Tag Archive | afghan

Mid Week is in Sight

Well technology really IS a fickle thing. Ken borrowed (he) Chris’ cell last night to call Telus to ask them why when we attempt to call our home number it says out of service… and they did not know! We are paid up to date, we have no account issues, there is NO reason… so of course they are working as best they can to resolve it we were told with a ticket off to one department and a tech to come by on Thursday (yes THURSDAY!). Ken just shook his head and wondered aloud why all this technological crap happens to HIM. I swear he attracts these issues some how! So sorry if you tried to call us yesterday… Thankfully we woke up to the issue resolved. Ken is very aggressive when there is an issue with our technology… something about it being necessary for his work… he says with a roll of his eyes. 

In returning out livingroom to a non-Christmas status I have come to realize that we have made even more space with the turning of our sofa to block the non working fireplace. Granted I used to stow boxes behind the couch and in the schooling area for easy access for the kids BUT this is much more useful. The boys had out their Legos  yesterday (as can be seen by the last picture in the entry of Gavin’s flowers) and it was a simple thing to eyeball whether or not all Legos has been picked up (of course they hadn’t but that was also easily resolved with some stern words). 

In moving the tree I did finally make it back under my upstairs desk to peruse the workbooks. I have been collecting, from various sources, any and all I can get my hands on and I have a little stack of grade 2 books sitting down there. I am going to go through them this week and see if we can use any to review or supplement what we are already doing. 

Each of the twins worked their way through a second level Bob book with minimal help! Zander had to be reminded that OK was simply O-K… and Gavin did try to guess a word but we made it through. Makes me feel like this year is really heading somewhere. I think when we do our reading week ONE book minimum will be a self read book instead of just me reading to them. Get them reading to the whole family out loud to receive some honest praise and excitement. 

It is going to be the year of the Dragon this year for Chinese New Year, so I have started searching for  some worksheets. The boys have decided it will be a poster for CNY and a lapbook for the solar system. Emanuel and Trinity already coloured their own dragons this morning. 

Year of the Dragon

We had random craft time today with the foam pieces mom sent home with us at Christmas. Each kid created something, no limitations, just that they cleaned up when they were done!!

Crafty chaos

Still with their minds on Christmas!

Tonight was a night out for Ken and myself (and Echo in tow)… dinner at the food court (Umi Sushi Express and Arby’s) and then some shopping at LaSenza… nothing fancy but taking advantage of a good sale on underwear! Picked up some groceries on the way home, dropped books off at the library and then back we were. Nothing crazy but certainly fun and relaxing. 

I love the little bags

There is more research to be done for our coming interest… Chinese New Year to determine and of course a multitude of doctor appointments. Tomorrow Echo goes for some blood work and her hand x-ray with Ken, then Friday is Ken’s physical… the following week is the cardiologist follow up and then the week after THAT is Zander’s follow up on his eye… and then I think we are good until February and Echo’s 1 1/2 yr and my yearly. Joy. 

On a positive note, I ended my day winning a contest on Facebook for a salve that is sold by a cloth diaper company called Rump Arounds. Be sure to check them out! Apparently they are local so they are going to just drop my prize in my mailbox! That just leaves some more crafting to be done tonight, after all the Tinker Bell afghan is not going to stitch itself. Though I hope to NOT be up past 1 am working on a counting error like last night!!! 

We found ONE baby she can carry... Trinity's dolly, I wish there was some way other than Pamper's Points to get another. I simply am NOT amassing them anymore!

This entry was posted on 04/01/2012, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments