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Curricle & Chaise

I have joined this website that allows people with a Kindle or a Kindle app to borrow approved books for free. Through that medium I found this book by Lizzie Church. Definitely a regency in the Jane Austen sense of the genre and NOT a bodice ripper. The main character is a young woman called Lydia who has lost both her parents. Her father to war and her mother to illness. This left herself and her younger sister Susan alone and basically paupers. So what else is a young woman to do but go to live with family as a poor relative and basically an unpaid companion.

As a poor relative Lydia does not have a lot of freedom with a tyrannical Aunt intent on insuring she “know her place”, an absentee uncle (hiding from the aunt), a female cousin to chatter with and a male cousin to avoid. Enter the love interest and his brother. What I love about this story is that the pace. Though there is a rather jarring encounter with the male cousin I found a little over the top. Though I am sure the author had her reasons for using that particular experience to solidify his character flaws. 

The romance is gentle and of course there are a couple misconceptions on both parts… the locations change through the story and you meet a variety of interesting characters. If you enjoy a CLASSIC regency romance… well this is a definite read. 

Regency Romance

Barbra Annino’s First Novel, a Review

I have downloaded the Kindle app for our iPad and searched through for some free books. After all, with a library card in hand (free here in our area of Minnesota) buying more books in a digital form just isn’t reasonable. Well… I finished one of the freebies… Opal Fire, A Stacy Justice Mystery – #1. This is written by Barbra Annino. The description on Goodreads calls it a paranormal mystery with a splash of romance and a helping of humor. 

I have to say I had the feeling reading this one that there was a whole story or two that I was missing BEFORE this book, though it is a first novel for this writer. The main character Stacy Justice is a decedent of witches and an unwilling practitioner of the art. The book starts with a fire in her cousin Cinnamon’s bar. When the insurance adjuster decides it is arson Stacy starts to dig deeper. 

Not only does she have to contend with a quirky extended family, a current boyfriend (the police chief) a dishy ex boyfriend but also her job at the town paper as a reporter. This is definitely not a book that takes itself overly seriously and honestly for me the solution to the murder was a big surprise.

So if you are looking for a good giggle, a mystery to solve, some magic to experience and lots of witty banter… check out this first in a series! Even with the feeling that I needed a prequel I really enjoyed this one. 

Opal Fire

This entry was posted on 22/08/2012, in Uncategorized. 1 Comment

Winding Down the Week

Winding down the week had us with one busy day (Thursday) and one rather laid back one (today). So let’s start with Thursday and our accelerated morning of schooling… with good reason! We had plans with Gavin’s god-daddy (Cory) to go walking and enjoying the park. We went back to the same park we went to with Nana, Baba and the cousins. This time without suits with the intention to  go for a walk and then heading to the park to play before a picnic. 

Along the path

We are still learning to judge the weather here… so it was a bit of a surprise when the weather turned out to be MUCH warmer than we expected. The kids were not entirely enamoured with the idea of having to go for the walk in the first place. Especially since you park right in front of the PLAY PARK. But we adults persevered and we went around a portion of the walking loop. Emanuel ran to check each sign we passed (I think a grand total of two) and we even had a discussion about how weeds  that are not stopped by being pulled out or poisoned grow to be HUGE. There was a patch of what they at first assumed to be sunflowers that were quite impressive. 

With Mommy

By the time we got to the park it was very clear that the day was nice and warm. So off Ken went to head BACK to the house to collect our swimsuits. I really need to keep those in the van… leaving Cory and myself to supervise the fab 5. While playing in the sand they found a bucket and digging tool. I was so proud of them, since there was no other kids there and no one to claim the toys I said they COULD play with them until someone came to claim them or we left. When that DID occur they were so swift to give it back I didn’t even have to pressure them and Zander said he was GLAD the boy had gotten back his toys. He figured he would have been sad to have lost them. 

The park

By the time Ken returned with the suits everyone was hot and sweaty and ready for water. A quick change into suits later and into the water they went with Cory, myself and Echo standing watch in the wake. 

So serious!

Floating kids

We were just winding down on the play in the water when it started to sprinkle and then POUR! We quickly packed up and made it to the enclosure for lunch – cheese and crackers and meat with grapes and pretzels and juice pouches… yum! And that is where yours truly got her first experience with a (very small in hindsight) leech… on my toe… yes I DID freak… Seriously I am not too enthused about going back to that particular body of water any time soon. I HATE bugs. But I am proud of myself, I managed to keep my freak out mildly quiet and Cory was able to help me get it off my toe but EWWWWWW and thankfully NEITHER of the guys laughed at me… seriously totally NOT funny. 

In out of the rain

Anyway… once we ate, got changed and the kids did some running around at the park we were more than ready to head home. Not surprisingly Echo, Trinity, Ken, Cory and myself all ended up having naps. A great pick me up so that we were all ready for our next planned event… a bbq with Nana, Baba, Ann and Gary (family friends), Cory and his girlfriend Karen (not with a y). The kids ate early and watched movies and we visited well into the evening. It was a GREAT day!

Getting to know Karen, spinning the rubber jacks

Everyone was well worn out and I think we all woke up a little later than our norms. Not a bad thing at all! So today I had the boys look at a great FREE app I found while looking for an app on the Mars rover Curiosity. It is called Spacecraft 3D. There are two vehicles you can try out but we only got around to Curiosity. You have a sheet you need to print out that your camera focuses on and PRESTO you can play with Curiosity! I cannot wait until they add MORE vehicles. 

VERY cool

Another fun app we have on our iPad is the Skyview Free which superimposes the stars on what you see through your camera… and Starlight. This one is doubly neat as you can click on the planets or stars and read a blurb about them as well! Starlight is 99 cents (I think I got it on a free day) but Skyview is as it says… free. I love hunting for free apps… there are some real hidden gems. 

What else is there to do on a Friday with all our friends busy or at work? Well pack the family up into the van and do a little shopping. First a garage sale with a boardgame find and 5 matchbox cars. 3.50, so a good deal for all. Then off to Michaels to pick up some more of the needed list. AND to check the clearance section and find a hidden gem… a Dr. Seuss themed educational felt board set. 3.99 instead of 12.99. Then Walmart to get Echo’s birthday dress (3.00 photos to be taken on Monday!!)… a dress for Trinity (3.00) a movie (5.00) and erasers (50 cents)… there is a pair of jeggings (seriously!) for Echo BUT we realized halfway from home we got charged full price on something that was marked 1.00. Ken will go back for that later. 

Trinity trying the letters out

So I think we bought ONE thing for full price today – a squishy football that Echo fell in love with at Michaels… price… 1.00! Not bad not bad! It is time for a very quiet evening with Nana and Baba off to a movie. I am not sure what all the weekend will hold but there IS a meteor shower in the making I am told and the kids are begging for another lake visit… maybe a different lake to sooth mommy’s bug fearing soul??? Next thing to plan… celebrating Echo’s birth!!! 

I love this picture of Gavin and Cory