Tag Archive | Andy

January and the Beginning of 2017

So we have placed our feet firmly into 2017. January has come and gone (and at this point February is quickly going the same way). But what, exactly, did we do in January? Chinese New Year fell on January 28th this year. You can take a peek at our celebrating of the start of the Year of the Rooster HERE. We had a wee bit of snow, but nothing exciting…IMG_20170110_092553_627

The only snow structure we managed to make!

The only snow structure we managed to make!

20170116_102843IMG_20170111_110136_013OH! We helped Darcy celebrate her birthday with dinner out and cake.20170121_213340

This meant we also got to see our godson Anthony play indoor soccer (they won, as usual).20170121_194012

20170121_20452720170121_202011I spent A LOT of time at the YMCA.IMG_20170101_160539

IMG_20170119_000313_948IMG_20170114_152113_768IMG_20170108_215013This in turn meant the kids spent A LOT of time at Cluby.

Slightly out of season but someone donated house kits for the kids at club.

Slightly out of season but someone donated house kits for the kids at club.

Waiting for swimming lessons.

Waiting for swimming lessons.

We took our Christmas money from Grandma and Grandpa Mike and spent it on some new clothes.20170116_201043

Even luckier than the clothing sale... a pretzel sale!

Even luckier than the clothing sale… a pretzel sale!

Did lots and lots of learning. Mostly in the sunshine on the floor.IMG_20170118_014220_363




Cousin Robbie came for an overnight visit.20170111_203533

20170111_204355IMG_20170111_194933_737IMG_20170112_175531_252And I crocheted up a storm.

Yarn was purchased and a hat requested... not half bad!

Yarn was purchased and a hat requested… not half bad!


Snuck some cross stitch in here too.

Snuck some cross stitch in here too.

Ken, Renee, Chris and myself all went out to Matt’s Bar for Juicy Lucy’s.IMG_20170107_143800_695

We also visited a rather amazing display of quilts... I wish this one had photographed better. It was amazing.

We also visited a rather amazing display of quilts… I wish this one had photographed better. It was amazing.

Flat Stanley came to visit as well.20170129_122256


It was a rather social month, but it was also a very education heavy with as much time spent outside as possible. Even from simply looking back at the images I have collected, I feel we started the year off positively. Smiles, friendship, knowledge and fun. What more could I ask for?IMG_20170105_120418

Church down the road.

Church down the road.

Emanuel is growing his hair out to donate!

Emanuel is growing his hair out to donate!



This entry was posted on 07/03/2017, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Happy Birthday My 3 Sons

February is ALWAYS a crazy month for us. But never so crazy as it was in 2004 and 2006. It is hard to believe that 13yrs ago on the 5th of February Zander and Gavin were born… 10 weeks early and tiny little peanuts. Here we are, the parents of TEENAGERS! When did I blink and miss that one happening?20170205_114101

11yrs ago and at a much calmer pace we welcomed Emanuel into our family on February 3rd. He was my chubby eternally napping and happy baby. He still loves a good nap and has definitely thinned out! But still, where did the time go?IMG_20170203_091819

We have done the larger parties in the past, but this year we decided to go small. On the 3rd we had a mini celebration just for Emanuel. He got to open the small gifts from us, what Aunty Holly sent him from Canada, and any cards that came in the mail.20170203_164610

A bag for his fossil collection!

A bag for his fossil collection!

We had the dinner he requested – potato soup and dumplings, hung out together and had cupcakes for desert.20170203_204707

On the 5th we did the same for the twins. They chose sausage-strata. A breakfast casserole.20170205_114149

A bag for any metal detector finds (left Zander) and a holder for art supplies.

A bag for any metal detector finds (left Zander) and a holder for art supplies.

As an added gift we took the whole family to McDonald’s for breakfast after Sunday School. A very rare occurrence for this family of 7, eating out at a restaurant, fast food or no.20170205_104542

20170205_105529We also opened the bigger gifts which we the same for each of the boys.20170205_114528

Emanuel had an additional outing he requested – Aidan joined him and Ken to go see the new Lego Batman movie. And to go to McDonald’s for their appropriately themed Happy Meals. I am told it was all great amounts of fun.IMAG0616

IMAG0618IMAG0622image000000And then after when Darcy and Andy came to get him we had MORE presents (so sweet) and hung out for a while.20170211_215425

20170211_215314Nothing hugely fancy, but I think we really felt like we celebrated properly. I love these 3 so much, watching them grow and change has been a great privilege, even with all the ups and downs.20170205_113912


Christmas Crochet

I still haven’t gotten my Birthday post written for my boys… so instead, here is some Christmas crafting. 


Gavin and I were both at work. So I figured I would share that here.

Gavin's simple rectangular piece he sent to Grandma and Grandpa Mike for Christmas. Well done son.

Gavin’s simple rectangular piece he sent to Grandma and Grandpa Mike for Christmas. Well done son.

Olaf for Andrew Novak and a cell phone pocket for his brother Anthony.

Olaf for Andrew Novak and a cell phone pocket for his brother Anthony.

Iron Man fingerless gloves for Aidan Novak.

Iron Man fingerless gloves for Aidan Novak.

Pink Pikachu as requested for Echo.

Pink Pikachu as requested for Echo.

One of the cat hats I made for various cats.

One of the cat hats I made for various cats.

Commissioned goodies sent up to Canada.

Commissioned goodies sent up to Canada.

Now for some patterns:

The large Pikachu – HERE by Nichole’s Nerdy Knots

Olaf – HERE by ChiWei Ranck

Iron Man fingerless gloves – HERE by Tia Davis

Far back in the photo above is the Little Evil Mistress – HERE by Jennifer Chittum

All the above Pokemon are from Nichole’s Nerdy Knots as well HERE