Tag Archive | Anniversary

Sunday Sunday…

Definitely did NOT wish it was Monday… not when the day was beautiful and the kids dressed in their Sunday best once again. No, while I had shed some tears and had some emotional moments today I had some moments of joy and contentment as well. So lets get going with the recapping… we had to get out to the van dressed, packed up and ready to go by 8am once again. There was quite a bit of reticence from the boys who were rather unimpressed by the idea of another long drive. We assured them it was for a good reason and that they WOULD have fun today at church…

Dressed to impress

We made good time even with some road repair going on and got to church in time to meet the rest of the kids and start Sunday School. I have to admit I appreciate long car rides (when the kids are in decent moods) as it gives Ken and I a chance to chat about things without the distraction of tv, computers, internet, etc. Sometimes it is the closest we get to quality one on one time. Especially if the kids are occupied or better yet, ASLEEP.

Anyway, this was a very special Sunday… first of all it is the FINAL Sunday School session of the year. Bittersweet as we have loved our year of Sunday School. The kids have made friends among their classmates, enjoyed their teachers and fellowship. We have felt totally welcomed and accepted by this church and the new minister. So they practiced their song for the OTHER big event of the day – the dedication and presentation of the nativity and “other” costumes mom made for the church. There are well over 30 done and at the church. Everyone was over the moon when they came in to them all laid out on the tables for perusal. 

Of course before the costumes could be handed out and chosen there was cookies and juice! Even Echo had a cookie. 

Cookie time

For Echo too

And then… PICKING COSTUMES! Trinity decided she didn’t want to dress up as there was no Chococat or princess but the boys were all over that as were most of the kids. Mom was there to help out with the dressing up. Proof positive that they ARE versatile for ages and sizes. 

Dressed up

With an angel

By the time everyone was dressed up Mike got there from his conference (on the bike) and church was ready to start. Hugs all round and then up to sit in the sanctuary. The group at the front were adorable. I am so glad we were able to be there for the dedication. We even made it through the whole service, communion and then…

In the front of the church singing

With a sentinel

And some more

Time to finish celebrating the end of Sunday School. I have to say I feel VERY blessed in our choice of church (it was the only ELCICin town and it has been a perfect fit for us!!). I went back after everyone had shook the hand of the minister to chat about how things are going and he took the time to sit in his office and listen to my cry a little, talk about my faith and options and say a prayer together. He has offered to connect me with the minister here in town who is actually a friend of his(!) and if we are ever in town this month and need to talk we are to let him know. 

Mommy and Echo keeping busy during service

He was more than understanding about my need to use only email right now and while he does not have answers for us he has our back in prayer. As several members of our church came up to me to tell me also. Emanuel and Trinity’s teachers (who are sisters) were very hopeful for it all working out for us and willing to ask around about some possibilities in rentals they are aware of. People also came up to inquire about Echo’s health. It makes me feel so good to know that other people are still thinking about her surgery and her recovery. I know that Ken and I are still concerned and will be until she is off the baby aspirin. 

After the Youth ran lunch the kids were outside to play games in the yard. There was everything from a beanbag toss to tug of war to a scavenger hunt. Well more of a litter pick up but they were so proud after! Even Trinity and Echo warmed up towards the end and the time in the sunshine felt so… renewing. 

Throwing sponges soaked in water at the Youth

Tug of war

We said good bye to our church friends and headed out for a run to Michaels for me (I will disclose my purchases there, as small as they are, tomorrow) and then on to Kristen and Fydo’s to grab the cards she had made for the sale (pictures tomorrow) that were hiding under their welcome mat and then… Aunty Karyn at the park! Trinity was beyond excited and as soon as we got parked and changed out of church clothes (all except for yours truly as I managed to forget mine in the hustle out the door) all the kids made a bee line for the park. 

Park time

Visiting with Aunty

Checking out the sand

We played and chatted until Echo decided she was done in the sun and wanted to sit in the van with her water cuppy. Then it was time to say a somewhat tearful good bye to Karyn and head out of town. With tired and done in kids and a baby who felt the ride home was pure torture it was quite the drive. We were all done in… and then there was the added unexpected excitement of a lost dog found on our street that mom and Mike had to take the pound so they could find the owner… and the finding of a patch of torn fur on Gypsy that we can’t figure out where she lost it… 

I am working my way through the first two manga in a new series that I plan to blog about tomorrow as well as another book I am working through during my baths! So those entries to come… We are also starting our USA unit with a focus on Minnesota so I will definitely share my links here too… I am determined to keep our educational ball rolling after all! Keep in mind that I have a few more crafts to complete for the sale… some adventures still to be had AND pet sitting, our anniversary and my birthday to look forward to. While we hustle our buns with the rental hunt I am going to grab everyone moment of joy I can find and hold on tight… and this month I am determined to be successful on ALL fronts!!! 

Grandpa time

This entry was posted on 03/06/2012, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Happy Father’s Day!

So it is that time again… Father’s Day. With the postal strike we were rather limited by what we could do for Ken but we managed… first off – he slept in (actually so did the twins and Echo!! nice!!) and was woken up to a pancake breakfast with a side of bananas and strawberries (frozen fruit for the win from last year).

Breakfast in the chaos

Then the kids gave him a card coloured by Trinity. And a belt buckle their Great Uncle Wayne found for them. He was suitably impressed.

Gift and card

The rest of the day was computer time, no diaper and no poopy potty trainers! All in all a rather relaxing day for our busy Daddy. Still overcast, sometimes rainy so no picnic for today BUT we had company! First Grandma and Grandpa Mike came by for a visit. They brought little critters – Canadian critters for each of the kids which were of a great source of excitement.

