nummers) We got home in time for Karyn to head off home and the kids to get in some play time with Aunty Esther before she too had to head home. Ken took the guys home and now here we are, in a slightly chaotic house just the 7 of us. I have some definite cleaning to do, there is a couple of bags of garbage to go out, dishes to do and I have a strong urge to get a page or two done scrapbooking. Ken picked up my latest order of photos while out collecting the guys for the weekend. So hopefully tomorrow I will have at least one page to share.

Esther and Karyn

I have 4 very excited kids to deal with and a Valentine’s Day to consider. I am not sure how much we will do as this weekend was one big party for these guys. I do have some of those candies with the words on them to give them and some mini workbooks I picked up at Michaels with Esther and Karyn. I got Trinity the cutest little oven mitt and pot holder on the same shopping trip to go with the kitchen set. (Trinity got spoiled – Aunty Karyn got her Hello Kitty stickers AND two clearance shirts from Superstore!) I have to go back to Michaels this week, I found some sticker books at 1.50 a piece I KNOW the kids will LOVE.

I am sure there are things I missed in our busy busy weekend but I have to say THANK YOU to everyone who came by, celebrated and visited with us. It was a wonderful weekend and we really appreciate everyone who wanted to be a part of it!

Echo and God-daddy Nathan