Tag Archive | Ada

We Reach the Mid Point of the Week with a VIDEO!

Boy has the weather gone downhill here. Cold, blustery and all together blah. I know that that certainly affects my mood and the kids’ as well. So it was a good day to just play around… I had some laminated games, colouring pages and cleared space for toys to be out. Not the most productive day but we worked on learning new things and cementing old and ATTEMPTING cooperation and sharing… mixed results but we keep on working on it. 

We did make time for a dance party in Trinity’s room. Sadly we couldn’t get the iTouch to work on the upstairs laptop as the library of music is already on the downstairs so we used the Leapfrog toy set on the music setting to boogie down. Even Echo got in on the movement. 

Dance party!

The twins worked on their site words with this nifty printable I got from the Moffatgirlssite. I did the pages half page to shrink the size of the circles and save on paper. The boys used their dry erase markers and tried to read what they could on their own. I then had them write out a list of those words and next time we will see if they can do more. 

Sight word practice

The little ones played with their Pumpkin Graphing pages and the dice. These can be found on this site. They played their own rules but were working on making graphs rolling the dice and using the dry erase markers. So much fun!

I took my times of silence and near calm to do up some scrapbooking pages. I am hoping to get through the pile of pictures I printed out months ago finally… use up the paper I have and do my best to be creative with what bits and bobs we have around the house.

Trinity's 3rd Birthday party for Echo

Valentine's Day 2011

Echo on the toy riding car

Echo and our Canada Floor Puzzle

I took another moment alone when the 3 little ones had their afternoon nap and photographed the two newest owls… hanging out with Fat Sheep. She has been rather quiet on blog and Twitter but you can check her out using the link on the side bar.

Fat Sheep and Owls

With our own celebrity

There was a reminder of how many lovely people there are in our lives though in the post of all places (I know I know – the bulk of all mail is NOT happy mail but today I have been blessed with ANOTHER package!). This was a lovely package from a lady who inspires me to be a better homeschooler. What you can’t see is the tea and coffee she sent since she couldn’t send slurpees. My mind is already spinning with ideas for the little shirt and pants set she sent for Echo… maybe some bows at the ankles… but what to do with the front of the shirt???

Thank you!!

The special treat for the day was time with Daddy (TWO sessions!) working on their traditional foam kit Halloween decoration… this year – a “spooky” Haunted House. Even Echo tried to get in on the fun.

Morning start on the house

With Echo helping

Proud completion

Which meant the day was over! What with the playing (cars were brought out and messes made and then cleaned up), the dry erase marker fun, the games with Mommy (Gavin and I played the gobble up game again)… we managed to have a rather good day. AND finish putting together the Stuart Little books!

4 completed books

I am still not sure how tomorrow will play out. We are down to the wire on the Canadian Tire getting us in to repair in time… which tears at my heart. But I would rather be stuck here and safe then on our way an hour and a half out and end up stranded in the fall weather with all 5 kids!  So fingers crossed! Ken IS a miracle worker!  

Flower baby with cookie in hand

Back on Track After an Unexpected Hiatus

So sorry for dropping off the face of the planet for a while. Life got a little out of control here at home, coupled with myself being very ill yesterday and some of today… but we are back full force now! Though Echo is a cranky baby and myself a little off my feed… but we will get there! Promise… now back to the blog entry I started back on Wednesday! Enjoy!  

I love being a fly on the wall with the twins… when they have some quiet time in their room they are rarely truly quiet and Wednesday was no exception… conversation ran immediately to Echo and her shots… the needles were POINTY, they didn’t remember THEIR needles being so LONG and of course it HURTS then the needle pokes your skin… then the conversation went on to “pictures on your skin” and did you know that they are made using NEEDLES?? The scoffing at doing that to yourself was a little comical. In fact, Echo’s appointment at Public Health was one of those times when I wished I had a hidden camera… the kids were all over the place and mildly annoying up until the needles came out for Echo and then did the boys COWER… really there is no better word for it, they shuffled off to the corner by the door and COWERED! 

Our Echo did do rather well at the health clinic. She had 3 shots – two in the leg and one in the arm. She has gained weight and stayed in proportion. Granted not the size that they call “normal” for her age but she is all good. 

Brave little baby

The boys got a new project Wednesday, we purchased from a local homeschooling student, two aloe plants. They are going to do the research as to how to look after them and keep them healthy with Ken… a bit more responsibility. 

Our new plants

We were thrown off a bit with the whole shots appointment and resulting angry baby so other than Gavin doing some sewing on his self designed pattern and Zander working on one of his old unfinished workbooks we basically called it a day. Sadly Thursday followed suit and my sweet boys were absolute wonders… first off we all played in Trinity’s room (Echo included) and the boys kept an eye on her and told me to have a nap! I woke up to breastfeed her and sent her off to bed and the boys played Minecraft while Trinity played in her room around me. Apparently I had a full out play food picnic!! Go figure! I am told I had a wonderful meal and the tea was excellent!

That followed into an early evening for the kids… Echo had post shots crankies and I was still barely functioning so they got some tv and then bed. Karyn stopped by unexpectedly while I was Skyping with dad and drug me out (when I was finished of course) for a slurpee run and some fresh air. Can you believe I got a SMALLER slurpee!!! Was I ever off my game! But it was some much needed girl time, a shoulder to cry on (it has been a rough month as I am sure you have noticed through the posts) and an open heart to share with. I am VERY blessed with my friends – ALL of them! 

This morning was rough, I will admit it… I was still feeling ill and Ken had a lot of running around to do at the end of the month… he worked miracles and got EVERYTHING done in a timely matter (with a little help from some amazing people but still) and then I was finally able to have a nice soak and wash the sick feeling away… A good soak does wonders on ones entire being really! 