Echo's was the only one without a keychain type piece

Grandma stuck around for most of the afternoon to work on a puzzle with the twins which was great fun for them. They had not seen their Canadian grandparents in 2 weeks as they were on their holiday to Ontario.

Puzzles with the grandparents... which means the homeschool area table is now OFF LIMITS until the boys get tired of their puzzle... or finish it!

During that time Chris and Chris stopped by on their way home from Comic-Con bearing gifts!! Something rather spectacular for Trinity – a poster with ALL the signatures from the actors on the series The Guild. Trinity fell in love with their first music video – Do You Want To Date My Avatar when she was a tiny thing. Even now she enjoys the video. They personalized it for her and everything!

For Ken for Father’s Day – a gift from one of his favourite webcomics – Looking For Group. The statue is of one of the main characters – Richard, a favourite of both Ken AND (she) Chris.

With his bunny...

AND a fireball

And for myself, a birthday/anniversary gift – Volume one and Volume two of one of my favourite webcomics – Girls With Slingshots. Personalize inscription WITH drawings! I so wish I could have gone there and met her myself!

Volumes one and two!

Signed! Seriously I am fangirling here...

And to top it off a bag from ANOTHER of the webcomics I follow!! Least I Could Do! These are images from the Sunday special comics that are put out every week… sort of a Dennis the Menace theme of the main character when he was young.

Another of the comics I read RELIGIOUSLY

Very wonderful and sweet gifts. And a visit as well, definitely a good day. The kids are still rather wound up what with us being home as much as we are. I am hoping to get us all out at least once this week upcoming. Karyn came by in the evening to show us HER stash from the Comic-con including images drawn by artist of Tiny Sheep! You should be able to see them on the Fat Sheep blog by tonight or tomorrow. I am completely sold on going next year… with Ken and the girls in tow. Trinity getting herself drawn would be sooo much fun!

We have a new addition to the Fat Sheep family tree – did you know Petite Sheepette has an identical twin? Ok well not QUITE identical (she is resplendent with a blue collar) I have been told her name is Bitsy Sheep. The kids are VERY impressed by their similarities… We so need a Sheep family portrait!!!

Twins just seem to... fit in in this house

Now I need to get to work and dig out ALL my ribbon supplied, there is a specific plastic bag with the ribbons from the girls’ dresses so I can make them each a headband (Echo) or barrette (Trinity) to match their dresses for Chris and Chris’ wedding. I am also in charge of making bows for the wine glass centrepieces for the tables (once they get me the ribbons). I do love a pretty bow. Back to musical boxes!

Ken and his girls... now go check out those webcomics... although they ALL have mature content!!!

This entry was posted on 19/06/2011, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Ending the Week With Some Good Stuff to Share

Yet another week is coming to an end here in our new home. Another relatively overcast week sadly but we are settling in nicely. Echo officially has her crib set up in her corner of our new bedroom with screen in place. I FINALLY get to use her adorable crib set… a Superstore purchase before she was born. Now to clean AROUND the crib and make our room our own.

Echo's corner

So very cute!

We moved on to our next chapter. Louis the swan is determined to redeem his father by paying BACK the store for the trumpet (thank goodness).

Completed pages

After our story the boys chose their activities… a bit of sun came out so Zander jumped for the chance to head out and play on his bike in the backyard.

Helmet and all

Gavin chose to go the math route and get back to work on his book. He REALLY wants to move onto the grade 2 book as soon as he can. With Echo supervising of course.

Math with a supervisor

I actually had to make her standing toy TALLER! What a milestone! Note the jaunty little bow that she is wearing – it was a gift from her Canadian god-parents for Christmas this past year. She is growing bit by bit all round.

Standing tall

It feels good to start moving back into our homeschooling more rigorously. The plan is to start out look at Canada on Monday – it won’t be hugely in depth, they ARE only 7 and I don’t have a local library card yet but we do have quite a few resources that I purposely packed where I could find them right off.

Chris and Chris stopped by briefly on their way into the city for Comic-con. I REALLY wanted to go this year but we just couldn’t swing it with cost AND how busy we are right now settling in… next year I want to go for sure! They will be stopping by on the way back on Sunday as well. It has been a while since we have had a visit with them, and their move end of the month will have them closer to Saskatchewan and further from us!

I have arranged the livingroom to my own satisfaction… mostly! The sofa is turned, the baby area set up… though I need to put blankets along the fireplace. The netbook has its place of pride on the desk. I just need to find the bag for the pieces of the kitchen table…

Finished sitting area

Ken took the 4 bigger kids on a walk around the block after supper in the limited sunshine we have had. They came back with one dog poo shoe (Emanuel) and a scraped knee (Trinity) but happy kids ready for their baths and bed.

Out on the walk

We got our Anniversary dinner today – nothing extremely fancy, just KFC… but Ken caved and got the Double Down… soooo bad for you! I am sure in July Ken and I will get a more special meal but for now we are together and having dinner and that is what is the big thing.

KFC for 2

Oh I have to say – Cousin Veronika – PASSED!!!! And apparently her Audrey Hepburn themed photo shoot went swimmingly also! I am so proud and so glad I volunteered. I definitely have a greater appreciation for how difficult it is to make someone look good for a specific reason. On she goes to the next course on Monday!

Now for tonight I have the urge to get this basement going. After all Kathy is coming to visit next Friday which  gives me a concrete reason to hold onto to make this tidying a reality.

The best image sent to me by Chris and Chris from their first day at Comic-Con... Night Elf ready for fishing! WoW anyone?

This entry was posted on 17/06/2011, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments