Tag Archive | Africa


Another day another dinosaur… the Ouranosaurus was a sail backed, plant eating dinosaur from the Cretaceous period. Found in Africa, it had an impressive silhouette that meant the sail probably helped regulate temperature (although a site does place this dinosaur in China). It’s name means “brave lizard” and it potentially walked on two and 4 feet.

Now for our videos… Ouranosaurus Nugeriensis, a documentary style video.

And the second, a Planet Dinosaur video…

And now the links…

  • EnchantedLearning HERE
  • Dinosaurs.about.com HERE
  • Animal Planet HERE
  • KidsDinos.com HERE
  • Jurassic Park HERE
  • Prehistoric Wildlife HERE
  • Cool Dino Facts HERE
  • Wiki HERE
  • And our colouring page — Colouring Pages 101 HERE101_0694


A lightweight lizard from the Jurassic period, the Elaphrosaurus was found in Africa. This carnivore ran on two legs and is a bit of an unknown. Fleet of food but so much lighter than other carnivores it would have been reliant on speed over power to catch and eat its prey. Once again this is a dinosaur picked from the I’m a Dinosaur list…

We found an interesting paleontologist named Dinosaur George who has a question and answer series of videos about various dinosaurs. This is the episode with a question about our dinosaur. Emanuel definitely wants to check out his site to see if he has more items of interest.

Now I do not have many links about this dinosaur but here goes… Let’s start with the fact sheet on EnchantedLearning HERE. The Natural History Museum has a rather interesting drawing with some great charts on its site HERE. Prehistoric Wildlife has a helpful article HERE. There are a couple sentences at the Jurassic Park Wiki HERE. AgeofDinosaurs.com has a page HERE, though I noticed its map seemed wrong… Our colouring page can be found HERE and of course Wiki has their page HERE. Hopefully this helps our dinosaur fanatics out there.

We do enjoy our rainbows


Carnivores may not be Emanuel’s favourite BUT the Masiakasaurus has some amazingly unusual teeth. This theropod from the late Cretaceous period had hooked front teeth that angled out, most likely for catching and eating fish. This image HERE really shows those wicked teeth. Surprisingly it was NOT a large dinosaur, believed to have been the size of a large dog. And now, onto the videos!

First off, I’m a Dinosaur covered this dinosaur briefly…

If you are interested in a musical interlude with many illustrations of our toothy carnivore you can watch this youTube video.

And now, the links… The Natural History Museum has some rather interesting facts simply put out HERE. Age of Dinosaurs has their map showing where in Africa this dinosaur was found HERE. Prehistoric Wildlife has a page on our “vicious lizard” HERE. Jurassic Park Wiki has a very short entry HERE. Dinosaurs.about.com has a great picture of a skull of this dinosaur HERE. EnchantedLearning has a fact sheet HERE. Wiki of course has an article HERE. Our colouring page is a much more artistic rendition HERE.

Joint project (Zander left)