But not before I cleaned up Trinity’s room with Echo’s assistance! It is time to get the place ready to turn on the heating which means hunting down each and every vent and making sure it is unobstructed and ready to be turned back on. Quite the job in a place where I really don’t know where the vents are yet… but I have figured out the upstairs and now just need to see if the downstairs are all in the ceiling or not. 

Checking out one of Trinity's baby dolls

Emanuel spent some of his time showing off to Echo all the work he has done in his special workbook. He is very proud of his work as we all are! Echo thought it was very neat! 

Teaching his sister about letters!

I have had some lovely mail lately… clips I bought off of eBay, a belated birthday present for Echo from her godparents and god-sibling and then most recently – a package of ribbon (Halloween themed) from a very considerate and thoughtful homeschooling mom. I cannot wait to find some spare time and make up some hair things for the girls for Halloween! I have started some actual thought on the costumes as well now. Made a cursory trip to ValueVillage, will have to go back with the kids and see what we can find!

New clips

Checking out her birthday box

Some of the ribbon! Thank you!

Tonight I got taken out for dinner by Karyn and Lauralee (thanks you two!). We went to The Rock. The pizza was divine, though after being sick for a day and a half I really couldn’t eat much… what was much more important was the getting out and AWAY from the house… I feel much better, the issues we had to deal with are resolved and I feel a little more at home again. What did come of this was some very heartfelt and meaningful conversations with BOTH of my parents (at different times of course) as well as a realization that Ken and I can face life head on and make it through – though I do it with A LOT of tears! We have learned some gaps in communication we need to fill and realized how we need to understand feelings a little better. I also called my church and have gotten in contact with a church elder who will sit and chat with me once in a while and help me learn some new coping skills! I feel very thankful for that! 


I haven’t managed to finish any of my owls BUT they are all works in progress… I am still hoping to have a nice parliament to add come the end of the weekend. They are all a little quirky and hopefully will strike someone’s fancy! 

Popcorn baby came out to play briefly but sadly the popcorn was too buttery and she ended up throwing up (these shots are harsh!) and then crawled away in a panic so you can imagine the mess. And then she blamed ME so it was good that Ken was home to take over with some snuggles! I did get a cute picture though… 

Pre sore tummy and mess

So we hope to get out to enjoy the leaves tomorrow, send the boys to Sunday School on Sunday AND maybe sneak out in Trinity and my special wedding dresses for some pictures in the park… Next week it is back to school with a vengeance. We have much to catch up on and many questions to answer… plants to grow… recycling policies to research… and HOPEFULLY our library card to get (finally)… I am determined to make October a GREAT month! 

I do need to get back to my owls… and tidy up more… and and and. I have had my down days now it is time to liven things back up! Ribbon is calling me… owls are hooting for beaks and wings… and my kids want to learn. That is the sweetest thing of all! 

According to Trinity colouring needs STICKERS

Ending the Week With Some Good Stuff to Share

Yet another week is coming to an end here in our new home. Another relatively overcast week sadly but we are settling in nicely. Echo officially has her crib set up in her corner of our new bedroom with screen in place. I FINALLY get to use her adorable crib set… a Superstore purchase before she was born. Now to clean AROUND the crib and make our room our own.

Echo's corner

So very cute!

We moved on to our next chapter. Louis the swan is determined to redeem his father by paying BACK the store for the trumpet (thank goodness).

Completed pages

After our story the boys chose their activities… a bit of sun came out so Zander jumped for the chance to head out and play on his bike in the backyard.

Helmet and all

Gavin chose to go the math route and get back to work on his book. He REALLY wants to move onto the grade 2 book as soon as he can. With Echo supervising of course.

Math with a supervisor

I actually had to make her standing toy TALLER! What a milestone! Note the jaunty little bow that she is wearing – it was a gift from her Canadian god-parents for Christmas this past year. She is growing bit by bit all round.

Standing tall

It feels good to start moving back into our homeschooling more rigorously. The plan is to start out look at Canada on Monday – it won’t be hugely in depth, they ARE only 7 and I don’t have a local library card yet but we do have quite a few resources that I purposely packed where I could find them right off.

Chris and Chris stopped by briefly on their way into the city for Comic-con. I REALLY wanted to go this year but we just couldn’t swing it with cost AND how busy we are right now settling in… next year I want to go for sure! They will be stopping by on the way back on Sunday as well. It has been a while since we have had a visit with them, and their move end of the month will have them closer to Saskatchewan and further from us!

I have arranged the livingroom to my own satisfaction… mostly! The sofa is turned, the baby area set up… though I need to put blankets along the fireplace. The netbook has its place of pride on the desk. I just need to find the bag for the pieces of the kitchen table…

Finished sitting area

Ken took the 4 bigger kids on a walk around the block after supper in the limited sunshine we have had. They came back with one dog poo shoe (Emanuel) and a scraped knee (Trinity) but happy kids ready for their baths and bed.

Out on the walk

We got our Anniversary dinner today – nothing extremely fancy, just KFC… but Ken caved and got the Double Down… soooo bad for you! I am sure in July Ken and I will get a more special meal but for now we are together and having dinner and that is what is the big thing.

KFC for 2

Oh I have to say – Cousin Veronika – PASSED!!!! And apparently her Audrey Hepburn themed photo shoot went swimmingly also! I am so proud and so glad I volunteered. I definitely have a greater appreciation for how difficult it is to make someone look good for a specific reason. On she goes to the next course on Monday!

Now for tonight I have the urge to get this basement going. After all Kathy is coming to visit next Friday which  gives me a concrete reason to hold onto to make this tidying a reality.

The best image sent to me by Chris and Chris from their first day at Comic-Con... Night Elf ready for fishing! WoW anyone?

This entry was posted on 17/06/2011, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments