Tag Archive | Allen Masters

My Sweet Valentine… a Book Review

Novellas seem to be the lucky find this last week or so, though this one is more in length to a full novel (I still found it a shorter read). My Sweet Valentine by Jill Sanders is book 6 in the Pride Series. A contemporary romance based in the town of Pride this story centers on the lead instructor of the Coastguard and a young woman returned to town to open a bakery. 

Running from a serious stalking situation Sara Lander is just trying to rebuild her life and create her dream… her very own bakery full of her sweets and coffee. Coastguard and ex-Navy SEAL Allen Masters is proud of his position in town running the Coastguard school and saving lives locally. 

Be ware… this story does have some overt sexual scenes. The passion is definitely alive in this story as is the mystery of the stalker complete with red herrings! An enjoyable contemporary romance with some history to be unearthed with each of our two main characters. There is definitely some history with surrounding characters that I am sure is explained in the previous books in the series. Something to look into. 

I love the changes you see in both of the characters. While not a story of faith it is a story of growth! 

If you are looking for romance and some adventure this could be the story for you. 51R64jDzuOL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_