Tag Archive | Anthony

Summer Baby Showers

Yes, plural! I was lucky enough to be invited to 2 baby showers this summer… one with the gender known, the other not. Shandai and Ravyn were celebrating their upcoming baby at Ravyn’s parent’s house. A new cousin for my 5! They are pumped, mainly Trinity and Echo. But, a new family member is always cause for excitement. IMG_20170617_174434_958


I made sure to make baby something special. Though MANY of my fair pieces were also slated to go to baby. IMG_20170617_174534_475

The other shower we were invited to was also a first baby… baby girl! Of course, as I get closer to current you will see pictures of the little darling. Darcy hosted, so of course we came early to help (it was a last minute venue move). The guys made themselves scarce until it ended and the kids had a blast outside. 20170603_144344


post party slouch

post party slouch


As with my new unknown darling, I made baby girl a little something something as well. Both sets of gifts were well received which warms this crafter’s heart. 20170603_130554


Anyway – keep an eye peeled for the baby pics later. Darcy has been very sweet about sharing her time with Sophia’s baby with me. 



MY baby and my other baby/god son

MY baby and my other baby/god son

They were just too cute together. Had to share BOTH pictures. I really love the whole Novak family, but Anthony has a special place in my heart.

They were just too cute together. Had to share BOTH pictures. I really love the whole Novak family, but Anthony has a special place in my heart.

This entry was posted on 16/11/2017, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

Week 3 of Honest Photo Month

Welcome to week 3 of this lovely experiment. I hope it has been enjoyable to watch.

Day 15IMG_20170915_183456_147

Remember day 4 and the day glow look? Well all that hard work is visual for me every Friday night. I do R.I.P.P.E.D. class and then it is date night. It took 13 years before we could afford and coordinate a weekly date. This has been amazing for our marriage and been fun to go from sweaty to this…

Photo credit to Ken.

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Day 16IMG_20170916_200508_124

My family is far from us and Ken’s immediate are in Florida but we have created a family besides. One of our favourite things to do is to take our god son out for dinner. Today his parents and youngest sibling joined us. We are blessed to have so much love around us.

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God Son!

Day 17IMG_20170917_165154_873

I am sure there is some deep metaphor about my life in this one… but really this is just how progress looks in our house. We have been planning shelving for months. Today Ken and the kids took the plunge and while I napped they stripped out our mismatched shelves and Ken got busy. Reorganizing books is educational right? Cuz guess what we are doing tomorrow! Bam! 5 kids, 5 somewhat willing workers.

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Zander says we have too many books it is like a library… LIKE??? I may be a wee bit offended.

Day 18IMG_20170918_162909_320

It may have been overly ambitious, my idea of 5 sets of semi willing hands… but here is my Monday. Surrounded by literature, dust, school items, and whiny children.

Echo had the audacity to suggest we have too many books!!! I call alien abduction cuz… no such thing!

Photo credit to Ken who bravely worked from home today. And only came up to periodically laugh at me.

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Day 1920170919_152406

And honestly… many days of my life are honestly boring… or at least the re telling of it is. And then cutest lunch bag I splashed out $12.00 on appears and becomes the newest yarn project bag cuz TOTORO!!!! So… I admit it… love anime… love yarn… love a deal… love you all!

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I may have bought Echo a “gift” of a small size rake so that she could “play” with the leaves… in a fashion that ends with cranky 13 year olds filling leaf bags… maybe…

Day 20IMG_20170920_182649_011

The honest truth is I am trying to instill healthy patterns in all my children. So when the little kids have choir and confirmation isn’t on yet I drag the twins to the YMCA.

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And this is what they were really doing… trotting along while they game against each other… so we both win? Or did I lose?

Day 21IMG_20170921_174017_379

Sometimes we just… sit. With the weather yo-yoing cold and hot we are really not hugely motivated. But story time is always welcome!

And there you have it, my messy life… Check out weeks ONE and TWO.

This entry was posted on 21/09/2017, in Uncategorized. 2 Comments

The Appearance of April

April holds Trinity’s birthday. And spring. Both worth celebrating. Don’t forget Easter and sunshine and Grandma’s visit. Wow was April ever a fun one! AND a lot of it you already know… Click on the words above that will bring you to each event.

Easter display at church

Easter display at church

Trinity had her first Communion class.IMAG0927

We had a super special opportunity to try out a local put put golf place that was closing down after decades of service. Renee and Christopher had gone there, and I think Ken as a child. So it was a fun way to get our kids in on something they remembered. Even though it was rather cold. 20170429_150716



Renee lining up her shot.

Renee lining up her shot.



We went from the golf course to a soda shop. Not just any soda shop: Blue Sun Soda & Sweets where Renee spoiled the kids with letting them chose one soda each!!20170429_162502




And then time to hang out at the Schwartz’s. With Mystro and all!IMG_20170429_205159_040

With their sodas!

With their sodas!


We have been trying really hard to make Friday night a weekly date night for Ken and myself. Not only to get out for a nice and quiet meal, but to spend quality time on us. This is AFTER my Friday night workout class, so it has been fun to work really hard and then shower and come out pretty and ready for fun.IMG_20170428_223514_550

Ready for class

Ready for class



We have taken full advantage of our time at the YMCA as usual.IMG_20170424_230042_248


IMG_20170401_165706_816And continued our trend of watching our godson kick butt in soccer on weekends.IMG_20170422_222724_464


20170422_200702Trinity has been playing with her camera, and other lovely gifts.DSC00090



April has been a regular month of school, of course. With lots of completions to celebrate. IMG_20170427_110709_315


By Echo

By Echo

Aimee (fellow homeschool mom) and I made it out to a major textile garage sale and found some gems.IMG_20170422_174400_404
We rode bikes and visited the local park.IMG_20170425_144820_302
Found some early spring flowers.20170425_134545
Of course I snuck in some crafty time.IMG_20170424_230135_558

Crafting in the sunshine

Crafting in the sunshine

A good and busy month.

Putting a state study together (Gavin)

Putting a state study together (Gavin)

A new tack board!

A new tack board!

Grocery shopping!

Grocery shopping!

Learning in the sunroom

Learning in the sunroom


Another view of the crew

Another view of the crew